Another question about volume. If I am never sore, and never tired, is there any risk that I am over training? Or am I good to keep adding volume? I don't want to compromise gains.
I feel like I'm already doing more reps than most on this board. Certainly more than vanilla HST. I'm...
According to the HST ebook, a 100 kg lifter should consume 880 calories from protein, 724 from fat, and 2016 from carbs.
This implies that the suggested ratio would be 25%, 20%, 55%.
Did I interpret that correctly?
So what would happen if I ate my surplus calories in the 24 hour period after my workout, and ate my deficit calories during the 24 hours before the next one?
Thanks for the responses. That brings up a question about conditioning and TUT. Do I need to be careful to keep my volume lower at the start of a cycle?
I hope you say no. The weight is so low and I just don't feel like I'm getting a good workout without the volume.
According to the HST ebook "studies show protein synthesis to spike 24 hours after a work out"
I think when he says "spike" he means "peak". Which would lead one to think that the best time to get most of your protein would be around 24 hours after your workout.
What would be the reason for...
Imply that volume spread out over time is equally as effective as volume in on workout. IE 90 reps of a bench press during one workout each week would be the same as 30 reps three times per week for the same weight.
Can the same be said for sets/reps. If I do 30 sets of one rep, would that be...
That makes sense. So Bryan says that 30 reps per MG is a good number to shoot for. What are your thoughts on breaking this up over the day, as in 3 sessions of ten reps, morning noon and night vs getting them all done in one session?
Also, how many reps are to many?
Perhaps because I'm small...
Above you mention the following:
"any further sessions would be adding very little in the way of a possible increased PS response (summation effect) but they would be burning up calories which could be put to better use for recovery and growth."
That lead me to see what I could find...
The faq on choosing increments says that what is more important than increments, is the width between your effective starting weight, and your finishing weight. So how do I know the minimum weight that will be effective?
Interesting points. What is PS.
Also, I'm currently in my 5's , past the prescribed two weeks, and I'm hitting PR's everyday (granted I'm only adding one pound per day). Should I keep going?