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  1. F

    ACSM Now Endorses Simple Training Programs for Ex

    In a shift from its prior position stand statement about progressive resistance training for experienced trainees1, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) in its 7th edition of its Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription2, now endorses much simpler training programs as effective...
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    Tabata style aerobics

    fausto a bit of track here mate but..i to carry a bit more than i should (age and all that) i am now into my 5s so instead of doing the normal 3xwk workout i normaly increment every other workout so three increments in the 90   90   95   95   100   100 m     w   f     m     w      f i...
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    longer cycle

    cheers guys do intend to do deadlifts but that will be in with the back exercises...just using legs as an example of what i am going to do rather than doing this mon wed fri squats leg ext leg curl leg press you would do this mon...
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    how many meals a day?

    what do you class as meals ...would you class a pre and post shake as one of your daily meals..what about a banana and a handfull of nuts is that a meal..i eat three main meals a day but i have fruit and nuts as well.
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    HST and Fat loss

    what the guys have said so far is spot on ..i dont know if your a total begginer or not if so follow the basic 3x a wk if your not a total newbie or dont like cardio you could try 5x a wk full body workout..this burns a lot of caloreis..good luck :D
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    longer cycle

    still got 5wks left on this cycle but thought i would start setting up my next one and need some advice. if i wanted to make my cycle longer say 12wks can you see any problem with doing this. using legs for an example mon wed fri squats leg ext leg curl...
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    clustering and metabolic stress

    if you can manage the 1st set without clustering then you dont need to cluster.
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    nutting out frequency

    but if he is done in under an hour same as me ..weights and cardio ...shouldnt that be OK..i thought cortisol was released after an hour..
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    Perfect HST routine

    jester you said (quote) Second point that bothers me here - if RBE lasts for so long, why will 2 weeks of SD negate it...? Chances are that if the muscles are resensitised to ANY load, then it will be the heavier weights, not the lighter end of the spectrum maybe thats another reason for 15s...
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    Please HELLLLLLLLLLLLLP, Noob in dire need of help

    if your rep max for 15s is 100k for squats your 2wk cycle would look like this m w f m w f 75 80 85 90 95 100 2wks 15s 2wks 10s 2wk 5s 2wks post5s or negs
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    nutting out frequency

    brisbanemick the thing with guys in prison beleive it or not it is easy to get hold of not saying your freind was on them but a lot of guys are :confused:
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    How much "overlap" between weights is generally ok

    if you dont want to zigzag do this 170 170 180 180 190 19015rm 205 205 215 215 225 225 10rm but as the guys have said there is no problem with zigzaging :D
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    if your only having 30secs rest on the 5s then i dont think you are using the weight you should be anyway..maybe thats another reason it didnt work for you ..also you dont have to stick to a time limit between is something bryan put up... aAhtiainen, J.P., A. Pakarinen, M. Alen...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    do they have a special squad of men in uniforms with JR on the collars. "ve hav vays of stopping you talking svines"
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    Johnston Rep Method

    when jrepers meet do they have a secret handshake
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    HST theory

    i think a lot of newbies get confused about the routines shown, and think they must stick to that one ...maybe it would be a good idea to put up a thread with different variations of routines all consisting of the HST principals but all being 3x a wk..5x a wk...3x split....5x...
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    HST theory

    i would like to see some more studys on rbe i have read some of your site dan..but i would like to know how often you can use the same weight before rbe catches up..
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    What Happens for Next Cycle?

    rk you are not wrong but most people do up some of there maxes but you will still gain muscle if you dont here is a quote from blade.. Granted, any form of exercise will alter patterns of protein synthesis and degradation. But a muscle cell can only grow significantly if some degree of tissue...
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    toward the end of 1st cycle

    at the end of each 2wk cycle if your weight has increased that is your new max for that if your rep max for squats is 100k but on your last day you can manage 105k then do it and use that as your new cycle.. make a sheet like this. m w f m w f n.max 75 80 85 90...
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    Calculating New Maxes

    at the end of each cycle 15s,10s,5s, it is easier to do your maxes you get to your last workout of each cycle if you can put on more weight than you have wrote down then that is your new max.. :D