Heya Blizz

Honestly, I've never heard of anyone who wanted to do cutting but didn't do any form of cardio.
Well, sure, more muscles = greater calorie burning. But realistically, things won't just settle down by itself without even mild cardio.
Think of it this way: by itslef, muscles will burn more calories than just plain old fatty tissues. But that won't be significant until you actually do even just mild cardio. If we are of the same weight (say 180), but you have way more muscle than me, you'll be burning more calories than me even though we both do the same cardio, say a brisk walk for a mile. How much more depends on how much more muscle you have.
The point is, do cardio if you are cutting. What kind of cardio depends on your goals (like goal220 said, depends on how fast you want to lose fat).
And of course, the diet is also important (though i think you already have that in check so you didn't mention it). But for the benefit of anybody else who might stumble across this, also make sure to include more essential fats. You need the good fats to remove fat!
Hope this helps. Good luck!