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  1. 9

    The extra 5's weeks

    Thanks, think I'll give it a try. I will probably extend the post 5's to 3 weeks.
  2. 9

    first day of first cycle

    0's in some columns mean that you should repeat the same weight from your previous workout (thus 0 increment), not entirely skip working out that bodypart. Alternatively you could use smaller increments so that there are no 0's, as you mentioned. Personally I feel that it is no big deal if you...
  3. 9

    The extra 5's weeks

    Has anyone tried using cluster training for the post-5's as an alternative to negatives? What are the results of this approach? I am training alone, so negatives on the compound movements are out of the question (except maybe for the chins).
  4. 9

    HELP: Pec Imbalance

    Froggone, believe it or not, I'm having exactly the same problem (thought it was somewhat rare and nobody else on this board had similar experiences). The left side looks much more developed than the other. I don't know how this came about, I have never done isolation exercises for one side or...
  5. 9

    Different HSt routine

    Many thanks, Jules, think we 're set now. I am in my 5's, so yesterday I started incorporating your techniques in my routine.
  6. 9

    Different HSt routine

    Thank you for your replies too. Vicious, many thanks for your "pec development quick guide". I am currently using slightly incline bench and dips (leaning forward) for chest. Should I replace the bench with flyes or just add 1 or 2 sets of flyes to my current routine? One thing that...
  7. 9

    To the man who just turned 60

    Happy birthday O & G! You inspire us all, keep on pursuing the art!
  8. 9

    Different HSt routine

    Actually, I 'm having the same problem. My shoulders are fine but my chest is lagging too. I feel that the bench press (flat or incline) is working my shoulders more than the chest... Any suggestions (more volume, flies, burn sets)?
  9. 9

    How should I start?

    I agree with O&G. Finding your maxes after 3 months off would probably cause extreme soreness and a bit of conditioning to the weights (so the 15's later wouldn't be as much effective). You are pretty deconditioned now and I guess that even previously "easy" weights will get the...
  10. 9

    Training 6x a week

    Many thanks to all of you, you have really helped me a lot. When asking a question, understanding the reasoning behind the answer is just as important to me as hearing the answer. Knowing why you workout the way you do is a great feeling, it helps you stay focused and overcome any obstacles...
  11. 9

    What to do

    I agree with Totentanz, do not try to workout when you are ill. Just rest for a week or until you feel recovered and then restart your 10's phase. Up to now you have only completed your 15's, so the weights should not be very heavy yet and you should easily take it up from there. No harm done.
  12. 9

    Training 6x a week

    I am currently training 3x per week, full body workouts (classic HST). The problem is that I don't feel (even slightly) sore after my workout. I have completed the 15's phase and I am in my 10's now, however I have yet to experience DOMS. Maybe it's too soon (and I know DOMS is not necessary for...
  13. 9

    HST tweeking thread

    Awesome!!! I was wondering how I could save the entire customization thread on the hard disk in a relatively compact format until I saw this! The .zip worked fine, the .pdf is excellent. Thank you for making this happen!
  14. 9

    Cardio during a bulking cycle?

    Thanks for your replies, I appreciate anyone's help too. If not anything else, they can share their experience with you and that can be only beneficial. I myself feel leaner and in a better overall shape when I do cardio, but I wanted to know if this can hurt your gains. From your replies I...
  15. 9

    Cardio during a bulking cycle?

    It seems that a lot of people here choose to do cardio during off (rest) days. Is this the way to go if you are on a bulking cycle or you would be better off not doing anything during rest days(suppose that one follows the standard 3x a week full-body routine)? I have read elsewhere that cardio...
  16. 9

    Does anyone feel like a whimp at the start of HST?

    I believe everyone who tries HST for the first time gets that feeling, but don't worry, near the end of the 2 week block you will be challenged even by those "easy" weights. The key is constant progression. Anyway, everybody who is serious about lifting knows that you can't go...
  17. 9

    Why never and flat bench ?

    I' ve been thinking about this myself. Moto is right, however. Another reason to choose incline bench is that most people are having problems with their upper chest (everybody is used to flat bench). Just make sure that the bench is slightly incline. If the slope is too high, you will end up...
  18. 9

    Workout duration

    Hi, I 've been busy for some time now (thus the delay). Thanks for your replies, you really helped me a lot. The above mentioned "degree in biology" is actually a good thing. The main reason that made me join the forum was its scientific approach to many subjects, I am tired of hearing...
  19. 9

    Workout duration

    Thanks for the reply, it certainly helps. I have read that after 45 minutes - 1 hour of working out (with weights) cortisol levels increase, so after this period you are actually burning muscle in order to keep going (glycogen stores are depleted). However, I am not sure that this is true...
  20. 9

    Workout duration

    Thanks for the reply, it certainly helps. I have read that after 45 minutes - 1 hour of working out (with weights) cortisol levels increase, so after this period you are actually burning muscle in order to keep going (glycogen stores are depleted). However, I am not sure that this is true...