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    Is cardio that necessary for cutting ?

    some people can drop fat just fine without cardio. not that they're freaks of nature or anything. i for one never did cardio in my life to lose fat, and i'm no freak of nature, just a normal guy. i'm not even an ectomorph. of course, if you diet for a long time, adding cardio is better than...
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    Ultimate Diet 2.0

    i was under the impression that since a diet is called a KETOGENIC diet, ketosis WAS important. ;) but aren't ketones needed for fuel? you'd think it wouldn't be considered a side effect. i need to get the ud 2.0 book.
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    Penis enlargement pills.

    found this thread through the 'male enhancement' thread, and thought it deserved a bump. too funny.
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    Ultimate Diet 2.0

    a keto diet does need depletion if you want to reach ketosis as soon as possible. but about the ud 2.0, i haven't gotten the book yet, so i can't comment. so you're not supposed to reach ketosis? why does lyle prescribe those huge circuits first thing on monday?
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    Ultimate Diet 2.0

    ketogenic diets, as the ud 2.0, involve depletion workouts much unlike hst workouts. you need to exaust your glycogen storages to induce ketone production early in the week. i don't think hst works for low carb diets. if you want to cut while following the hst protocol, you have to eat a...
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    lagging bodyparts

    if you haven't done so yet, download the .pdf file in the customizing hst thread, and read. for triceps, the best exercise for emphasizing stretch with load is skull crushers. what are pushdowns?
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    Dropping Arms!? Target Weight?

    thanks. :) i'm going to cut now for a few weeks. i'm already 14% or something.
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    determining my true body fat %

    the mirror does not lie indeed, but there are a variety of other factors influencing the way you look. lighting, water retention or dehydration, stuff like that. but we have to work with whatever means we have, so i believe a variety of methods is better than trusting only the mirror or only the...
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    since nobody cared to chime in, i'm going to report my own experience on this thread. took the first 2.5mg dose yesterday by 10am, and by 2pm i was already starting to feel like ####. nose constipated, a little dizzy, slightly nauseous, and i also had a mild but irritating headache that went...
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    determining my true body fat %

    i was strongly advised against those. upgrading to a much better one like the slimguide is cheap enough, i think.
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    lagging bodyparts

    i disagree. i have the same problem, and i know how it feels. i've been focusing on arms and calves to bring some harmony to my body. i agree that the bigger your back and chest are, the bigger your arms will be UP TO A POINT, but i don't believe in doing NO direct arm work. it might depend on...
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    determining my true body fat %

    spikehead, get yourself the slimguide calipers. they're good, cheap (about $20-30, i think), and come with a little booklet explaining how to take your measurements, and do the calculations.
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    Dropping Arms!? Target Weight?

    following advice given here, in this cycle that i'm completing now, i did minimal direct work for arms starting at 10s, meaning one set of preacher curls and one set of triceps extension after back and chest work. then on 5s i added incline curls and skull crushers. i'm still in the beginning of...
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    i got lyle's book, and some bromo, and i started taking it today. i'm curious about others' experiences.
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    determining my true body fat %

    all bodyfat measurement methods (besides dissecation) are based on assumptions. from water weighing (the 'golden' standard) to bioimpedance, and everything inbetween. going by the mirror works, though you have to it's as inconsistent as anything else. your appearance may change a lot depending...
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    CKD on HST

    ckd means cyclical ketogenic diet, meaning you go a few days without carb, and then do a carb-load. what one might do to train hst style while on a keto diet is follow a tkd, targeted ketogenic diet, in which you'd consume carbs before every workout, but just enough to fuel the workout, so that...
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    determining my true body fat %

    those bioimpedance scales are worthless, you should never rely on them. if you have decent quality calipers, you can learn how to take the measurements and do the calculations yourself. i prefer the jackson-pollock formula, as it's more accurate for athletic people with very low % bodyfat. the...
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    HST and Measuring

    in my case it's more like EVERYDAY! or even a couple times a day. but seriously, you could take measurements every week or every other week, always taking notes and adjusting your diet accordingly. it's important that you do your measurements always under similar conditions, same time of...
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    Dirty Bulking

    if you manage to stay under 15% bodyfat, you can continue bulking till december/january, and then you start cutting again. you'll be able to reach 10% or less by march without having to resort to extreme calorie deficit. look into a lowcarb diet if you want to make sure you're losing as little...
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    CKD on HST

    i did the ckd following the routine described in lyle macdonald's 'the ketogenic diet', and it worked great for me. don't how hst would be implemented without carbs at all (or under 30g a day). you could go off hst for a while if you do the ckd. or you could use hst and a regular diet with...