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  1. J

    complex vs simple carbs

    yeah i am interested since it i am getting tired of eating so dang much. i have a real fast metabolism so i have to eat rediculous amounts to bulk. do you think the tummy from the simple carbs are from additional calories or the insulin spike? also, wouldn't an insulin spike be better for...
  2. J

    high reps vs. low reps in arms?

    actually, my effects were not simply a temperary pump. they appeared fuller all around the clock. my guess is the increase in glycogen storage, not blood flow. any vets have any answers?
  3. J

    complex vs simple carbs

    when i cut i try to keep on injest simple carbs post workout shake. however, i have heard of some using simple carbs (ie dextrose) to up their carb intake throughout the day. can you use simple carbs to increase your carb intake without large amounts of fat gain? i always thought comlex carbs...
  4. J

    high reps vs. low reps in arms?

    i notice that my arms look fuller when i have lighter weights at higher reps with little rest in between sets. i am assuming this heps to increase glycogen stores within the muscle. i want to have my arms looking as big as possible at all times. am i better off going for maximum glycogen...
  5. J

    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    yeah it says my arms can be 18". i would be thrilled with that! i dont think it is too accurate, as my ankles are sort of out of proportion with the rest of me. keep in mind though, if you are to put another inch or two on your arms, it would probably weigh very little in comparison to...
  6. J

    How long does it REALLY take to get big?

    i put my measurements in the calculator 73 inches tall, 7.5inch wrists, and 9inch ankles. i am a bit dissapointed that size calculator says i can only get to 205lbs at 8%, right now i am 200lbs at about 14%. however it says i can get my arms almost up to 18" so thats cool. is that suppose...
  7. J

    Olive oil

    search for "Udo's Oil"
  8. J

    Help: Need more Calories from Carbs

    pasta, couscous, oatmeal, healthy ceraels (ie GoLean), wheat bread, wheat tortillas, etc. go with pasta if you find yourself getting too full, it has the densest source of carbs.
  9. J

    what would be changed in HST if using AAS?

    researching a 3 week cycle of superdrol. i had success with m1t and have heard that many prefer superdrol over m1t. might give it a shot...not sure yet though, gotta read up more. does bryan have any specific guidelines for changes for when "on"
  10. J

    what would be changed in HST if using AAS?

    what changes would be made to an hst program to get the most benefit while on aas? i am assuming one would workout more often and possibly extend the 10s and 5s since your RM would probably change as the AAS took effect.
  11. J

    Number of Sets or Number of Exercises

    many do (including me) 15s 1 set 10s 2 sets 5s 3 sets all per exercise. towards the end of the 10s and 5s make sure you get the full amount of reps for the first set of each exercise. the sets after the first do not have to be completed in full. they should be stopped a 1-2 reps prior to failure.
  12. J


    well i can tell you first hand. i lifted throughout college and my gains werent that good. i have been out for almost 2 years now and my gains are better than ever. i attribute it to less alchohal for the most part. (and hst of coarse!)
  13. J

    split bulk routine

    i decided to mainly do compounds. i am going with isolations only on workout B to give a little more rest to the smaller muscles. i figure they will still get hit by the compounds anyhow.
  14. J

    it's part of waking up for everybody to wake up!

    as an ex-smoker i am offended... let smokers smoke in peace damnit! god id love a cig right now, ill just deal with this dang nicorette for now...
  15. J

    split bulk routine

    No cardio, I am not a fan of it AND winter is coming ;) I'll start at 500 cals over maintenance and see if I need the bump to 800. I am curious to see others thoughts on doing a split routine 2 times a week each routine, 4 times total a week. Am I better off doing all 6 increments of weight to...
  16. J

    split bulk routine

    I am finshing my SD this sunday and starting a bulk routine this Monday. I plan on doing a split routine, lifting 4 days a week. A (Mon, Thurs) DB Incline Bench Squats Inner Grip Pulldowns DB Shoulder Press DB Lateral Raises (SS) Dips Calf Raises B (Tues, Fri) Wide Grip Pulldowns BB Incline...
  17. J

    Compounds only

    I'm glad to hear that you are trying new combinations of sets... How are we going to find out what works best if no one tries it? Keep us posted joe!
  18. J

    Compounds only

    joe, you are doing an awful lot of sets for an hst program...I'm curious, whats the deal? I found that my arms grow better in the 5's w/ compounds only doing 2 sets per exercise.
  19. J

    incline dumbbell vs incline barbbell for mass

    this is turning into a great thread... I think no matter what you decide to use, you must have variety. I stuck to flat bb bench as one of my core exercises for years and am having better results than ever not using it. Since I started HSt I have been changing between inclinde bb, incline db...
  20. J

    Halfway through second cycle...

    i hear ya...well contgrats again! how tall are you? est. body fat % before and after (i know you didnt use calipers, but est. by mirror) good to hear of another guy making good use of hst!