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  1. C

    how to get harder muscles

    This is completely anecdodal evidence, but I believe that to an extent, muscle "firmness" or "hardness" has a strong genetic component. For example, my BF is pretty low, most people consider me "cut." This gives me the look of muscularity. When any of my muscles are...
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    Ok, this is it...

    Nice, O&G. Reeaaaal nice.
  3. C

    Setting up my routine

    Just trying to help point you in the right direction. It took me awhile to find most of the info I was looking for. There are some great nuggets of wisdom buried in these forums. It would be great to have a HUGE table of contents in order to make information easier to find.
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    Ok, this is it...

    I too wish you good luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. You are taking some great first steps. One thing that you will discover is that as you learn more about healthy living, you start to realize that there are even more changes you can make along the way. Remember, it's all in your...
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    Setting up my routine

    Pretty much everything you asked is in the forums. A great starting place in "HST for Dummies" thread, that is in the Basic Training section. I also recommend you either read the FAQ, or do as I did and download the Adobe HST FAQ and read it about 5 times. I promise you will learn alot...
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    Dirty Bulking

    BoSox, you made the point I failed to make. I didnt intend to assert that you cant get fat on "clean" foods. I know weight gain ultimately depends on caloric intake vs. caloric expenditure. Reading my post again, I realize I could have stated it better.
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    Where are you from?

    Raised in Fayetteville, AR. I currently reside in Oklahoma City.
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    Dirty Bulking

    First, take a deep breath. Then, decide what your fitness goals are. As for myself, I dont understand the need for a "cutting diet" unless you are preparing for a show. Otherwise, if you want to gain weight, you gotta eat enough calories consisting of the right kinds of food. I take in...
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    Can a bloodtest help

    No problem, let me know about the results of your blood test.
  10. C

    Can a bloodtest help

    Your BMR is the amount of calories you need to maintain your current wt. if you are completely sedentary. Obviously, you arent. There are activity multipliers that are used to factor in your daily activities. Once you obtain this number you can add 300-500 calories to start off with to get the...
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    way back when

    I too, got a little nauseated after my first day of 15 's. On my second day, I rested a bit longer between sets (about a minute) and I was fine.
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    Can a bloodtest help

    The bloodtest you are referring to is to obtain your blood testosterone levels. This is to make sure your levels are high enough to gain muscle. There are many symptoms of low testosterone such as sexual dysfunction, fatigue, depression, inability to gain muscle mass. I'ts easy to get a...
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    getting discouraged

    I'm not sure how old any of you are, but I recently turned 30. I've been lifting on and off for 15 years. I too have been on the old "frustration treadmill." One thing I have learned is that progress is slow for those of us who aren't genetically gifted. You have to realize that most...
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    I'm so smart that i misspelled surgery.
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    The chiropractic exam is a start. However, if it requires medication (anti-inflammatories) or surgury, you'll need the orthopedic doc. If you dont know any athletes personally, I'd call your local college athletic dept. and ask which doctor/clinic they use. Chances are they have a specific...
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    The Recipe Thread !

    Bodybuilder Waffles Here is a recipe that I have used for awhile. I make these waffles at least 3 times/wk. They are pretty good. Ingredients: 1 cup plain oatmeal 1/2 cup 1% milk 4 egg whites 2 whole eggs 1/8 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoons Splenda 1 tablespoon...
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    I use whole wheat pita bread and stuff it with tuna salad and fat free shredded cheese. In fact, just pounded one of those a minute ago. One of the "secrets" to eating healthy at work and on the go is to cook your meals ahead of time. I do most of my cooking on Tues. and Fri. I'll...
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    I am an athletic trainer for a living. Let me preface what I say that it is impossible to tell what exactly is going on with your knee without a proper and thorough physical examination. I can put you in the ballpark. First of all, a chiropractor wouldnt know anything about your knee. That's...
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    Diet during SD

    Just wondering if you HST experts out there reduce your calories during SD to accomodate for the lack of activity. Do you focus on cardio, limit your caloric intake, or rest and keep eating like a madman?
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    Volume/frequency question

    OK. Thanks O&G. I'll probably just stick with the prescribed MWF schedule. My planned workout is as follows: Squat (leg press alt)x2 Leg curl (SLDL alt)x1 inc benchx2 flat benchx1 BO rowx2 chinsx1 shrugsx1 military pressx1 lateral raisesx1 calfraisex2 standing bb curlx1 skullcrushersx1