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  1. L

    Calling Bryan for some advice!!!

    How low carb are you going ? Keto or just above ? There are plenty of books on zone-ish foods that you can make lower in carbs by using vegetables instead of carb sources. Apart from that...very low carb is very boring, but very rewarding to some people.
  2. L

    Music For Lifting

    Hey - I've got the solution for you; how about a mix of Kenny Rogers and some Polka ? That ought to get your blood rushing (away from your brain to prevent it from going rancid) and get enough hormones running to fuel 10 roid rages
  3. L


    No...a LOT!
  4. L

    ec addictive?

    I don't mean to offend anyone here, but didn't you just give the definition of needing a fix ? You feel miserable, so you need to "unmiserable" yourself by giving the body what it craves...?...
  5. L

    ec addictive?

    Biz, it's your body's way of telling you to give it to me!
  6. L

    ec addictive?

    There are two types of addictions, physical and psychological. What you have to watch with EC, as with any drug that'll give you a boos of some kind, is the psychological. You may end up missing the boost you got even though some of the other properties are still there. In my case I have really...
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    Eating for Size

    I'll leave the juicy parts of this question to the experts - they'll give you a more accurate answer, but for what it's worth: 1. I use Udos Choice for fats, and it works a lot better than hemp or flax 2. Your caloric requirements are, if I'm not mistaken, around 16 cals/pound bodyweight. If...
  8. L

    Where can i buy Calipers in Oslo, Norway?

    jkismul, You want to get the calipers Blade gave you the link to. They're the only ones you can trust that cost less than $1000. And...this is 2003 - get it on the net, ok ? Cheers!
  9. L

    Where'd you get your username?

    Bryan - you forgot to tell us about your own! Mine is simply the English/Germanic name the original norse god of war and bravery. For some reason he lost popularity and the title was given to Thor.
  10. L

    Where can i buy Calipers in Oslo, Norway?

    That will be difficult! Tried myself, but coudn't find any. Your best bet is probably to check with a dietician, but the net is cheaper. Oh - get a pair of slime line calipers. They're really good!
  11. L

    When to start dieting

    You can start anytime you want to. The only difference is what kind of nutrients (how many carbs) your body favors in the different cycles. My plan at the moment is to diet the first week of each cycle, and then diet through the last weeks of 5s. You just have to start when it suits YOU :)...
  12. L

    staying ripped?

    Sex. I want to celebrate with lots of sex if I get ripped - and it's almost like HIIT! ;) Now...where can I find a girl that won't run screaming....
  13. L

    staying ripped?

    I used to have one of those friends who would start every day with a litre of coke and a bag of chips. He used to do this every single day from the age 14 or something and he didn't gain the weight of a feather's worth of fat (he didn't gain muscle either, but...) Now - a couple of years ago he...
  14. L

    How Long Do You Train?

    The time I spend in the gym is usually related to my goal with the session. In order to not get too fat I try to do my "light" week in a circle fashion, and I get two circles done in 30-45 minutes. The heavier workouts are usually 45-60 minutes depending on how heavy I lift and how...
  15. L

    Cottage Cheese

    Guess it's got something to do with the grass on the other side of the fence. Besides - my mom always told me it was good to "experience" other cultures ;) Oh, and...I don't agree with that picture. There is no switch on most guys. We're turned on all the time. :)
  16. L

    Cottage Cheese

    Actually, right now I'm leaning towards "All you have to say is 'when' and I'll clean out a room you can use when you come down here" ;) I'll help you be a kamaki and pick up scandinavian chicks if you help me pick up local chicks. We'd be the dynamic duo!
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    Cottage Cheese me a traight guy who doesn't like good looking chicks who swallow gooey stuff voluntarily!
  18. L

    Cottage Cheese

    Nah, it just goes to prove what the rest of us Europeans have been saying about you guys for the last couple of millennia Just kidding, by the way. You guys have some good looking chicks, so maybe I have to learn how to eat the stuff. Just don't give me that garlic creme fresch, thing...
  19. L

    Why does muscle size decrease when AAS is stoped?

    ...not to mention water retention some idiots believe to be muscle mass, which is literally pissed away the first few days after going off.
  20. L

    fatburner & eca stacks

    "Banned over here" means it's illegal. Ephedrine can be used to make drugs like speed, and hence they've banned it. "Over here" is Australia (oh, and most of the rest of the western world)