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  1. I

    Just got back from a Kevin Levrone seminar.

    Lol, what have I done?? 1/ Jester, not really sure what your comment has to do with my post. I realise steroids can increase everything in the gym (ie size, strength, rippedness and stamina). All im saying is I that I rekon pro bbers know what there taking, as do many people that have been...
  2. I

    Does natural training cause spots??

    Got asked this question today by one of my particulary vain pals and didnt really know the answer. I know taking steroids can, I dont know why, maybe increased testosterone? But surely training a lot also increases testoserone and therefore the the risk of spots? Any advice or preventions...
  3. I

    Just got back from a Kevin Levrone seminar.

    Were gona have to agree to disagree here Aron In my opinion.... Pro bbers may in the end have 'minders, nutritionists endocrinologists, trainers' etc, but this can only occur when fine tuning an already massive physique. It would be difficult to afford this kind of money and commitment if...
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    Cardio for those that walk anyway

    I walk an hour to the gym, do my workout, and walk back. I then walk where ever im going that day, I always have walked miles and probably will. Point is that im that used to it that I do believe it is of any weight reduction use to me and I could get on a treadmill and walk all day without...
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    Scales that measure body fat

    Good post, Im thinking of getn one too, so any recomendations are welcome. The only one in the gym measures your BMI, but this is useless because it does not take into account muscle, so in a bodybuilding gym every person comes out morbidly obese regardless of how little fat they have.
  6. I

    Just got back from a Kevin Levrone seminar.

    Gona keep goin on this rant.... Fact is there aint much to know about bbing anyway. I mean if you can get through to a nubie.... 1/ in order to put on muscle youve gota change your lifestyle to focus on this goal 2/ you gota eat loadsa good food, take supplements and sleep a lot 3/ you gota...
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    Could you be a pro?

  8. I

    Weight vs Feeling it

    Nice one, but not quite right. By feeling it, i dont mean lactic acid, I mean on every rep, even the first I can feel it (not the best description) EG everyone in the gym I speak to says youve gota do super heavy shrugs. However if i stick 8 plates on, im not getn that extra bita movement and...
  9. I

    Wrists not growing ?

  10. I

    Who do you TRUST ?

    LOL dunno whether trust is the right word, i mean i doubt anyones tryna sabotage your training.:crazy As far as who to go with on your training, youve gota listen to other people, but it all comes down to you. I went the gym this morning, and saw all the guys I used to see (I train later now)...
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    Chest Variations

    Does work your pecs well however youve got a point with the angle. Most people make the mistake of going for about 45 degrees, but this brings in the shoulders. Your always better to use a pretty small angle, I always use the setting above flat on the adjustable benchs
  12. I

    Larger increments

    6 lots of 15% increments is 90% 6 lots of 10% increments is 60% Im no expert in HST, but just looking at the maths of it, your gona be startn each two week cycle using rediculously small weights. I mean if you can bench press 500kg (like me ) your gona be startn your cycle using 50kg, which...
  13. I

    Could you be a pro?

  14. I

    Could you be a pro?

    Playn devils advocate here.... So iv been training naturally since i was 16 (and 9stone 7lbs) i was nearly 15stone at 21 (I wasnt amazingly ripped, but I had good detail in all of my muscles) and im 5ft 8. At my hieght a pro bber competes at bout 18 stone, now i realise there ripped to ####...
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    Could you be a pro?

    Dunno... I mean I know loadsa big realy big people and your not telln me their all genetically gifted!! Most people that show dedication and knowledge progress a great deal. In the most cases you get loadsa people that go the gym for a week, decide they wana get massive and start taking...
  16. I

    My first two weeks on HST and the nxt few

    See... some people appreciate my threads (even if its not my bit they like). Right heres a question, and im not moaning im just asking.... Is it possible that some people have higher thresholds to stimulate muscle than others? ie one set of chest might make Johns chest grow :D , but it wont...
  17. I

    Weight vs Feeling it

    For some body parts (mainly traps and calves) I hear conflicting veiws.... I feel cavles and traps when I go really light, the exercises feel great. However all the massive people I know say youve got to go heavy on these execises to get any benefit. The start of the 15s felt far better than...
  18. I

    Could you be a pro?

    Just realised im preaching different things on different posts... Weve sort of been playing down genetics, but surley all of you must have good and bad body parts?? I know I have and I also know a lot of people that have say massive legs and they hardly train legs and an awful say chest and...
  19. I

    Chest Variations

    Got three ideas here... 1/ Genetics, some people dont have to do much on chest and its great (it balances out tho, most people have their +s and -s. 2/ In my opinion dumbells are better than the bar, the bars more for ego, with dumbells you get more movement and work both arms equally as well...