200, 300, 400, 500 - A quest for greatness

I'm still playing with this format for frequent training that I've come up with...I really like it so far.  I think the key to getting this to "work" is the interaction with RPE, the ability to objectively hold yourself back in some fashion if you're not good at doing this instinctually.

The next iteration of this routine that I will try will probably be:


Squat Variant
Upper Push Variant
Upper Pull Variant
(Deadlifts once weekly)

Training = 4-5 days per week, same lifts every day.  So either Su - Thu, or Su/M/W/Th.

Week 1 = 2 sets of 5 @ ~8 RPE
Week 2 = 3 sets of 5 @ ~8-9 RPE
Week 3 = 3 sets of 3 @ ~8-9 RPE
Week 4 = Test conservative maxes one or two days during the week, a high intensity deload, of sorts

Of course, this whole thing could be stretched out further, making any/all of the above blocks last ~2 weeks instead of 1.
Solid peaking day

Pause-y Squats

Bar x warmup
135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x warmup
225 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
275 x 2 (belt)

Pause Bench

135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x 1
225 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
265 x 1
275 x 1 (!)

OAC Practice

Warmed up to reasonable attempts at an OAC on both arms...


Squats went alright today, I didn't really know what to expect there since a lot has changed about my form (much slower eccentric, pause at the bottom, that sort of thing). I did a double with 275 that felt reasonable, MIGHT have been able to get it for a triple, but decided two was enough, didn't want a form breakdown. Even a double paused at 275 is an all time record for me.

Bench I felt weirdly strong. I've been using a grip that's a thumb's distance away from the smooth/rough border, so this is a lot closer than my competition grip used to be. Me doing a nice, long pause with 275 represents me tying my all time best bench, on a shitty home bench, and 15 lbs less bodyweight. Does high frequency training work? Yes.

As for the OAC attempt, I'll upload my attempt on my left arm...

Real nice results, Mike.

I have been trying a closer grip when benching too, to see if it helps my left AC joint. So far so good.

I noted that Konstantinovs uses a fairly narrow grip for someone his size and gets 'good' results:


Awesome SAC attempt. So close. Maybe if you tried adding a few partials (at the top of the ROM) to your SAC training that would help with the final part of the pull. Anyway, I'm getting ready to crack out the beers!
Another day of testing, more promising results...


135 x warmup
225 x warmup
245 x warmup
275 x warmup
295 x warmup
315 x 1
335 x 1
365 x 1 (belt)
385 x 1 (belt

Strict Press

Bar x warmup
95 x warmup
115 x warmup
135 x warmup
145 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1 (loose belt, video)
170 x 0 (belt, over ambitious, waited too long, too)

OAC attempts

Me x ~.75/~.75 per side.


Deadlifts were kind of meh.  I videoed my form up to 385, and the 365 and 385 vids were kind of mediocre.  I'm not really LOSING extension past the bar breaking off the ground, but my back is slightly rounded throughout the pull.

However, my form in double overhand deadlifts both looks and feels excellent.  The "problem" being that I can't lift nearly as much.  But I've been thinking about this again, and besides a desire to move more weight, I think a double overhand deadlift is a better default form of the lift.  Back mechanics will never be sacrificed for the sake of weight, as your grip will give out before your ability to maintain spinal extension.  The plus side here is that it then becomes a hell of a grip exercise, too.  So, at least until I change my mind, I'm just going to double overhand my pulls.

Overhead press went really, really well.  Everything just felt oddly light, and this is especially encouraging considering I haven't overhead pressed in at least a month.  The fact that this rode along with my bench press is fantastic, and reinforces my belief that my experiments in high frequency training are paying off.

The OAC's didn't happen, and based on the overhead press strength going up, I'm kind of curious if the OAC attempt would benefit from a cycle of high frequency chinning practice.

As such, I think I will use squats, bench and chins for my next cycle (beginning Sunday).  Not sure what to do about double overhand pulls, a small part of me is tempted to do them every day too, but I can't help but think this is probably overkill, so for now I may just 5/3/1 them.
A bw press is pretty cool. Good job.

It is very interesting to note that you have not lost 1RM strength in the press after a whole month without pressing. I'm guessing you will make a new PR if you program it back in again for a few weeks.

Re double-overhand grip deads: Why not switch to a hook grip once your regular grip gives up? You'll still give your grip a good workout but you won't compromise the training effect on the bigger muscle groups quite so much.

Steve Jones (PLer who has posted here a fair bit) used to recommend using straps to completely remove the need to focus on grip and to allow focus on other areas of the lift eg. back extension.
Good Lord, Mike - that 165 went up easy. You've got new PR's in you're very near future.

In regard to the grip - I agree with what Jones says in regards to straps; unless you plan on doing a PL comp where straps aren't allowed, why not use straps to really drive your deadlift forward? Grip strength can always be developed very effectively with heavy static holds, gripper reps, or any bevy of other barbell/rope exercises.

Solid lifting, regardless.
Lately I've been Deadlifting double overhand grip only and find that FOR ME starting @ 80%1RM for 15 singles and adding 5-10 lbs. each workout allows not only this technique, but enables me to make the weight my bitch (no grinding). I WAS using the 4-10x1@90% ala Hepburn on deads but found that although this was working superbly on bench,overhead,squat and rows it was getting grindy on deads and detracting from recovery- so I consulted prilepins table and made the switch and feel re-invigorated enough to sometimes hit 15 singles twice in the same week (emphasis on sometimes;I'll sub RDL's for volume if I feel it necessary).

I know you know what you're doing just thought I'd share a similar experience.
I would consider using a hook grip if it didn't rape my hands, I can't even comfortably pull 135 with it, much less 300+.

The reason I want to try a stretch of double overhand deadlifts is sort of the philosophical reasoning detailed above, as a form of deadlift, it is A) inherently more symmetrical than alternate grip and B) it is very easy to preserve perfect back mechanics in the lift.  It honestly just FEELS better than a normal deadlift, much easier for me to feel tighter.

Just to be clear, the reason I am tempted to take a go at double overhand deadlifts isn't because grip is a weak link in my alternate grip deadlifts, it's because it's by far the easiest version of the lift for me to preserve excellent form.

Right now I am actually tempted to run the double overhand deadlifts alongside squats 5 times per week.  Insanity?  We shall see!
(mikeynov @ Sep. 03 2009,8:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I would consider using a hook grip if it didn't rape my hands, I can't even comfortably pull 135 with it, much less 300+.

Right now I am actually tempted to run the double overhand deadlifts alongside squats 5 times per week.  Insanity?  We shall see!</div>
I quite agree about the feel of overhand deads and I reckon if you do run with deads 5 x weekly you could take the opportunity to gradually get accustomed to a hook grip - using it on alternate sessions for initially just a few lighter reps each session and building up until it actually feels like a comfortable (and very sure) grip.

I hated it to begin with but it didn't take that long to hurt less.
(mikeynov @ Sep. 03 2009,2:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Right now I am actually tempted to run the double overhand deadlifts alongside squats 5 times per week.  Insanity?  We shall see!</div>
As I tell my wife the body will either adapt or break...

Here's to adapting!
(RUSS @ Sep. 03 2009,5:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(mikeynov @ Sep. 03 2009,2:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Right now I am actually tempted to run the double overhand deadlifts alongside squats 5 times per week.  Insanity?  We shall see!</div>
As I tell my wife the body will either adapt or break...

Here's to adapting!
Believe it or not, the main concern I'd have about double overhand deadlifting often would be for the skin on my hands/shins, not for my back.
New cycle...


Double Overhand Deadlifts

Pause Squats

Bar x warmup
135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x warmup
225 x 5 (ridiculously loose belt)
225 x 5 (less ridiculously loose belt)

Pause Bench

135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x 5


Me x 3/side (2 finger assist)
Me + 70 x 5
Me + 70 x 5

Double Overhand Deadlifts

135 x warmup (hook)
225 x warmup (hook)
245 x 3 (hook) + 2 (non-hook)
245 x 5 (hook, video below)


The only thing that felt kind of meh was squats, QL started tight but did loosen up after a bit. On video, my hip hiking was present, and even had a rep here and there with some lateral drift. Not squatting in a week makes a difference, hopefully these resolve quickly.

Everything else was fine. My ability to hook without practice slightly surprised me, aside from hurting like hell, this actually felt pretty natural, which is good. I have a video of the second set of 5 below using a hook:

Hook for the win.
Pause Squats

Bar x warmup
135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x warmup
225 x 5 (loose belt)
225 x 5 (loose belt)

Pause Bench

135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x 5
205 x 5


Me x 3/side (2 finger assist)
Me + 70 x 5
Me + 70 x 5


135 x warmup (hook)
225 x warmup (hook)
245 x 5 (hook)
245 x 5 (non-hook)


Man, I was tired today, and this was even harder than yesterday.  Squats were overly grindy, though more symmetric than yesterday.  I squatted in flat shoes, and this may have helped?

Given that I'm now doing 4 exercises per day instead of 3 as per last cycle, I am thinking something may have to &quot;give&quot; in terms of my recovery, and I may try 4 times per week frequency instead of 5.  As I suggested earlier, I am going to have to trial and error this all based on how I'm feeling on a day per day basis, and right now I am thinking this may be the path of wisdom.
(mikeynov @ Sep. 03 2009,3:04)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Right now I am actually tempted to run the double overhand deadlifts alongside squats 5 times per week.  Insanity?  We shall see!</div>
Hoooo hah! Now that's the sort of crazy that rings all my bells!

I'd love to try it, but doubt my CNS would hold up for long...
Terrible squatting day. Hip shifting, hip hiking, you name it, I had it. Why after a day off is it worse than ever? Blah.

Pause Squats

Bar x warmup
135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x warmup
225 x 5 (loose belt)
225 x 5 (loose belt)
205 x 5
205 x 5 (raising left leg)

Pause Bench

135 x warmup
185 x warmup
205 x 5
205 x 5


Me + 75 x 5
Me + 75 x 5


135 x warmup (hook)
225 x warmup (hook)
255 x 5 (hook)
255 x 5 (double overhand)


Squats were just awful. No idea why, I tried concentrating on being evenly balanced on the way up and down, and despite it being below my conscious radar, hip hiking and hip shifting were back as bad as ever. Almost ready to either give up squatting or give up caring that I'm asymmetric. Seriously, it's infuriating worrying so much about subtlety of form instead of just trying to get ******* stronger.

Pulls went okay. I bumped it up to 255 to see how my hook was doing, and it felt alright, albeit insanely painful. The double overhand set afterwards was a little hard in terms of my grip.