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  1. H

    I want to be a Black Bear

    I guess the bears must be in ketosis while they hybernate.
  2. H

    CNS and muscle

    Well first of all I don't think that the notion of TUT is so important in HST. The most important is really to increase the load. For instance the general guideline is to do 2 sets throughout the cycle, which reduces the TUT by a factor of 3. However, a lot of people try to keep the number of...
  3. H

    tired of being embarrassed

    I take proteins, vitamins, and creatine, and an ECA stack when I cut.
  4. H

    tired of being embarrassed

    slingblade, I understand that you hesitate to start training again. But you know, bodybuilding has gone a long way in 15 years. There are many training systems which are effective now (HST, DoggCrap, Max-OT, DFHT..). What's more diets have also evolved. Low carb diets have proved their...
  5. H

    when do you decide to cut?

    The way I look at it, I have to loose the fat I have to loose anyways. The question is whether doing long bulk/cuts is more effective than short ones. If there is no real difference, I'm better off doing short cuts more often and keep a low bf. In my experience, there is no real disadvantage...
  6. H

    what happens on your 15-10-5RM day?

    Do you know what causes this difference? Is it because of the RBE? Do we decondition faster to very heavy loads or something like that? I would have thought rather the contrary from what I had been able to understand. The more advanced you are the more conditionned you tend to be, the more you...
  7. H

    what happens on your 15-10-5RM day?

    Anyways I wonder if it's really usefull to measure the 10RM and the 5RM since our strength is likely to have changed in the meantime - in fact 6 to 8 weeks in we include the SD -. It's probably as accurate to determine the 10RMs after having done our 15RM workout ( last wo of the 15s I mean )...
  8. H

    what happens on your 15-10-5RM day?

    I was just wondering about this: wouldn't it be possible to extrapolate the 10RM from the 5RM and the 10RM? Could we say that it's the average of the 2 or use some formula?
  9. H

    CNS and muscle

    What I mean is that either HST is optimal either it is not when you're on gear. To go back to a split you have to find arguments suggesting that it works differently than if you are on gear. It seems that you absolutely want to increase volume because your recovery abilities will be higher. But...
  10. H

    CNS and muscle

    Yeah it's always the same principles.. unless it works differently for people on gear. It is not impossible in fact since people on steroids grow because of testosterone, and not IGF-1.
  11. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    From what I can understand, you can't do more reps because of ATP depletion.
  12. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    I don't see why you say that those who do splits go to failure. Most of them don't. As for what causes muscle failure, from what I understand it is the lack of ATP. Fibers fatigue because of that, more and more fibers have to be recruited until not enough strength can be generated to lift the...
  13. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    From what I understand, it is the muscle fibers which fatigue. So the nervous system has to recruit more and more fibers to do the job if you will. This continues until the point where not enough fibers can be recruited to lift the load.
  14. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    I'm not sure I understand your question. Those why train once a week are trying to optimize hypertrophy and strength at the same time. However the frequency they use is more determined by their nervous system recovery than by their muscles, since the muscles recover much faster. As for your...
  15. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    This is it. You can try it very easily. Do like 10 sets to failure for your biceps, and try the next day, you will see that you will be weaker. The body can recover quite quickly in my experience, if you are not very severily overtrained. If you train with the dual factor theory ( load/deload...
  16. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    2 weeks ago before I deconditionned I became overtrained. This had not happened to me in a long time. I was training 3 days on/1 off while cutting on a low carb. It left me really exhausted and I felt I was even a bit sick. I stopped because I prefered to deconditionn right away. 2 days later I...
  17. H

    Hst help for rookie

    I suggest you take more than that.
  18. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    Of course you have the localized overtraining of your muscles, and the general overtaining of the body. If you train your arms a hell of a lot, say 20 sets to failure, it's not gonna make your body overtrain. However, the nervous system of your arms will be so damaged that it will take some...
  19. H


    Don't hesitate to increase the volume if you feel it's easy to recover.