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  1. H

    cutting and bulking in the same cycle

    Is it sure? High reps produce lactic acid, and lactic acid increases GH, which in turn, burns fat.
  2. H

    Vitamins and Minerals

    Thanks Dan, that's an interesting link. Right now I take the strongest multi-vitamin I could find at the drug store plus about 1g of vit C. I guess that's sufficient but I don't really know in fact.
  3. H

    Vitamins and Minerals

    Hi Bryan, Would it be possible for you to make a short list of all the vitamins and minerals with the dosages that we should get for optimal muscle growth? Thanks a lot, HDD
  4. H

    Night Time Protein

    I wake up every night to get some whey..
  5. H

    Calcium and hypertrophy

    Do you know how to get that calcineurin? By getting calcium? It's amazing that if it really play a role in muscle growth we have never heard of it..
  6. H

    Calcium and hypertrophy

    I found this study from the FAQ: Does this suggest that calcium supplementation should be considered? If yes, how much would be recommended? Thanks. HDD
  7. H

    Working the back

    You can do one-arm rows too since you have dumbells. They're pretty good.
  8. H

    Hard gainer

    I agree, but milk is an easy way for hardgainers to add calories.
  9. H

    Proper order of exercises...

    I try to rest the arms before training them by training the lower body. If it is getting hard for the legs, I suggest you do them in second, that will put you "in the mood" for hard work. I have to say that I do breathing squats for the legs so it's always hard. I don't know how it is...
  10. H

    Hard gainer

    I suggest you drink 2 liters of skim milk per day on top of what you already take, like 2 glasses per meal. You can also get a protein shake in the middle of the night.
  11. H

    Overtraining systemic vs. localized?

    Yes. Forget about overtraining. What make you muscles hypertrophy is the presence of microtrauma. The fact that you make microtrauma has nothing to do with overtraining. What you must do is to make microtrauma every workout. It is not that obvious because your muscles increase their resistance...
  12. H

    HST Workout Thread

    Yes, something like that. The idea is to train as much as you can as long as your strength is not affected.
  13. H

    HST Workout Thread

    I would do more exercises for the back. You can do more volume imo. imho, HDD.
  14. H

    HST Workout Thread

    I do : - Incline flies - flat DB press - Squat ( once a week because I have a problem with my knees ) - Lat pulldown - cable rows - Press behind the neck - barbell shrugs - Alternate curl - Lying triceps extension - calf raises I do some extreme stretching after I'm done with each bodypart (...
  15. H

    Refeeding and SD

    Hi everybody, I'm on a TKD now, and I would like to know when it would be best for me to refeed for my HST cycle. I will cut all cardio during my SD. Would it be better: - the first day or 2 of my SD. - slowly during my SD - in 3-4 days or so. - stay in keto for the first few days of my SD to...
  16. H

    Fat burner while bulking

    Thanks Dianabol, I'll go for CLA.
  17. H

    Fat burner while bulking

    What in your opinion is the best fat burner for a bulking cycle? I don't want one that reduces appetite. And I don't want one with ephedrine. If you could make a suggestion from the list at: that'd be great. Thanks.
  18. H

    Tea Boosts Immune system 5X

    Has anyone had real negative effect on muscle growth while taking green tea?
  19. H

    carbs per meal

    Sounds like a good meal to me. You know what I do to figure out if my glycogen stored are at their max? I flex my muscles to see how hard they are. Especially in the morning, if they are not hard enough, I'm pretty sure I need to eat more carbs. I guess it can't be dehydration because I drink...
  20. H

    "slow" protein for evening meal

    I may try that also Cylus. I like to put some variety in what I eat. Thanks for the advice.