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  1. L

    Benefits of Testosterone !?

    Hi , thanks for responses, I will progessively try to up my calorie intake from week to week like bryan suggested Insane Man, so what you mean is i could basicaly eat at normal maintening level , Plus add some whey protein daily and some E/C + CLA , these would boost calorie intake to make sure...
  2. L

    Benefits of Testosterone !?

    I found this in the faq This is my biggest fear , im starting to workout, i only weight 140 (about 5'9) now and i have a little fat already on my belly, even if im very skinny on my arms, i dont want to get anymore fat, but i want to gain ALOT of mass... because of that im afraid to eat alot...
  3. L

    Best exercises for beginners Please !

    Im trying to set up my routine and im looking at tons of websites that demonstrates different exercises, there are so many, the thing is im a begginer and that i dont want to get injuried, so i wouldnt want to try some of the more advanced things like for example squats, seems to me like i could...
  4. L

    Fastest way to gain for beginner is ?

    Ok so, what ure saying is , do hst , and have a good diet... skip the supplement ? Even creatine ? I think the hardest thing to do is eat well, counting calories and stuff is pretty annoying to me hehe , but im getting in the habit of doing it, i eat less junk food, skip desert and eat a fruit...
  5. L

    Fastest way to gain for beginner is ?

    Hi, im going to start lifting, my goal is to gain mass, as fast as possible.(with as little fat as possible) Im 22, 5'9 , weight about 140-145. Im pretty skinny ( but i do have a little belly ) Is HST going to help me ? I mean since im a noob, i might as well go lift weight 5 days a week...
  6. L

    Protein and Calories , newb Q

    thanks for the answer, do i need to take these drink like imediately before/after ? does it really make a difference ? Is it possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time ? Do i need to change my eating habits ? How much protein do i need ? arent carbs bad ? there like sugar no ?
  7. L

    HST vs MAX-OT

    I found this , some people refered me to this... which one do you think is best ? ( especially for novice first time ) has anyone tried it ?
  8. L

    Protein and Calories , newb Q

    I want to gain alot of muscular mass, Im 22 , weight 145 , 5'9 tall . Im pretty slim except for my belly i have a small belly and since im very slim it shows a bit more . So i understand that to gain mass u need calories and protein , im not into much of that powders and special drinks and...