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  1. C

    I am just not getting sore... Should I?

    Yeah but what about nutrition?
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    Cleaner food the better - low GI carbs, good fats, veggies, vitamins and minerals, etc..
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    It goes on for about a day. I feel it again when I wake up the next morning, but it is gone today. Deadlifts are just a brutal exercise I guess. I am not trying to build up my lower back, but it's such a good compound and core exercise that I must include it in my regiment. -Colby
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    In my AM WO's, I do SLDL's followed up by Leg Press... Squats in the PM. My lower back is in pain afterwards, and I am pretty sure I have the right form.. slightly bent knees, slightly stick butt out when lowering the weight. I use a Smith machine for SLDL's. I don't lower the weight all the way...
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    HST & Cardio

    It's up to you, but it is good to see you are going to do your cardio on off days. I would recommend some HIIT (interval training) on a treadmill or track.
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    5 days HST

    I would not call that overtraining. Volume is dependent upon the trainee. As you said, you are eating like a hourse and taking hormones, so that WO will be good for you. Three weeks 5x/wk going 12/8/4 is okay, but since you only have 3 weeks, then go ahead and do it. Longer cycles are better...
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    My First HST Cycle Suggestions

    Through your own research? IN other words, you seem to have better results lifting without the help of a Smith machine. If so, then by all means limit it.
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    I'm sick :((

    I get sick at least once every cycle. I haven't lifted for since last Wednesday due to coming up with a bad fever last week. It happens, and I either pick up where I left off or in this case, start up my 2nd day of 10's when the last day I lifted was my 5th day of 15's. If it were the 5's or...
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    Next Cycle Setup

    Great choice of exercises even though it seems like a bit much. Possibly through out iso's like skulls and curls to keep it at 12 exercises as the compounds will be more than enough to work your arms.
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    Fat loss equivalent to HST?

    Jimjones, It is all about caloric balance. If you need to lose fat yet retain your muscle mass (or even still add some in the very same process), you need to cut how many calories are going into your body everyday. If you don't want to sacrifice the food, then you need some means of cardio, or...
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    Johnston Rep Method

    if only there were that many people total in the history of mankind!!
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    Training log

    Fausto, Can't comment much on the Tabata. It sounds like HIIT on a bike. Would you be doing more than four minutes? I'm sure you may remember me posting the routine in December for critique and comments. It is 8x/wk frequency with the compounds (MWF) being split between the AM and PM. There...
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    Starting first cycle, throwing up some numbers

    Eat slightly above maintenance or cut. Diet is key to your goals.
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    cutting diet plateu

    Not too sure on how to answer your 2nd question, but I can give you my two cents on the others. Cutting or bulking, I would still eat the same everyday whether or not I am working out. I look at my caloric balance at a weekly point of view though. If you are doing your cardio after your WO, and...
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    Training log

    phdra cut? Is that like ephedra or something? I figured with the increased frequency, you wouldn't need ephedra to boost your metabolism. Way to be Fausto. You'll be glad to hear that I am in my 2nd week of my AM/PM split version of the Faustonian cycle. I had a hell of a workout today with 5...
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    LITN, No, unfortunately we're not a cult like the JReps advocates. Although, I could go for a glass of koolaid right now. I don't think we're disagreeing with that statement. To be quite honest, I don't think we are disagreeing with you at all... You are right! Bryan Hayford has done a lot...
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    my next hst cycle

    Pretty good results thus far - 6.6lbs gained and 1% bf dropped. Actually, that is really impressive. What is your diet like? How much are you eating over maintenance?
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    HST and HIIT Type workout

    Yes Hell yes! -Colby
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    Help me devise my first HST program please?

    Can you do chins or SLDL? As far as dips go - do you have a gym that you goto? If so do they have a dip or dip/chin assist machine? What is JS Row and DB Stiffs? Why 10 reps as your heaviest rep phase for leg press? It looks decent considering you had shoulder reconstruction. You seem pretty...
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    Help me devise my first HST program please?

    Kethnaab, Welcome to the HST forum! Unfortunately, I cannot look at the attached file because there are a couple scenarios that would occur if I clicked that link. One being that my monitor would combust right in front of me, and the glass shrapnel would go into my face forcing me to goto the...