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  1. L


    can you touch the floor now ? hehe i whish there could be a pill like that streching is so boring and not comfortable it hurts just to think about touching the floor with my leg straight ! what kind of streches did you make ? The problem with my flexibility is affecting how i can lift i think...
  2. L


    Hi everyone, Where can i find a good general flexibility training for the most important part of ure body, i want to increase my flexibility, im one of the most un-flexible person i know its awful, it gives me problem doing squats or deadlifts, and its just not good in life in general. Id like...
  3. L

    alternate A/B split evrday VS fullBbdy split

    well the frequency remain the same... when you do a full body workout you are doing A AND B in one workout, each group has different muscle group , so you still have 1 day of rest between each time youre gonna work the same muscle... ? is there any research about this ? my friend told me that...
  4. L

    alternate A/B split evrday VS fullBbdy split

    its not really am/pm split its more like day 1 - groupe a , day 2 groupe b , day 3 groupe a , day 4 groupe b , etc ... each group works different muscles ? ure saying that the only reason it might be better is because you have more energy since the workout is shorter thus you could end up...
  5. L

    alternate A/B split evrday VS fullBbdy split

    Ok i was talking with a friend and he was telling me that working out everyday with different muscle group alternating ( monday upper body , tuesday lower body , etc... for example ) is better than working out full body once every 2 days ... i remember seeing here that it makes no difference...
  6. L

    Cluster training

    no matter how you put i cant seem to think otherwise that clustering isnt has effective for certain situations... If i need to lift 100lbs 15 times and i do it in 1 set, I could have done it by clustering, like 5 sets of 3 rep each, but something i could have lifted 15 times in 1 set, if i do...
  7. L

    Critique my workout please

    of course i do it hst like , but this time im trying something new, instead of increasing everyworkout i repeat same weights and do bigger increases every 2 workout if i remove vertical leg-hip raise AND situps then im not gonna have anything that works my abs. wrist curls and reverse wrist...
  8. L

    Strength, Mass, and Alcohol

    I use to go out every week end and sometimes during the week with my friends ( especially during summer ) before i started getting more serious about weight training and finding out about hst, now i almost never go out, i dont like going clubbing and not drinking, its just boring, and going on a...
  9. L

    Critique my workout please

    hi, When i started hst i weighted ~ 135lbs, at the end of my last hst cycle i weighted 158lbs. Now after SD i weight 152lbs ( i went to cuba for 2 weeks the food was HORRIBLE, couldnt find good food with proteins in it ... ) so here is my workout in that order : Lever 45° Leg Press Lying Calf...
  10. L

    Idea...and opinion needed

    maybe smaller increase every workout would be a little more better for strenght ( but still good for hypertrophy) and bigger increase every 2 workout would be better for hypertrophy but less better for strenght... ?
  11. L

    Idea...and opinion needed

    I tried this method and it works ok, I like it better than normal HST and i will continu using it, but the only problem i have is that when going from 10 reps to 5 reps my maxes are very close, i can go pretty heavy with 10s but when i get to 5s there is no room to increase every workout so i...
  12. L

    Eat Fat or skip meal ?

    Man, this sucks, i should have known this before. it would have made my life much easier... So its better to eat AT maintenance using junk food or whatever means you have at hand to reach ure maintenance level ( junk food etc ) Instead of skipping and be under maintenance... And when going over...
  13. L

    Eat Fat or skip meal ?

    Hi, Now that i workout im trying to have a clean diet ( lots of protein, good fats, slow carbs etc ) but its not always easy, sometimes i dont eat much during the day because i skip some meals for different reason. Im wondering if its better to skip a meal that has alot of fat/carbs and low...
  14. L


    id like to know this too, i just started my 5s , and i want to get the most out of it, do i do pulsing before or after drop sets ... i used to do drop sets, isnt it the same ? puts metabolic stress ? which is best ? ( sorry dont want to hi-jack this post :) )
  15. L

    What can i do to increase arm size ?

    well actualy im already doing compounds... i do pulldowns and add pullups during the 5s i also do seated back rows i do bench and flys... all the other cycles i did dips but im not doing them this cycle. and like addy said, i feel like all my body is starting to grow out of proportion compared...
  16. L

    What can i do to increase arm size ?

    It really annoys me that my arms grow so slowly compared to the rest of my body, and im not getting any stronger too ( or just a little ) , all this is especialy true for my biceps. this cycle what im doing in addition to all the compounds , i do : - standing bicep barbell curls with cable...
  17. L

    What can i do to increase arm size ?

    It really annoys me that my arms grow so slowly compared to the rest of my body, and im not getting any stronger too ( or just a little ) , all this is especialy true for my biceps. this cycle what im doing in addition to all the compounds , i do : - standing bicep barbell curls with cable...
  18. L

    Truth about low intensity cardio?

    I dont belive this anymore, but a few years ago i remember my gym coach used to tell us that in order to start burning fat you need to be doing like 40+ min of jogging and then you start to burn more fat...
  19. L

    Insoles in shoes weaken muscles?

    Hi, I recently saw this : My lower back starts to hurt a little after a while of running, thats why i do bike for cardio instead, i dont want to risk making it worst for when i get older even tho the pain is light( im only 23)... so anyways i saw this ad and i though...
  20. L

    Various Bench Presses

    would inclined bench press + machine seated flys be a good combination ? im doing flat bench + machine flys right now, Will i lose strenght if i switch for inclined bench press ? i know i can lift alot LESS with inclined, i wonder why,