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  1. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    I appreciate the practical end of things. Lifting is as much an art or form of meditation for me as it is a science. That said, I think discussing the science at a place like this is reasonable. For some of us, understanding the nitty gritty is interesting and satisfying as an intellectual...
  2. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Hi Jak, So this is part of the tricky thing to understand. I used to talk to NWLifter eons ago about this subject, and I've always been puzzled whether load scales with per-fiber tension or not. Or stated simply, does heavier weight on the bar mean our muscle fibers necessarily experience...
  3. M

    Is Load Progression Necessary For Hypertrophy?

    Howdy guys, not sure how active this forum is anymore but this seemed like the right place to share this article. I feel like Bryan, Blade et al were always sort of my lodestar(s) when it came to interpreting hypertrophy research. So, in playing catch up and looking at more recent hypertrophy...
  4. M

    Long Time No Hello

    Thanks for the replies, guys, glad to still see some people around. Jester, funny question. My strength in general got pretty demolished by having two shoulder surgeries in the same year, and an inability to meaningfully lift for the better part of a year (it's amazing how much my body doesn't...
  5. M

    Long Time No Hello

    I just wanted to say hello to Bryan, Lol, Dan Moore, Sci Muscle, Totentanz, Old and Grey, NWLifter, Blade and any of the other many posters that might still be around. I haven't posted around here again in several years, but I always like to revisit this forum from time to time. It's...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    I love Charlie's references.
  7. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    And he also "clearly" dodged direct questions re: muscle physiology (as are you), generally acted like an @$$ and was rude without warrant to dan in e-mails. Nice guru you have there, Andrew. Maybe it's time to throw the torch in the water, like at the end of Conan.
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    Johnston Rep Method

    Seriously though, invite Hahn here, it'd be funny
  9. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Tell Fred Hahn to post here and explain exactly why it's nonsense. Dollars to donuts says he'll come off looking totally ignorant about the subject (mostly because he's a know-nothing). I'm still reminded of the latter comment I just made - very "philosophy of bodybuilding" stuff...
  10. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    I'm beginning to think that nobody in IART has any background in muscle physiology at all. It's all "philosophy of bodybuilding" ala Vince Basile or Arthur Jones. Common sense, analogies, anecdote etc.
  11. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    This thread is kind of silly :\ It could have been interesting had certain parties (read: Johnston) chosen to actually discuss and respectfully debate their ideas. Instead of running away like scared little girls. Just a thought.
  12. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    "For your edification... did you know scientists still say bees can't possibly fly. Their aerodynamic make-up prevents it. Hmmm, then why do I see bees happily buzzing around? Guess someone forgot to tell them. " Scientists never said they couldn't fly, they just weren't sure how they...
  13. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Okay, I'm thinking about the structure of muscle. Now, can you answer my question?
  14. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Maybe Ashortt can explain BDJ's magical muscle physiology: Are motor units recruited progressively towards the center of a muscle as it contracts, Andrew? Do you have any empirical evidence to support this claim?
  15. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    I hate to have to even make this point, but you do realize that in the history of bodybuilding, approximately 29387592579827598275982 people have made outrageous claims or anecdotes about how <insert newfangled miracle> adds miraculous inches to <some body part>, right?
  16. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    And I would argue you're probably right BUT we still have to worry about "balance" in terms of assuring strength throughout the entire ROM of an exercise. So, say you did chins or pullups in only the stretch half indefinitely BLOWreps style. Would that work well? Probably. However...
  17. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    But if one simply recommended (as I did in BLOWreps) to "use a weight that allows 8 minireps in the stretch zone followed by 8 minireps in the pump zone," isn't this automatically taken care of? I.e. if you find yourself too fatigued after doing the stretch half to get all the mini...
  18. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Well, technically, if you read my guidelines for BLOWreps, I noted you could do it in literally any order you wanted. That said, by default, I'd invest the most energy into what would theoretically give you the most payback, i.e. the stretch portion. I don't buy into the pre fatigue crap other...
  19. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    My ability to detect sarcasm online isn't so great
  20. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    It seems BDJ is still talking trash on his inner cult circle, and has said that BLOWreps would "only benefit a powerlifter" due to the short TUT and that I wasn't thinking outside the box. It should be noted that my recommendations were 8 half reps for the stretch AND pump halves of...