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  1. L

    HST while cutting

    Doing all the 15s on one day, 10s on another day, and 5s separate is a good plan. Add 2s too if you're planning on doing them. I wouldn't go to failure, just as close to as I possibly could. I would have a spotter available with instructions not to even touch the bar unless it came crashing...
  2. L

    belt for squats and standing military press?

    Just my couple of cents worth...I'm currently doing 180kg squats which is roughly 2x my body weight. I used to use a belt, but quit when I had it open on me in the middle of a squat - and it took me off guard almost enough to wreck havoc on my back. Now, after working without a belt for the last...
  3. L

    Nicotine versus Creatine...

    Me too...Quit smoking after ~15 years and found the habit was the worst. Tried weaning off, but it didn't work. Tried smoking 'light' cigarettes, but it didn't work. Only when I said 'enough is enough' and kicked it 100% did I manage to stay off, and it was surprisingly easy as soon as I did...
  4. L

    Blades Pics

    Hmmmm...I think I'll need to get my act together before I go back to that lump of ice they call Norway Nice pics, Blade! Oh, and don't call the last few pics "fat", please. You're making fun of my "summer shape"
  5. L

    Some joints make me paranoid!

    The only comment I can really make is that I tried glucosamine when I hurt my shoulder so bad I could no longer lift my sword to the side (5 or 6 kg). It really worked wonders, removed the pain and make the healing process step along faster. While just letting it heal by itself for a few weeks...
  6. L

    Tanita vs. 3-site method

    Tanitas will change according to your hydration. This includes how much and what you ate, when you last urinated, glycogen stores, and how much water you're holding. A 3-site caliper measurement is also only as good as the measurements and the formula. These formulas usually don't work too well...
  7. L

    workout drinks?

    Isn't a total of 140 grams of sugar a little bit in the high end as well ? I'd skip the sugar water right before the workout (or maybe drink it during the workout) and rather try to get the protein shake as close as possible. Then, I think I'd go a little easier on the sugar afterwards...
  8. L

    Reduce carbs to 30% during 5s?

    I'm not sure where this quote is from, but...unless he suddenly wants to drop calories, then something else should be ingested instead of the "lost" carbs.
  9. L

    workout drinks?

    What are you trying to accomplish ?
  10. L

    Reduce carbs to 30% during 5s?

    What he's saying is that since your body doesn't need much carbohydrates during the 5s to preserve strength etc etc, you don't need to eat as much as the other parts of your cycle. That's why you can reduce the total carbs to 30%...
  11. L

    Reduce carbs to 30% during 5s?

    Of your calories. 30% of normal would be a keto diet
  12. L

    Weights for 10s half way between 15s & 5s?

    Yes, I do see the point, but I can't see the big deal ;) Why don't you use three weeks to establish all your maxes, get these three weeks to really shock your body before the SD and then just go with your program ?
  13. L

    Weights for 10s half way between 15s & 5s?

    Why would you want to do that ? Why not just take that one extra session to find your 10s as well ? I'm telling you, it's a *great* workout, and one of the best I do for growth. Near perfect form, good warm-ups, going *almost* to failure etc etc - and then letting the body rest. Why would you...
  14. L

    Why Eat Meat?

    Besides - we were meant to eat meat. We were also meant to eat a whole lot of other things, but we function best on a mixed diet. Why try to do something that's not natural for us ? If you stop culling animals (in one way or another) you'll probably get some sort of crisis at one point that...
  15. L

    Is Primer, Driver and HST Creatine in Australia?

    Simple answer: Nope
  16. L

    Low testoesterone test, what should I take?

    Speak with an endocronologist - you may end up doing what I did, namely go on HRT even though you're within the "normal" range. My doc made sure I'm now in the high-normal range so I feel great. If you're going to play with pro-hormones I'd be more concerned about the health apsect...
  17. L

    Lean mass gains

    You can have my respect, and you can also subscribe to my friendship for $10/week. I'm a whore Now, would you like to expand on what exactly you're eating ? I would believe (but then again, I'd believe just about anything as long as it's being told by a beautiful lady who says it'll get me...
  18. L


    Yes. All diets that reduces you caloric intake works. I, personally, think it's great because my body reacts well to it. Some hate it because of the food choices (among other things), and the science guys says it really doesn't matter if you get adequate protein, and enough calories (though less...
  19. L

    The importance of eating

    Me too! Anything more than two and a half calories above starvation, and I'm gaining! It's not so bad now that I'm on HRT (I've never gained muscle while sitting idle and reading for school before), but...I'd love to be able to have pizza and beer without looking like the blimp the day after...