HELP: Pec Imbalance

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Hi guys

I have just noticed one of my pecs is larger than the other! This probably resulted from poor form on my incline db presses. I will get someone to check out my form.

In the meantime, does anyone know the best way to correct the imbalance??

hoping someone can help me


sometimes people naturally are larger on oneside than the other. Try making ur smaller side bigger while giving ur strong side some rest. This will give ur smaller side enough time to catch up. Dumbbells is the best way to fix this, depending on the size of the imbalance, it should be fixed in about 1-2 weeks
Froggone, believe it or not, I'm having exactly the same problem (thought it was somewhat rare and nobody else on this board had similar experiences). The left side looks much more developed than the other. I don't know how this came about, I have never done isolation exercises for one side or the other. What I know is that there are differences in the bone structure in that area (the left side sort of stands out compared to the right), so I believe it is not only due to flaws in my training. However, there is a noticeable difference in muscle mass too.

If you have never trained with weights before, your chest is flat and you don't pay so much attention to your muscle mass anyway. First, check out that your bones in the chest area are at the same level, maybe there are small differences you haven't noticed until now. If this is not the case, you can use isolation exercises to fix the problem. In fact, this is what I intend to do (one-arm DB flyes etc), more volume for my right side.

However, I am afraid that this may eventually lead to strength imbalance. Ideas anyone?

thanx for ur messages. 9to5 i am exactly in the same boat as you. My left pec is noticebly larger than my right. It's funny cos i never noticed until recently.

The last two three workout i have done what winterfresh has suggested. I have given my left side a bit of a rest. Instead of doing one armed dumbell presses/flyes, i am using a weight half as much on the left (bigger) side. This gives me a bit more balance and i can push more weight on the right (smaller) side.

On strength i have noticed that my left (bigger) side is a lot stronger than my right(smaller) side. I am hoping that by still using weights on my left (bigger) side, even a light weight, i will at least maintain the strength and size while the other side catches up.

Also, on thinking about it, i have changed my routine to include push ups and dips. With equal weightings on both sides i am hoping that this with help fix the problem.

thanks guys

anymore ideas woiuld be welcome...