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    hyperthetical question

    That's is a good question. I can't wait to see a reply. Now that ponders the question to me......will i ever reach that point? I doubt it :D
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    O & G, I am begging you DON"T GO AWAY! Not to take anything away from anyone else, but I follow your posts more closely than anyone elses. You are one of the most sincere posters on this forum. It is very inspiring to see an older feller(and I don't mean that bad) out work us young...
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    how much sugar is ok?

    You gotta remember i am dumb ole uneducated country boy. what is a diuretic effect?
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    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    I think he saw your sig and thought it was referring to him.
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    Old & Grey...your program!

    O&G I don't see anything in here like leg curls. Do you not do anything hamstring wise? Oh, I am not nit-picking your routine, I am just curios. I am seriously thinking about doing this routine next cycle. It looks very promising.
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    Joe, I asked my current doctor about taking DHEA. He said it wouldn't help. But he is kind of against any and all suppliments. I take 25mg everynite before bed. Not sure if it does anything or not. I have no side affects or anything though.
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    Just saying hi

    Keep us posted!
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    Time to put myself out there...

    You have any idea what your BF is right now?
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    Calorie Confusion (need help)

    Coach, Aaron wasn't calling you stupid, that is his SIG(signature). It is under all his posts. It is just a quote by Albert Einstein. Just like Old & Grey has that "Cowgirls save a horse, Ride a Cowboy". b0x
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    determining my true body fat %

    spikehead, I took a permanant marker and put a small dot on my side, so i would measure in the same spot everytime. It does help a little.
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    Time to put myself out there...

    Dude, once again, you make us arkansans look good again!!! I think you are cutting up right nice. And i am pretty dern sure ain't nobody gonna laugh at you. have you been listing to Adam Sander? "They're all gonna laugh at me"? Just kidding. Just keep adding muscle, and you will only...
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    Not sure they are "my personal paradise" however, i don't hate them. Although it is intimidating when the weight on the bar is over my own body weight. When I see that, or see the bar bowing a lil, I am like "do i really have to do these?" But in actuality, that is the only...
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    I have been tempted to try using warm water.
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    how much sugar is ok?

    Shredded wheat cereal is a good alternative. not the FROSTED shredded wheat mind you ;)
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    quick question

    Thanks O&G. That was very informative. I figured that is what it was for, but wsn't 100% sure. I went ahead and ordered me some. Thanks again, b0x
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    quick question

    O&G are you sure about this Vitex agnus-castus? You trying to give me manboobs? Product Description: Vitex has also been called the chaste tree. It has been used by women for thousands of years. Ingredients: Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsule) and magnesium stearate Recommended Use: As a...
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    I'm just curious. I have heard grape juice is good to use, but it has sooooo much sugar in it. I have tried plain old water, and it doesn't seem to disolve, i have even tried cool-aid type stuff and it is a little better. Part of my problem may be the kind i have. next time i buy some, it will...
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    quick question

    Thanks O&G, I believe I will give those a go.
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    Re-Finding Rep Maxes

    now thats a good idea. i never thought of that.
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    Exercises to avoid

    I "use" to have a workout partner that was that kind of spotter. You would look up, and he would be at the water fountain, or checking out chicks.