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  1. L

    best sources of protein

    Wow all this is very usefull, id love to see a similar thread on Carbohydrate sources... anyone know where i can find this ?
  2. L

    Carbohydrates Threa

    hmm thoses seems pretty good, but i dont think they are available in canada i checked their website... :confused:
  3. L

    Carbohydrates Threa

    Things id like to know for example are : I know in general you should avoid fast absorbing carbs, but what are they, which are worst? Sugar i guess is the worst, how about starch? fruits, pasta, rice... Is it true that when you eat alot of carbs in one meal, because of insulin, your body will...
  4. L

    Carbohydrates Threa

    Hi, It seems today like there is a new trend, low carb nutrition, its been around for a while but when you start to hear ppl on the radio telling you to not drink more than 2 glass of juice/day, you know it gone mainstream. I did some research a bit on the internet but its not easy to find...
  5. L

    Is my diet ok ?

    Hi, thanks for the replies, I wasnt aiming to gain muscle and lose fat even if it would be nice, i was more aiming to gain muscle without gaining fat (slight difference)...Why? Simply because its summer and im kinda skinny and i have a small belly ( i dont know why but all the fat on my body is...
  6. L

    Is my diet ok ?

    Hi, id like to know what i could do to improve my diet. Im trying to gain muscle without fat ( the best would be to gain muscle and lose fat). I take 1 day off between each workout. Breakfast : usualy im always in a rush in the morning, i take 2 slice of 100% whole wheat bread + 1 slice of fat...
  7. L

    Falling asleep after eating

    im 22 and have been working out for 3 months now with vitamine, protein and creatine supplement... On weekend i usualy sleep alot more, i love to just go to bed and wake up by myself . but during the week i have to get up hurly to go to work and i come back late, i said 5h30-7h30 but id say most...
  8. L

    Falling asleep after eating

    Hi, i know that after you eat , u might feel a bit sleepy... well since college this has been a major problem for me, and now im sleeping at work too... After lunch is the worst, i go to my desk and im not very productive, in fact i litteraly sleep, sometimes i have to go to the bathroom sit on...
  9. L

    Eating in the evening

    how do you know if a food is a "slower" protein or not ? aside from whole bread...
  10. L

    Good fast foods ?

    PS: why do i often see ppl saying to avoid white bread ? white bread stats arent so bad ? high card , medium protein , low fat .... anyways, whenever i can i replace white bread with brown bread.But ive never saw a smoked meat on brown bread... The main reason why i would go eat fast food is...
  11. L

    What Causes Soreness

    right. sorry bout that :confused:
  12. L

    Good fast foods ?

    Well since im training im avoinding junk food as much as possible . I dont bring lunch and my office is surrounded by junk food restaurants, for the past week and a few days ive only been eating either a grilled chicken sub at subway , or very lean smoked meat sandwich( its really lean, makes it...
  13. L

    What Causes Soreness

    if i dont feel sore the day after the workout does it mean that i could have workedout alot harder ? My first workout i felt sore on my whole body , now after workouts im very very little sore... I tried to workout pretty hard my last workout to see if i could get soreness the day after (...
  14. L

    What Causes Soreness

    How come after you have a long break from working out , and the first day you workout , you get SUPER SORE , but if you continu working out daily you dont get sore anymore ( or very very little soreness ) ? arent the muscle still ripping ?
  15. L

    Fastest way to gain for beginner is ?

    hey viper, i think u didnt read my post well, or maybe i wasnt clear :) either way, like i said , So for the first month im not doing any cycle , im just doing the same routine 3-4 time a week. Hopefully to gain mass en strenght, then after that 1 month of training im going to start HST , i...
  16. L

    Fastest way to gain for beginner is ?

    hey , thanks for your replies, I started working out for a little more than 1 week. I decided that i was going to workout for 1 month at least without HST, just to get stronger. So what i do is for each exercise i do 2 set with 8 - 10 rep , each muscle is worked 2 time per workout , so i do...
  17. L

    alcohol effects on workout

    i dont remember where ,i think its somewhere here , i saw someone say that as long as there is alcohol in ure system your body will use it as fuel first , thus replacing all the other nutriment and store them thats why u can get a beer belly if u drink beer alot or something... Anyways , i...
  18. L

    Fastest way to gain for beginner is ?

    Well thats cool but see, the thing is jsut right here bourbonboy just suggested me not to do hst and only start it in like 6weeks or so. Some ppl say do , some ppl say dont... some ppl say use creatine some ppl say dont... So im really confused hehe... cuz i dont know much about this stuff...
  19. L

    How many carbs before a person enters ketosis?

    How can you only get 20g of carb per day and still be at or over calorie maintenance level and continu to gain mass? how effective is keto? how much weight (fat) do you lose and how fast ?
  20. L

    Creatine/Whey Questions for you guys !

    Hi, so as i start my first hst cycle , im going to load creatine. I weight 140pounds ~ 63kg. For loading, dose should be 0.3gram x kilogram bodyweight : ~so 19gram Maintenance should be 0.03gram : ~so 1.9gram Q For loading : 1. When do i take the creatine ? 4x5gram during the day ? or 2...