2016 Log

Day 49

DL, || stance; 3-200kg, 1-220kg, 240kg, 250kg, 260kg, 280kg@9-9.5 speed.

Wide stance SS. box squats; 3x5-60kg. This will take some getting used to.

Dead SSB GMs; 5-60kg, 2x5-80kg. Going as horizontal as I can, and likewise trying to safely put the load as forward as possible whilst respecting my lumbar.

I am tempted to start doing dedicated loaded ab work every day or every other day. I really need the fuckers to get bigger for my bracing potential.
Day 50

DL, || stance; 3-200kg, 220kg, 1-240kg, 250kg, 260kg, 280kg@9 speed. The fatigued days are feeling better lately. 280 is my new 270.

Going to sneaky purchase some rubber 25kg plates so that I can load up better (bar spaces).

WH OHP suicide grip, myoreps; 50kg-15, 5, 5, 2. Bar came out in front of me. Just left it there.

Abs; 2x12-60kg.
Day 51

DL, || stance; 3-200kg, 220kg. 1-240kg, 250kg, 260kg, 280kg@9 speed. Stuffed up pulling the slack out, focusing mentally too much on explosion.

Seated DL; 3x5-240kg. Had to raise the seat height (more mats) due to DL bar. Best accessory I know. Might just run it twice a week on Monday and Friday.
Day 52

DL, V stance, 3-200kg, 2-220kg, 1-240kg, 260kg, 290kg@9-9.5 speed. New daily max in sight/maybe already there? The versa gripps velcro will give out before me, for a change. Looking into getting some figure 8 straps. Not a massive fan of normal ones (spend too long getting set up).

Abs; 2x12-60kg.

CG neutral chins; 3x3. They make the anterior deltoid feel odd. Wider grip is very uncomfortable and non-viable atm. Weird.
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Day 53

DL, V stance; 1-200kg, 220kg, 240kg, 260kg, 280kg@9-9.5 speed.

I thought 300kg was on the cards the way that 200 moved. It was basically no different to holding an empty barbell.

Didn’t properly cue though and ended up getting ahead of myself. Left knee ha been iffy since long walk this morning and didn’t cooperate. “Ground Away” - need to make this automatic.

Bent knee raises; 2x10-20kg. Love the traction that comes with the ab work.
Day 54

DL, || stance: 3-200kg, 2-230kg, 1-250kg, 270kg@8, 290kg@9-9.5 speed. Had it going on today. Started in V stance but knee wasn’t happy with that.

Seated DL; 3x3-250kg. My core is thrashed.

Abs; 2x8-70kg. Really thrashed.
Day 55

DL, || stance, 3-200kg, 2-230kg, 1-250kg, 3-265kg@9.5 speed.

WG OHP suicide griped 5-40kg, 60kg. 5x3-80kg@8.5.

Day 56

DL, || stance; 3-200kg, 230kg. 1-250kg, 270kg@8.5-9, 280kg@9.5 speed. Bit of an ‘eh’ day, but no dramas. 280 feels like 270 used to feel like a month or so back, so there’s definite progress.

SSB GMs; 2x5-100kg.

SSB SQ; 2x3-100kg. Trying out a wider stance. Patella seems to tolerate it. The box squats from last week didn’t go down well, so leaving them at the door.

Abs: 2x6-80kg. I’m not strong enough for this load, yet.
Day 57

DL, || stance; 3-200kg, 1-230 kg, 250kg, 260kg, 270kg. 2-280kg@9-9.5 speed. Felt hard but strong, and faster than before.

OHP, suicide grip; 5-40kg, 60kg. 1-80kg, 90kg@9.

Abs; 2x10-60kg.
Day 58

DL, || stance; 3-200kg, 1-230kg, 250kg, 260kg, 270kg, 280kg@9 speed. 300kg fail. It broke but was too far over the bar, and honestly it just wasn’t quite there. 290 would have been @9.5-10.

Probably should have hit another double, in retrospect.

Seated DL; 3x3-250kg. Still the best accessory there is for deadlifting.

Banded abs; 3x20.
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DL, V stance; 1-200kg, 230kg, 250kg, 270kg, 290kg@8.5-9 speed. 300 was there, but trying to avoid going to @10. Maybe tomorrow? Not far off now.

Banded abs; 1x20.
Day 60

DL, V stance; 1-200kg, 230kg, 250kg, 270kg@8, 290kg@9.5-10 speed. No sticking points, quite happy with it considering lack of sleep and an early workout compared to yesterday.

BB side bends; 10-40kg per side.

Abs; 2x8-60kg. These felt hard today. Probably add a third set moving forward.
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Day 61

DL, V stance; 3-200kg, 1-230kg, 250kg, 270, 290kg@9.5-10 speed. Feel asleep with legs up whilst putting Soph into bed, felt horrific when I woke. Like being trapped in a reverse hyper low position. Braced magnificently to make sure no issues on the heavy reps, and kept it light.

Seated DL; 3x3-250kg. Anyone who wants to improve their deadlift should do these. They are the best exercise you can possibly find to help bracing and back musculature in the deadlift.

Abs; 2x10-60kg.

SSB step-ups; 2x5 each keg, bar weight. Just wanted to test out the feeling with load (the bar). These will stay I think.
Day 62

DL, V stance; 3-200kg, 2-230kg, 1-250kg, 2-270kg. Went for 3rd rep but glutes didn’t have it, which is unusual. I don’t think I cued it correctly regardless. Should have done full reset between reps and I think I’d have had it.

WG OHP; 5-40kg, 60kg, 3x5-80kg.

Banded abs; 2x20.
Tempted to bump the OHP and vertical pulling to 5x a week, low reps per session ofc.

Of course I need to find another 15mins each morning for that ...

Day 63

DL, || -> V stance; 3-200kg, 2-230kg, 1-250kg, 260kg, 270kg, 280kg@9.5-10 speed. Grindy and creaky today after a long day at work yesterday. I’ll take it. A month back this would’ve been 272.5kg at the top.

SSB step ups; 2x5-20kg. These are beyond humbling. Wow.

Erector cable pulls; 3x8-100kg. Working on a theory.

Abs; 2x10-60kg.
Day 52

DL, V stance, 3-200kg, 2-220kg, 1-240kg, 260kg, 290kg@9-9.5 speed. New daily max in sight/maybe already there? The versa gripps velcro will give out before me, for a change. Looking into getting some figure 8 straps. Not a massive fan of normal ones (spend too long getting set up).

Abs; 2x12-60kg.

CG neutral chins; 3x3. They make the anterior deltoid feel odd. Wider grip is very uncomfortable and non-viable atm. Weird.

Yeah I've been doing neutral grip chins this cycle, I've found them a bit odd, and I actually thought they were a stronger movement than supinated chins but the weights I'm using are much lower than what I reached for supinated grip..

Odd about the anterior delt! Is it like a pinching feeling or just general discomfort?
Yeah I've been doing neutral grip chins this cycle, I've found them a bit odd, and I actually thought they were a stronger movement than supinated chins but the weights I'm using are much lower than what I reached for supinated grip..

Odd about the anterior delt! Is it like a pinching feeling or just general discomfort?

As though it needs to room to move and doesn’t have it. I imagine time will sort it out.
Day 64

DL, V stance; 3-200kg, 1-230kg, 250kg, 260kg, 270kg, 2-280kg@9.5 speed. I realised about halfway through that I wasn’t driving through the floor fast enough. Fixed it and hit a solid double.

Abs; 2x10-50kg. Changed the angle to face out of the cable stack rather than towards. Much better, less hip flexors.