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  1. S

    I need a little bit of help with my negatives.

    This is what I've been doing my first week of negatives: Deadlift - 100kg / Squat - 80kg Machine assisted dip - 0kg incline benchpress - 60kg Cable Pulldown - 70kg Seated Row - 63kg Standing Calf-raise - 140kg one leg Leg extension - 140kg Leg Curl - 98kg EZbar bicep curl in a preacher bench -...
  2. S

    Question about the unchallenging weights used.

    yep, after SD, repeated bout effect plummets, so you need less weight to see gains. 15 also help ligament, tendons and form. When doing the first week of 15s, always have perfect form, and slow down the exercise so the last rep of every set becomes very tough. Remember that form when you do...
  3. S

    bodyweight training and HST

    I'd say yes you can. All you need to do is start off light with 15 reps, then make it progressively harder, either changing grips, or exercises. It would take alot of thought, and you would need to experiment with techniques, and that might take a couple of cycles to nail down. When you've...
  4. S

    Rounded Shoulders

    I've also heard that using steroids will make the ratio of growth different.. if shoulders are one example of where a muscle group grows more than normal without steroids, what other musclegroups are affected similarly? Just wondering if you can actually see if a dude or dudette has been doing...
  5. S

    Long term bodybuilder- HST newbie

    Seriously, read the FAQ, it's all in there.. Concerning question 2, HST doesn't use only one exercise and only one set.. it uses fixed volume per exercise, and progressive weights, just do the HST cycle a couple of times while you read the whole FAQ through at least once every 3-5 days.. You'll...
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    Long term bodybuilder- HST newbie

    hehe, I think anyone used to the old one-muscle-group exercise program per day who's at the 15s is like "wtf is this.." I'm in the second week of my 5s, and all those worries will go away man. don't worry about it. And guess what, you'll actually understand how great the 15s are for...
  7. S

    hello and a question

    If you're doing HST for the first time (like I'm doing) I'd say don't worry too much about it.. just as with everything else you'll have to do it a couple of times to really nail everything down perfectly. Normally just try to find out max weight you can take 15 times at the day you measure it...
  8. S

    Good Form on Skullcrushers

    I'd think that the first one would be a better negatives exercise, and thus better as a stretch point exercise.. any1 else have an opinion? S.
  9. S

    Good Form on Skullcrushers

    I always thought This was skullcrushers.. So you're saying This is the skullcrusher exercise? Or This one? S.
  10. S

    laging arms

    Diet could be also the problem.. muscles can't grow without fuel to burn.. This is what's so fun about BBing.. finding out you're not doing things in an optimum way, trying to find the problem, solving the problem and seeing the result.. great hobby.. S.
  11. S

    a few quick Negatives Qs

    I'm on the second 5rm week right now, so only 2 workout days left of the 5rm and then I start the negs.. The belt thing for the dip is a good idea.. Although I don't own a belt.. I'll look around for one. As the weights increase at the same linear pace as normal, it'll be interesting to see...
  12. S

    I think I overestimated a few weights..

    Semajes: That's cool man, I put them first because then I really don't need to warmup as much, and I think they're great so I like to start with them. I discovered the other day something interesting.. Normally I eat 1 hour before I go to the gym, maybe 1h30m, I ate 20 minutes before the...
  13. S

    Planning on doing my first ever strength cycle...

    That's true Grab them and do 'em, you're gonna love them man. S.
  14. S

    a few quick Negatives Qs

    The closer I get to negatives, the more I worry about them, so I'd appreciate any replies :) ok, these are the exercises I use: Deadlift/squat Machine assisted dip incline benchpress Cable Pulldown Seated Row Seated Calve-raise Leg extension Leg Curl EZbar bicep curl cable pushdown Upright...
  15. S

    I think I overestimated a few weights..

    ok.. so if you overestimate a weight, it's better to stop a rep before taking the weight to failure.. S.
  16. S

    Pictures everyone?

    Blade! Offer congrats on the physique, looking great dude. What bodyfat% R U on that pic? I'll take pictures after my first HST and post here, although I'm not eating right.. and not even taking creatine, although I'm eating a protein powder which tastes horrible.. maybe I should start taking...
  17. S

    I think I overestimated a few weights..

    ha.. I failed the last rep with the incline bench and seated row when doing the last day of the 10s this friday.. I've seen it recommended not to take things to failure.. is this considered failure? Why not take it to failure, when failure is either on the last rep of the second set (if doing...
  18. S

    Do you people do cardio when bulking up?

    HIIT type of cardio is really any type of activity which is strenuous for some time, with chillout zones interspersed within.. so you could for instance do squats with a light load for the same HIIT effect (as in do 20 quick reps, rest for a bit then do it again and repeat the cycle in the same...
  19. S

    Help! I'm not growing!

    I'm on my 2nd week of 10s and did some measurements, and I haven't been developing.. at all... So I read through this thread to see what I could have been doing wrong. I do the exercises mon-wed-fri, so that isn't the problem.. You can see what exercises I do Here and I don't think they are...
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    Mr. Haycock: trying to understand HST principles

    this is how I understood what I read from this thread: I think the important thing which came out of this thread is that the negative phase isn't a negatives-only phase.. You still need concentric exercises and fatiguing exercises, so don't overdo it with only negatives, I'd say do a few of...