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  1. C

    protein pulse feeding

    ...what did you use to get 184 grams of protein in one meal?
  2. C

    It will Kill you, creatine that is!

    Ok, but do you know how it works? That is, why would regulating the substance translate into higher profit margins? I mean--you can't sell it if it's banned, or does it simply put up a barrier in order to ensure that only the major players can sell it?
  3. C

    It will Kill you, creatine that is!

    I don't get it--what's in in for big pharm?
  4. C

    How to avoid overtraining

    Yeah, this is the fastest weightlifting workout I have ever done. Granted, I never knew what the hell I was doing--I used to spend maybe 2-3 hours at the gym, doing multiple sets of just about everything, killing myself. with maybe 10 pounds of gains. This workout (I have just started it for...
  5. C

    15's after first cycle?

    What does doing the 15s acomplish? Is it simply to build muscle mass or strength or both?
  6. C

    what gym do you belong to?

    YMCA McBurney 14th St, NYC
  7. C

    what gym do you belong to?

    YMCA McBurney 14th St, NYC
  8. C

    Strength And power training

    i'm 26, and i'm too old for the NBA, but not the YMCA. Thanks for the link, i'll hit it. I play ball on and off year round. I've got a spot shot, and i'm a quick sprinter. But I need to work on everything else.
  9. C

    sexual abstinence and performance

    I always thought this was an urban legend.. I do know, that since I started lifting weights... and I had a.. 'drought' if you will, I became more uncontrollably aggressive and horny. lucky for me, i'm not working out to set records...just feel good and live life. Adding whatever weights in...
  10. C

    Strength And power training

    I was doing plyos...but never saw much results. Maybe I wasn't doing them long enough. From what i've been reading lately...maybe I should be getting up on a balance board. Supposedly, jumping is more of a brain/body connection than anything else. It sort of makes sense from a physics...
  11. C

    Strength And power training

    The thing is, that I'm noticing some gains (it may just be because I'm new to the weight room <6 months) using the 3 day a week strategy of 1-2 sets. Granted, I'm using heavy weights, skipping the 15s, and staying between 5-10. I kind of just like doing leg press or squats on the same days...
  12. C

    Strength And power training

    Is it possible to use the HST method to build strength? I.e. by keeping the same low number of sets and reps but brining in more neurotransmitters (if that's what happens) by simply doing the exercises as fast as you can (explosively)? Basically, I'm pretty skinny.. but I don't really care. I...
  13. C

    Weight Gain From Creatine

    I just want to make sure I have it right. I'm not "cutting", so I can still drink my tea and take creatine right?
  14. C

    Setting up a plan for myself

    also, when you say 60% of my 5rm, do you mean to do a set of 5 at 60% of the last checked 5rm weight? For instance if I bench 120 lbs 5 times, then reduce it to 70 and do that 5 times? Or do 70 (or whatever the weight is) 15 times?
  15. C

    Setting up a plan for myself

    what do you mean by "repeat each weight twice"? and what is zigzagging? and what does "RM" stand for? thanks E
  16. C

    Setting up a plan for myself

    should I just get maxxes for everything I do at the gym--then take 9 days off? i'm still not totally sure how the program works.. is RM reps? how do you figure it all out? If I find out my 15 rm max then won't my 1 rm max be compromised due to weakness? (presuming I do the 15rm first). I...
  17. C

    Where'd you get your username?

    My handle is actually the name of my band. Which I will shamelessly plug Here. The name comes from George Orwell's book HOMAGE TO CATALONIA, probably one of the best histories of the Spanish Civil war against Franco--albeit a one sided one from Orwell's perspective.
  18. C

    Fast Twitch Fibers

    Ok, I just signed up for this forum, and haven't even started doing the exercises... I've always intuitively taken a week off after a couple months of training, and just started lifting heavy weights (as opposed to lighter and more reps) But my question is this. I had read a bit about power...