Search results

  1. S

    Good info for women?

    Right on! Thanks folks, Ill forward the info. BTW, whats HST's own Kate's backgound? Maybe I could send her an IM. Sphinx.
  2. S

    Good info for women?

    Hey all, I have a gf who is wanting to learn more about fittness and health. Unfortunately what little I know isnt what she looking for! LOL She is looking for info on proper eating, training, supplementation, ect. Her goal is general fittness and strength, not hypertrophy specifically. Im...
  3. S

    Reputable places to buy online

    What sites are good reputable places to by supps from? I usually just buy local but its now become inconvient for me. I want a place that has good selection, prices, and secure. Any links? Sphinx.
  4. S

    Best and Cheapest Protein Powders !

    Is HSN the best place to buy Primer+ and Driver+? I would imagine so, but ask the question none the less. Sphinx.
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    Favorite far

    Ive enjoyed the HS also, but try to use free weights instead. This is do to the fact that free weights are thought better than machines. Where is this razzors edge drawn? Is there a basic guideline to use when deciding the use of machines or free weights? I like to switch things up but have...
  6. S

    What does your pre and post nutrition look like?

    Forgive me, but...what are known foods/drinks with glucose? Any place sell plain glucose? *I have a feeling Im going to go "DOH!" when I get my answer.) Sphinx.
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    Switching Gyms

    Am I to vote for the reason I leave a gym or choose a gym. Ironicly Im in this very position. Have a home gym and am shopping for local ones. I have the atheletic club or golds. Golds is more spendy but has a better set up and is close by ~5-10 minutes. Id like to vote but Im not sure what...
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    Inclined bench press vs regular b press

    That was Ssssuper! Hidey-Ho!
  9. S

    Making DriverPLUS better...?

    So I was reading up on PrimerPLUS and DriverPLUS being that I'm in need of buying more MRP's. I read the nutrition labels and then reviewed the article about pre and post workout nutrition. While vague on the amount of carbs preffered before w/o but I trust the 24g found in a serving of Primer+...
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    SIR, Yes Sir! Consuming creatine as ordered, Sir! :D Thanks for the quick reply Aaron.
  11. S

    Salmon & Fish oils..

    So, which is it? Take it or not? :D I already have some 1g caps @ a 90 count. Im leaning towards alternating days of fish caps and cla @ about 6g per day. Any new ideas or advice? Sphinx
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    I have a semi-on-topic question. While I know the ideal times to take my creatine on w/o days <before and right after>, when is the ideal time to take it on off days? In the morning with breakfast? Before going to work? Any ideas? Sphinx
  13. S

    M1T or the real thing.

    Thats cool, 500-750 is plenty too. STEHK IT N YUR ARSE! Sorry I just had to.
  14. S

    M1T or the real thing.

    True, true. Its was more of opinionated post than scientific response. I should have said that for my body, my experience, and my goals Deca didnt really fit in. Xahrx, your right on also, good point I over looked. I forget others arent ectos looking for size, LOL! All in all, I like the...
  15. S

    M1T or the real thing.

    I didnt know that MN, been awhile since I really looked into 'aquisition'. Bummer about the Tren, though. Have you ever hit a heavy Test cycle. I was entertaining the thought of a g of enan / wk with prop. I personally like test only cycles, but then again I dont have a lot of other first hand...
  16. S

    Buying Fish Oil, help...

    I have some Nature Made Flax and picked some Fish oils from Costco. Does anyone have an opinion on these? I eat a decent amount of fish, canned tuna and fresh salmon (beni of being in the NW + Costco has awesome deals on various fish) I need to do more fat research! LOL Sphinx.
  17. S

    M1T or the real thing.

    IF you decide to go for it, make it worth it and try to find some Tren. Stack with Some Enan and Arimidex, add in some liver support and you would pretty much have a cycle I would serious like to try one day! Sphinx.
  18. S

    M1T or the real thing.

    Ahh, got yah. I feel for you, those sides sound like @$$ to me. Im predisposed to MPB, an annoying issue. Acne also, but the good ole' pantothenic acid helped a bunch. Seems like your real challenge is what you would rather have. Not something we could decide for you. Good luck, brah'. Sphinx.
  19. S

    M1T or the real thing.

    My opinion is just to find some test en. Just make sure that your really ready and have the knowledge necessary for AAS use. Dont go real fancy on you first cycle, stick with a longer ester test and try and find some arimidex. Sphinx.
  20. S

    Health Essentials

    Spicy V8 just plain rocks! Its pretty dang good if you mix it with a light beer too! I love the taste of garlic and onions which are also reported to be healthful. Ill add in some spinich (+ other green leaffies), carrots, broccolli [sp], asparrigus, ect. Natures health insurance! Oh, all this...