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  1. C

    Do your friends ever get mad when you don't drink?

    Haha, I hear you man. I am 20 years old and in college. I binge drink a lot with a prime example being last night. Do I give people #### for not coming out and partying with me? Yes. Do I give them a hard time and make them feel bad about it? No. You live once. Fortunately for me I am...
  2. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    True, and you don't need to fail with ACIT as it is a rep customization technique and not a routine or program. I appreciate the fact that you guys question ACIT. You're not trying to say it is going to help a lot, but every bit of help counts when your growth starts to stall out. -Colby
  3. C

    Johnston Rep Method

    138 posts for overhyped 21's? Ridiculous.
  4. C

    continue to bulk or start to cut

    Yeah, two pounds a week is too much IMO. When you say clean bulk, are you referring to eating slightly above maintenance or healthy foods and lots of good fats? I would set yourself up so you can lose 1 lb of fat per week to hinder muscle loss.
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    Anabolic Diet

    Not neccesarily JWBond... It really depends on your bodyfat%. I have put on muscle while losing some fat while eating slightly above maintenance. More or less my bf% went down and I lost like a 1lb of fat when I was at 15%. The higher your bf% the easier it (put on LBM while losing fat) is to...
  6. C

    continue to bulk or start to cut

    JWBond, I am in a similar position (except for the marriage, congrats and good luck with that!) I am currently 207, 6'2 @ 13.3% BF. I want to get under 10% bodyfat by May, or even better to be at 8%. I will need to lose 11 lbs of fat in 4-5 months, so I figured it was too early to do a cut...
  7. C

    nutting out frequency

    Well I will echo what Jester said in this response.. if you ample enough of sleep and preWO nutrition, then you should be fine with that. Regularly I will run to the gym (10 min), lift (30-40 min), and run home (10 min.)
  8. C

    longer cycle

    Long cycles are awesome! At least for me that is. :D I would stick to just alternating the leg press with the squats every other day.
  9. C

    Perfect HST routine

    At least it is a bit better than doing HIT.. (2x/week that is)
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    What's your bodyfat% at? I am a bit above 13 and I am sure the fat will be gone once I get under 10 in a few months,
  11. C

    your results with HST...

    Yeah, great results Sun-Tzu! But you didn't look like you were 18% bodyfat in either of the pictures. How did you get that measurement?
  12. C


    Eh, I have the same issue.. but you can't blame it on gyno till you seriously cut. Men typically put most of their bodyfat around the midsection, and as the bf% rises it starts going to other areas such as their legs and chest, and then eventually arms and neck.
  13. C

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    You still shouldn't lift to failure - keep applying the HST principals. You are right about the weight, a standard 15RM is going to be more than one done ACIT style.
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    nutting out frequency

    I hate the 15's mostly since they are so aerobic and I sweat a ton, but then again that's the reason why I love them.
  15. C

    nutting out frequency

    Well if you have a refeed, I wouldn't worry about any sort of fatigue.
  16. C

    tricep exercise choice

    I forgot to mention that when I typically do skulls, I automatically superset them with CGBP's using the EZ-Curl Bar. My 3rd Cycle The original idea is at the top of the thread. The whole split of the compounds and isolations (and isos throughout the cycle) stays the same. The AM/PM split is...
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    You're talking about rep and set customization techniques. Partials, pulses, metabollic sets, static holds, Jreps?, blowreps (haha), ACIT, DXO, yada yada all fall in the category and can be done with HST. HST isn't a program, but it is a set of principals designed for you to build your routine.
  18. C

    nutting out frequency

    When it's immediately after your WO...
  19. C


    Doesn't matter what kind of protein you take. I advise taking a protein shake following after your WO. As for cardio and bulking, it depends on how many calories you are eating above maintenance. When bulking, you should shoot for 500 to 800 calories above maintenance.