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  1. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Regaining muscle is just easier and more rapid than growing into new mass levels. In a few months I should be back to my previous muscle mass,
  2. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Yeah, that makes sense for trained subjects, however, being I am untrained, and regaining lost muscle (memory), I can absolutely progress loads much faster than a trained subject. I will probably adhere to the zigzag once I get hyooge
  3. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST log 4 sets of 5 reps •split squat: 100 •Romanian deadlift: 255 •s/l standing calf raise: 95 •iso-lateral Pulldown: 185 •Iso-lateral decline Bench: 185 •Standing DB row: 45 •1-arm DB press: 40 Fluff Facepulls: tried them Simons way, definitely had to use lighter weight, as I suspected it...
  4. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    I'm still sore from Monday, and increasing the weights. This is going to be brutal. Thank god for aggressive music.
  5. Sci

    2016 Log

    Haha, good comic relief
  6. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    HST Moving on to 5s phase. No zig-zag, it seems illogical to regress loading and I have yet to see compelling evidence for zig-zag, maybe I overlooked it. Even without any zig-zag, starting with the loads I left off in the 10s phase, still barely needed any rest between the first 2 sets. 3...
  7. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    I can’t go into a caloric deficit! The HST training is working extremely well. I’m hungry all the time, with a dull soreness throughout my body, especially shoulders. Natural anabolic stimulus going on, and I have to go with it. The hunger impulse is so powerful, my willpower cannot force a...
  8. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Try both ways, whatever feels better is the right choice.
  9. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    The way the other guy is doing it is more of a rehab way of isolating the infraspinitus muscle. If your goal is just rotator cuff strength, then that form is the way to go. I prefer multiple joint natural compound movements to strengthen the body as a whole.
  10. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    The guy in the video you posted is doing it wrong in my opinion. [emoji6] Edit: actually it isn’t bad, the grip is just more unnatural.
  11. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    If you look at what my shoulders and arm are doing, it is obvious i am I’m using the infraspinitus and teres minor to externally rotate the humerus, the posterior and medial deltoids to extend the humerus, and the trapezius and rhomboids to retract the scapula. I am not familiar with the other...
  12. Sci

    Starting Over From Scratch.

    2 sets was too much for me while i’m still cutting and a “noob” on the fitness scale. 1 hard set each. HST •split squat: 95x12 •Romanian deadlift: 245x12 •s/l standing calf raise: 90x12 •iso-lateral Pulldown: 180x9 •Isi-lateral decline Bench: 180x9 •Standing DB row: 45x10 •one-arm DB press...
  13. Sci

    Hst Cycle Duration.

    Thanks, I think I will go with that. 2 weeks 15s, 4 weeks 10s, 6 weeks of 5s. Then 2-3 weeks SD.
  14. Sci

    Hst Cycle Duration.

    So, just do the vanilla? I dont see why taking a break every 6 weeks is ideal myself. Surely there are ways to extend the cycle and reap more hypertrophy before de conditioning so soon!
  15. Sci

    Hst Cycle Duration.

    The vanilla would be: 2 weeks 15s, 2 weeks 10s, 2 weeks 5s (I’m not doing negatives), then 2 weeks deconditioning. 6 weeks on, 2 weeks off seems ridiculous. What is the latest thinking regarding cycle duration and SD programming? My idea, repeat the same load for 2 workouts before...
  16. Sci

    Some Exercise Suggestions...

    Lateral raises heavily stress the upper trapezius. EMG testing for the upper traps is practically off the charts! If you can do laterals, then your traps are not a problem. Your body works synergistically together. There is practically no way to work your deltoids without engaging the traps!
  17. Sci

    Some Exercise Suggestions...

    Split squats for thighs and hips. Start with bodyweight and slowly add resistance.
  18. Sci

    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Split squats are so brutal on the legs, that is all I do, thrashes the quads, adductors and glutes
  19. Sci

    Fascinating Article On Volume And Rep Ranges.

    I saw Borge jump in to the comments.
  20. Sci

    Fascinating Article On Volume And Rep Ranges.

    Basically hypertrophy occurred with all rep ranges, light and heavy loads, as long as each set is difficult to complete all the reps. 5 heavy reps, 10 medium reps or 15 light reps all stimulate hypertrophy. Volume is very significant to the anount of hypertrophy stimulus, with higher volume...