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  1. K

    Glucosamine + Condroiton

    Do you have arthritis or joint problems?
  2. K

    Fish vs Flax - I know I've asked this before

    Should mercury poisoning be a concern when supplementing with fish oil?
  3. K

    Dieting while on HST

    Like Aaron said, it sounds good as long as there are not too man calories. I'm no expert, but you may want to add some more healthy fats.
  4. K

    Blades Pics

    I'm never taking my shirt off again.
  5. K

    Is training 2 days in a row ok?

    Yeah, Stevie. I'm curious as well. I've been thinking about doing something familiar, but only 5 days a week. I believe Micmic is currently doing a program like this.
  6. K

    Beginner problems (long)

    I'm glad to hear you're getting your life together. :) A couple of questions to help guide you along: Did you find your maxes or are you simply estimating? Finding your maxes before you begin will make your first cycle much more efficient. You may want to write out your whole routine and...
  7. K

    bottles or packets

    Any estimates on what the price differences would be? Either way would be fine to me, but I lean towards cheaper, which I assume is the bottle.
  8. K

    How much protein powder per day?

    I feel your pain. I have trouble with reaching my daily protein goal as well( 160 grams, I weigh 170). I get about 80 grams of whey a day, which puts me half way home, but I feel like I'm leaning on it too much on. I know eating whey instead of more traditional protein sources robs myself of...
  9. K

    What do you mix your protein powder with

    Most everyone I know prefers chocolate whey over vanilla, no matter the company. Anyway, just mix it with water and pound it like there's no tomorrow.
  10. K

    what gym do you belong to?

    I work out at Club Renaissance in Pleasant Hill, CA. As far as I can tell, I am the only one does HST. I'm only half way through my first cycle though, so I haven't been looking that long.
  11. K

    Summary of HST principles

    Very nice summary. :)
  12. K

    Wheat Grass

    What is the nutritional benefit of wheat grass? Does it count as a vegetable serving? Or more like a supplement(if anything)? I assume there is no fiber in its juice form.