2016 Log

Accessories day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x10-100.
Seal rows, index on rings, gorilla grip; 1 x10-70. 3 x8-90.
Thinking of these as 3+3+2+2 and so on really helps. There’s a mental connection between going higher and feeling like failure is imminent. 2x triples and 2x doubles? Not so much.

Front squats; 3 x5-50. Pain and discomfort free in the hips. The limitation to set length in endurance in the rack position. Possibly worth zombie style but I don’t have the ability to quietly ditch the bar and not wake up the whole house. Really happy to have a squat variation that works while I resolve the right hip though.

GPP circuit 1;
WG neutral pull-ups; 3 x10-bw.
Zerchers; 3 x10-70.
OHP, strict feet touching; 3 x10-50.
Giant set.

GPP circuit 2;
BB curls; 2 x10-50.
WG Upright rows; 2 x10-50.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x20-purple band.
Banded abs, barbell behind legs; 3 x20-purple band.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Rest day

109.4 plenty of upper back DOMS but feeling good after the more GPP directed session

Daily walks
3 x30min
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Heavy volume day

110.0 feeling lighter than this and mirror/clothes seem that way too, so not unhappy with the rest day bounce. Once sodium levels out from earlier this week I think I’ll drop into 108s again by week’s end.

10min wake-up walk

DL, clustered singles; 1 x5-70, 120, 170. 5 x1-220. Extreme-V. Oddly the || feet felt horrendous on the right hip flexor.

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x4-120@8, @9.5, @9.5.

Turtleshell BB rows, DL mimic; 1 x5-120. 3 x5-150. Need a wider grip on these.

SSB GMs, DL stance width; 1 x5-82. 3 x5-132. Tried belt and beltless. Not sure which I prefer. Maybe without until the gut is down an inch or two.

Banded abs, barbell behind legs; 3 x20-purple band.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Hypertrophy day


10min wake-up walk

SSB ATG pause SQ, beltless, oly shoes; 4 x5-82. These pissed off my lower-middle back. Probably butt sink? Will stick with front squats for now.

Chin-ups; 4 x10-bw.
Dips; 4 x10-bw.

SG Axle hypers, #7 50deg, density sets; 4 x12-90.

Density sets;
OHP; 3 x5-60.
WG pull-ups; 4 x5-bw.
Spinal curls; 2 x15-70. Just to loosen the tightening from squats. Will cut them next time.
Giant set.

Cut short.

BB curls;
JM press;

Daily walks
Nil - weather

WG pull-ups, clustered; 10 x3-bw. Need to get these back to 5-10 x10 territory.
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Ruck day


Daily walks
1 x 30min +20kg vest
1 x15min +20kg vest
2 x15min

Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw
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Max DL and bench day


10min wake-up walk

DL heavy singles, extreme-V stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 250, 250, 250. For the last rep I went to a KK-|| stance, braced like the old days and it flew up like nothing. Guess I know what I’m sticking with. Probably had 280@10.

Bench to heavy single, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 130. 140kg fail. Right shoulder has some cracks and snaps going through it from bad sleeping positions. Overall today just wasn’t a great day for upper lifts, most likely reflective of being into the cut. Will need to stay emotionally detached from them.
Back offs; 1 x1-120@8. Felt off and didn’t want to push it on an off day.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1
X4-bw+30@8, 1 x3-bw+40@10, 1
[email protected], 1 x6.5@10-bw+30kg. 7th rep was there, I just became a little too excited for it.

CG bench; 2 x12-70.
BB rows, || DL mimic; 2 x8-120.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Accessories day


10min wake-up walk

Dead bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x7-100. First rep off the pins.
Seal rows, index on rings, gorilla grip; 1 x10-70. 3 x9-90.

Front squats; 3 x3-70.

GPP circuit 1;
WG neutral pull-ups; 3 x10-bw.
Zerchers, DL stance; 3 x10-70. Need to bring my elbows in for better bar position.
OHP, strict; 3 x10-50.
Giant set.

GPP circuit 2;
BB curls; 1 x10-50.
Overhead band extension; 1 x15-purple band.
Banded abs, barbell behind legs; 1 x20-purple band.
Giant set.

Lu raises;

Food for thought but I think I want Seated SSB in the mix. Probably on Fridays.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Lower volume day


10min wake-up walk

DL against bands, hook, beltless, speed intervals; 1 x5-70, 70+green band, 120+green. 8 x2-170+green.

HBBS, oly shoes, beltless, ATG paused; 1 x5-70. 3 x5-100. A low RPE here. The intent is to build up reps and technique. I’m well out of practice but that’s a reasonable place to start. Mobility is good though.

SSB GM, DL stance, beltless; 1 x5-82. 5 x5-132.

Banded abs, barbell behind legs; 4 x10-double purple band.
BB rows, DL stance; 1 x5-120. 3 x5-150. Stronger arms required but this wasn’t too bad.

Daily walks
Camping hikes
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ME lower day

109.0 feeling the fatigue a bit from the camping trip and hiking but not as much as expected. A bit sluggish waking up.

10min wake-up walk

Max DL, KK stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 200 hook, 220, 250.

2” mats deficit DLs; 2 x3-200.

Zercher DLs; 3 x10-70. Time to load bump
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 3 x10-double purple band.

Cut short.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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ME upper day

109.0 still feeling some of the fatigue from the camping trip but better recovered than yesterday.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to heavy single, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 130@9.
Back offs; 3 x2-120@9, @8, @8. The more flat-backed I do these, the better they feel.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x5-bw+30. 1 x3-bw+40. 3 x4-bw+30. Biceps need to come up to keep moving these.

CG Larsen bench, triples; 8 x3-100. Sinking these with a pause.
BB rows, natural DL stance; 8 x3-120.
Supersetted. CrossFit-ish pace. Could be faster. Will go for a double load-rep progression scheme at 3-5 rep range.

Deficit push-ups; 3 x10-bw.
WG chin-ups, versa’s; 3 x10-bw.

DB curls, alternating; 1 x10-DB+10kg.
Overhead band extensions; 1 x10-purple band per hand.
Neck extensions; 1 x20-25kg.
Giant set.
Ideally three circuits of this next time.

Cut short.

Good session, lots of positives and plenty of work done.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Lower volume day

108.9 not too bad considering low activity over previous few days.

10min wake-up walk

DL clustered singles, natural stance; 1 x5-70. 2 x1-120, 170. 10 x1-220. All hook. Next week will get to doing these for doubles. Belt position adjusted down slightly and focusing on the chainsaw motion of upper back going up and back, abs coming in. Bodyweight behind the bar rather than over it.

SSB GMs, short breaks; 1 x5-82. 4 x6-132. The aim is to get back to 4x10 territory in 10-12minutes and load from there, using ideally 6-10rep double progression scheme.

Belt squats, oly shoes; 3 x15-100. Seemed tolerable though slightly irritable on the flexor still. With continued motion work, I am hopeful I can bring these back ongoing.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 3 x15-double purple bands.

Axle hypers, #7 50deg: 3 x10-90. Focused on dynamic lower back work. Big pump but maybe not the most comfortable/ideal. Will see how it recovers and settles. SG might be better pattern but I want to leave more gas in the tank for tomorrow’s work.

Banded abs, bar behind legs; 3 x15-double purple bands.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min
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Upper volume day


10min wake-up walk

Chin-ups; 1 x5-bw. 3 x8-bw+5kgs.
Dips; 1 x5-bw. 3 x8-bw+5kgs.

WG neutral pull-ups, versa’s; 3 x12-bw.
OHP; 3 x12-40.

Seated DL, box+8 mats; 3 x12-170. Raise to 10mins next week, didn’t quite hit the lower back the way I wanted.
Banded abs, wide stance; 3 x20-double purple bands. These felt good, probably need more to balance out impact of majority narrow stance lifts on my hips.

Pullover-style CG chin-ups; 3 x15-bw.
Deficit pushups; 3x15-bw.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Arm day

109.9 two week pause on rucking

Supinated DB curls; 4 x10-DB+10kgs. Going to bump the load on these to a more genuine RIR1 @10-12 reps.
Band pressdowns; 4 x10-purple band per hand.

Daily walks
1 x60min
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ME lower day

110.5 carbs salt and fibre all high yesterday.

10min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 200, 220 hook, 250. 270 felt heavy and didn’t want to budge.

Buffalo SQ to max, wide stance; 1 x1-72, 122. Need a lot more practice on these.

4” Deficit DL clusters, beltless; 8 x3-170.

SG axle hypers, #7 50 deg; 2 x10-90. Quick pivot from zerchers due to kiddo having a blood nose and short on time to setup.
Banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x15-double purple bands.

Pendlay rows, DL stance; 3 x5-120kg.

Daily walks
1 x60min
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ME upper day


10min wake-up walk

Buffalo bench to max single, thumbs to smooth; 1 x10-72. 1 [email protected].
Back offs; 4 [email protected], 8.5, 8.5, 8.5.

Weighted chin-ups, clustered singles sets; 1 x5-bw. 1 x5-bw+30@9. 1 x3-bw+35@9. 3 [email protected], @10, @10.

CG Buffalo bench, pinkies to smooth; 8 x3-102.
Pull-ups; 8 x3-bw.
Keeping rest periods to the minimum to complete the bench work. Plenty of RIR on the pull-ups.

WG pull-ups; 2 x11-bw.
Deficit push-ups; 2 x11-bw.

DB curls; 1 x7-DB+20kgs.
Buffalo Skullcrushers; 1 x10-22kgs.
GHD style sit-ups; 1 x20-bw.
Giant set.

Cut short on the giant set but I wasted a lot of time at the start. Definitely enough time for three circuits.

Chin-ups are a big plus considering some fatigue from a late decision to do the pendlays yesterday. Happy with those.

Need to be consistent in stacking my lats/upper-back so that they compress properly. Those reps are great. The looser ones are not.

Daily walks
2 x15min
1 x30min

End of day
WG pull-ups; 5 x5-bw.
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