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  1. L

    Those last 2 inches

    ...and the obvious - you may add lean tissue, which will make the circumference (sp?) the same, while the subcutanous (sp?) layer of fat thinner.
  2. L

    Those last 2 inches

    Supplements are supplements. They won't "fix" you diet, but they'll help you get there. I'd spend more time on my diet/exercise regimen if I were you. UD2 is Lyle's latest diet = Ultimate Diet v 2.0. Check it out!
  3. L

    Those last 2 inches

    I guess you're not a newbie since you've asked Lyle already (did he mention monkeys in his reply ? It kind of worries me that the references to monkeys has dropped in the last few years. Is he going sane ? ). Have you tried jacking up the cardio ? Is UD2 completely out of the question ...
  4. L

    Ephedrine dosing

    Nah, skip the may want to jack up the dosage of cafeine to 200mg, though
  5. L

    Ephedrine dosing

    Heh...I'll down 30mg eph hcl, 300mg cafeine - and sleep like a baby. I got cranky around 150mg eph hcl when I used it to keep me out of bed when I was ill last week. Should've measured my blood pressure ;)
  6. L

    pre/post workout nutrition

    Well, do you really weigh 170kg or 170lbs ? If you're 170lbs, then you should have roughly 75g carbs (lbs/2.2 = kg - kg * 2.2 = lbs) Hope that kind of clears up a little misunderstanding that could quickly lead to obesity ;)
  7. L

    how long can e + c be taken for cycyling off?

    It depends on what you want to use it for. As a stimulant to improve your workout, I think the agreed upon limit is 2 weeks. However, if weight loss is the prime concern, then I would say just use it as long as you want to. While the stimulant effect of EC wears off, the fat burnign properties...
  8. L

    Is there a way to tell if someones is on steroids?

    Depending on the person, the cycle, and his knowledge (or help from knowledgeable people), I would treat a combination of looking puffy, signs of high blood pressure, acne, and rapid growth as a signal. Of course, it doesn't have to be because of roids and some people don't show these signs too...
  9. L

    Slight incline bench question.

    When you get that high you're half way between bench press and military press, so...guess which muscles are worked. And the closer you get to 90 degrees, the more stress you put on shoulders et al.
  10. L

    Slight incline bench question.

    I, too, use only 10-15 degree angle when I do inclines. It seems to put less strain on my shoulders and tric, and it must load the muscle differently from flat as I can handle more weight in dip/decline afterwards compared to flat. When doing incline/decline I get a much better pump too.
  11. L

    Lets talk about diets

    If ketosis is an issue for you, experimentation is a must. Some people react to the carb substitutes (glycerol, isn't it ?) while some don't. Some people react to diet drinks while some don't. If you're doing a TKD, the main issue is to stay in ketosis except for your workout. If you can eat...
  12. L

    Lets talk about diets

    1) Approximately. But...there's not, as far as I know, any real benefits from ketosis, so...If you want to do yourself a favor, buy Lyle's book on keto diets. There are several reasons for that, a) you get the whole picture, b) It's actually a good reference, and c) if Lyle gets paid, Lyle...
  13. L

    Lets talk about diets

    I believe the answer to your question is fuzzier than you would like it to be. The best diet is the one you can stay on for a prolonged period of time, and which helps you stay on a calorie deficit without too much problems. Oh - and it must help you get enough protein. Now, that been said...
  14. L


    Just continue with the same weight as the last workout of regular 5s. At this stage your muscles will be conditioned to the load, and decreasing it without SD'ing won't really help you get to your goal
  15. L

    Could anybody please help here?

    Train like normal, eat less. By training as you were trying to add mass you're setting your body in a mode were it will lose less muscle and burn more fat.
  16. L

    Beginners Forum

    I'm very happy with doing that. I've been working out for the better part of 10 years, and I did warmups on bike/treadmill for 6 months or so. The rest of the time I've started with a few light sets where form was the essential part and then gone heavier. Never really been injured. Just be...
  17. L


    rxd, it seems most people get a too good response to working their abs while on HST and decides to drop direct work. The problem with too large abs is that you end up looking fat...which is no good ;) If you shed enough fat you'll have visible abs. If you do your squats (or any exercise where...
  18. L

    Quality Prohormones

    Let's take that one step further...did you know that test if very effective as a male contraceptive pill ? Even more so than "the pill" ? I'm on dosages (HRT, not dosing myself) that puts me just above the normal range of test, and I feel great! No pimples, no aggression, no stretch...
  19. L

    Drop Sets???

    Drop Sets - explained; they're done instead of negatives, which is good for us who do not have training partners.
  20. L

    Finishing Up My 5's

    You shouldn't need to increase your weights to continue to grow during your 5s+dropsets. Remember that this is just to change the internal miljeau (sp?) in your muscles to help them grow a little more. The idea isn't necessarily to get stronger ;)