1st HST Cycle

Workout #11 - Week 4 (10RM for the A routine)

Squat: 225lbs - 2x10
Flat Bench Press: 145lbs - 3x10
BB Row: 100lbs - 3x10
Military Press: 95lbs - 3x10

The 1st set of squats went well, I had to take slightly longer breaks b/w reps on the 2nd set but I didn't have to rack the weight and completed all 10 reps. First 2 sets of the flat bench went very well, 3rd set I only went up to 7 reps, racked the weight, rest for 30secs and completed the other 3 reps. Did the BB Row w/o a problem on all 3 sets. First 2 sets of the military press were almost effortless, the 3rd set gave me some problems at the end, and only went to 9 reps. Overall I was happy with today's workout, obvious strength gains if I am able to do these RM's for multiple sets, not just one! I'm excited to move on to the 5's next week after my 10RM workout for my B routine this Friday.

Weight: 199.2lbs before workout, 200lbs after workout (weird!). Either way, I'm happy I broke 200lbs whether it was before or after my workout. Now another 30lbs before I look ripped at my current height of 6'5 (I hope I don't grow height-wise anymore!!)!
Workout #12 - Week 5 (10RM for B routine)

Deadlifts: 225lbs - 2x10
Dips: 5th plate - 3x10
Chins: 6th plate - 3x10
Military Press: 100lbs - 3x10

Completed the deadlifts without too much difficulty, although my lower back feels pretty sore right away now only half an hour after my workout. Dips were fine as usual, despite my chest being sore from the previous workout, luckily I'll have 2 days now to recover. Chins weren't too bad, only got to 6 reps on the 3rd set though. Completed all 3 sets on the military press w/o a problem.

Weight: 200lbs
(markobenin @ Sep. 14 2007,15:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Completed the deadlifts without too much difficulty, although my lower back feels pretty sore right away now only half an hour after my workout.</div>
Your back is supposed to be sore. That way you can tell you're not dead yet...
Workout #13 - 5's

Squat - 225lbs - 4x5
Bench press - 145lbs - 6x5
BB Row - 100lbs - 6x5
Military Press - 100lbs - 6x5

I completed every single set/rep today without too much difficulty. No problems or concerns I need to mention...

Weight: 200.6lbs
Workout #14:

Deadlift: 225lbs - 4x5
Dips: BW - 6x5
Chins: BW - 6x5
Military Press: 105lbs - 6x5

Today's workout went by well, deadlifts were pretty easy and so were dips. Struggled on the chins as usual on the last couple sets (I probably miscalculated my RMs for chins since I've struggled with them towards the end sets throughout the cycle). Military press was completed without a hitch.

Weight: 204lbs - A rather large jump from just 2 days ago, it may be because I ate a whole lotta food during the day and kinda did my workout after all this consumption. I'm interested to see what the scales read on Friday.
are you doing regular deads? vs like sumo or romanian...
Nice progress, Mark. Considering that you're doing 6 sets of 5 chins, it's no wonder at all that you're fatiguing on your last sets. I love the volume you're doing - keep it up.
You made a huge jump weight wise on your chins between 10's and 5's. If you were still on the 6th assisted plate, that takes off 30+ pounds I think. Now you are doing BW at the beginning of the 5's...this is good, but still a huge jump in weight (and volume has remained constant). Look forward to seeing you strap on some weight now!!
(fearfactory @ Sep. 20 2007,10:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">are you doing regular deads? vs like sumo or romanian...</div>
Yep I'm doing regular deads.

The dips/chins assistance machine actually starts counting at the 4th plate I believe (donno why...). But you're probably right, it might be something like 25-30lbs jump. Whatever it's workin out so far.

I just hope I get some rest today and the rest of tomorrow until my workout, my legs and back are dead from work. I work as an EMT part-time and i did 12hrs of lifting fat ass patients today and i'm beat!
Workout #15

Squats: 245lbs - 4x5
Bench Press: 155lbs - 6x5
BB Row: 110lbs - 6x5
Military Press: 110lbs - 6x5

Today I struggled a bit on the squats, I was sure puffing alot between reps, but I managed to complete all 5 reps on the first 3 sets, the 4th set killed me though, first rep and i just couldn't come back up with the weight, i had to set it on the pins. I then reset the bar and everything and redid the set. I may have felt weak from all the fat ass patient lifting at work yesterday (I work for an ambulance company as I stated earlier).

I felt strong on the bench however, completed all 6 sets without any problems worth mentioning. The BB row and military press were also completed just fine and didn't struggle too much on the last sets.

Weight: Between 200-201lbs

Kinda disappointed I dropped down to something a little more realistic, it's crazy how much my weight can fluctuate sometimes. From 200 to 204 in 2 days, and back down to ~200-201 in another 2 days. I'll see how it is Monday, hopefully it stabilizes a little bit...
&quot;I was sure puffing alot between reps&quot;

Yeah, I've been getting that on both my squats and deads. It's almost as though it's an aerobic exercise...!

&quot;Kinda disappointed I dropped down to something a little more realistic, it's crazy how much my weight can fluctuate sometimes. From 200 to 204 in 2 days, and back down to ~200-201 in another 2 days. I'll see how it is Monday, hopefully it stabilizes a little bit...&quot;

Body weight can fluctuate up or down by as much as five pounds on any day, depending on your state of feeding, hydration, and glycogen loading. You get a more reliable measurement if you weigh yourself first thing in the morning, before breakfast, on the same day once a week.
Workout #16

Deadlifts: 245lbs - 4x5
Dips: BW+10lbs - 6x5
Chins: BW+10lbs - 6x5
Military Press: 115lbs

Today I felt very solid on the deads, I did them pretty explosively, although my lower back felt all sore almost immediately after as usual. It feels the same way after doing a bunch of hyperextensions on the swiss ball when I do my core work. Dips and military press went fine. Chins were actually completed without a problem today, it may be because i tried a neutral grip with palms facing each other, i donno.

Weight: 204.8lbs - Nice to see i went back up, I hate seeing the scales dropping

At this rate of weight gain, I may even hit 210lbs if I extend the 5s for another 2-3 weeks (depending on how I feel - so far so good though).
Workout #17

Squat: 265lbs - 4x5
Flat Bench: 165lbs - 6x5
BB Row: 120lbs - 6x5
Military Press: 115lbs - 6x5

Today I felt very strong on all 4 lifts, I actually surprised myself on the squat, as I pretty much estimated my 5RM for squats since I was kinda afraid to go that heavy prior to this cycle. I only went to 3 reps on my 4th set cuz I was kinda worn out, but I surprised myself that I completed the first 3 sets fully at 5 reps a piece. The flat bench was also surprising as I didn't think I could every do 6 sets at my 5RM the week before the cycle when I was finding my RMs. BB Row also felt really strong, and I felt like there was alot of room to add weight on the military press. I'm excited for next week when I extend the 5's and hopefully add some decent weight to my RMs.

Weight: ~205lbs - was a clean 205 before the workout and a lil less after probably due to lost water weight.
Workout #18

Dips: BW + 17.5lbs - 6x5
Chins: BW + 20lbs - 6x5
Military Press: 120lbs - 6x5

Today I skipped DL's because doing my core work on my swiss ball at home yesterday, I somehow strained my lower back on the LAST rep of this lower back exercise I was doing, so I didn't wanna add too much pressure on my lower back and aggravate it further. It's getting better so hopefully by Monday I'll be back up to 100%. Otherwise dips were fine today, I felt pretty strong on em. Chins went relatively well but hardly managed the 5th rep on the last 2 sets. Military press was good too, I actually went 5lbs past my 5RM (which should have been 115lbs) just cuz I felt my shoulders have gotten pretty strong.

Weight: ~205lbs - I've been hovering around 205lbs this whole week, so I'm debating whether I need to increase my calorie intake or what in order to keep packing on weight. I suppose I reached my goal I set prior to starting this cycle, but now it seems like I can surpass it and maybe put on another 2-3lbs in the next 2 weeks as I extend the 5's.
Workout #19

Flat Bench: 175lbs - 6x5
BB Row: 135lbs - 6x5
Military press: 125lbs - 6x5

My lower back is STILL strained so I didn't wanna do squats today. I'm pretty pissed it still hasn't gotten better, after all I didn't mess it up lifting really heavy weight, I was merely doing BW core exercises on a swiss ball for God's sake!

Anyway, I was surprised I did 175lbs on the bench for 6 sets today. I struggled on the last 2 reps on the 6th set, other than that I completed every set fully. BB Row was surprisingly easier and I felt I could put up more weight on it, even though I went up 15lbs from the previous workout. Military presses also felt strong for all 6 sets.

Weight: 205lbs DAMMIT I'm still 205lbs, what could I be doing wrong that I'm not getting past 205lbs?!?!
Try upping your daily cals by another 500 for the next few weeks and see how you get on. It's easy to forget that now you have gained weight your maintenance calorie level has risen.