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  1. S

    HST science for dumb?

    Hey! I wondered if there's anything similar to these kind of books like "HST for Dumb/beginners" etc... simply cuz im from canada and speak french, and i can read all standard english.. but getting into a specific science world of HST, i get lost... so anything slightly easier to...
  2. S

    exercises order

    I'd like to know if my order is optimal to make sure that secondary muscles arent getting fatigued too early or vice-versa heres my workout (1stmuscle/superset muscle): Incline BP/T-Bar Row Decline BP/Lat Pulldown Bi Curl/Skull Crusher Military Press (smith)/Shrugs Seated shoulder press/Squat...
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    Creatine, getting started, and suggestions

    i've read tho that there is no studies showing that the "loading/maitenance" phase are doing a significant difference VS a regular intake every day... thats why i was wondering about what the every day intake should be
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    Creatine, getting started, and suggestions

    so if its a matter of "when we're full" could the amount in g be related to the person's weight? i mean if a 240lbs bber uses 15gms then probaby a 180lbs should use only 10g..
  5. S

    ECA VS Fat burners

    so there are some "EC" tablets already out... and by healthy you mean no anterior health problem such as heart/kidney/etc disease..?
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    ECA VS Fat burners

    so then I'd have to buy ephedrine + caffeine and mix them into some liquid? like 1 tsp of each into a cup of water (??) :confused: thx all
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    ECA VS Fat burners

    but from what i've read.. i'd have to make my custom stack..?? like buying pure ephedra + caffeine powder and some aspirins..??
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    ECA VS Fat burners

    how would you compare ECAs stack and fat burners (lipo 6, san tight,etc..) would you say those are the same?? if not, which one would you advocate,etc..
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    Bulking on low carb with a fat burner

    so basically, drinking 1-2 cups of coffee (instead of fat burnerS) on empty stomach then incline threadmill (Brise walk) 20-40min is like best the optimal way to lose fat?
  10. S

    Did I blow my 1st HST cycle!

    true.. same i read about the "2 sets of 5s for both wks" then the "2set then 1set of 5s" and the "3 sets of 5s for both" and the answer i got was that its a matter of how you feel it!
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    Creatine, getting started, and suggestions

    so you'd say that PWO, 5g would be enuff?
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    Creatine, getting started, and suggestions

    I saw a lot of "take ~5g/day" here... and i've been told that no studies shown that doing the loading and mainteannce phase induce significant changes... and for be, I've been told to usually get around 10-15g/day on workout day and ~10g/day on non workout days... is all that too much...
  13. S

    really worth the 15s??

    allllrigh! thx everybody! cuz i know the 15s were for the joint, and i thought they were also there to prevent any soreness to the following heavier workouts.. and is doing only 1 week of 15s enuff? cuz somebody wrote earlier that 3 days was enuff..
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    really worth the 15s??

    okay but is the lactic acid supposed to simply reduce the soreness after every workout? since my joint didnt really suffered last cycle so..
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    really worth the 15s??

    are the 15s really used to avoid getting sore for the next heavier weeks? im abou to start my 2nd cycle now.. so i wondered if it really worth it! thx
  16. S

    HST and creatine??

    so.. is pure creatine is the same as monohydrate?? since i heard that the best quality creatine will create less water retention
  17. S

    HST and creatine??

    I'm now looking on creatine and I was wondering few things.. -when to use it, during the day? -Should i take some even on non-workout day? if so, how much? -How much do you pay for high quality (most pure, or so) creatine? since i heard so many people saying different things here and there, i...
  18. S

    5 rm+

    just to make sure.. for the 5RM+ 2 week block, we are using our heaviest weight (just like the last workout of the 5RM) for the whole 2 weeks? or are we doing it like the 2 previous weeks, with increment? thx all!
  19. S

    shoulder seems lacking..?

    well.. i thought i shouldnt workout more than 1 exercise for small muscle group (according to the FAQ)... thats why i played only with the db press... otherwise, i might add cable lat-raise... and i thought i should always stick with the same exercise through all my cycle.. :confused: lol i ve...
  20. S

    ur best middle back exercise?

    thx for all ur replies! yet the T-Bar underhand is probably my pick! i'll have ot give it a try!