2016 Log

Deads; 3-220, 1-240, 250, 260, V stance. So fatigued right now and hips barely made it out of bed, sort of a win.

CB GM; 1-120,170, 2x8-190. Cut a set for fatigue. No rack pulls, I can’t handle it on this deficit.

Leg extension; 3x20-70+double red bands.

ATG pause squats; 3x8-70. Starting point.

Reverse hyper; 3x20-110 plus double red. E

SLDL; 3x8-120. Hypers not working for a moment. It maybe I can load onto the upper back with BB
Chins; 6x8

OHP; 5-70, 1-75,80,85. 2x5-75. Supersetted with chins.

Upright rows; 3x6-90. A bit free with the form but she’ll be alright.

Neck extensions; 12,12,8-40, seated.

Spinal rows; 3x15 - 130+double red bands. 3x15-70+ double black bands

3x20 - tricep extensions, purple band

Reverse curls; 3x10-40kg, supersetted with triceps.
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GPP day

Step-up; 10-bw, 20, 3x10-40.

Zercher CB carries; 7x20m-120kg.

Leg extensions; 4x25-70.
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Deads; lots of time working on a new technique. Finished with singles at 249 and 250.

CB GM; 1-120,179,199, 3x6-200. Plenty more in the tank.

Belt squats; 3x10-125. Knee holding up.

Leg extension; 3x25-70.

Reverse hyper; 3x25-70+ double black bands. Wow. This was amazing.

Hyper; 10-20, 40, 8-60. 5x1-60 for max time holds at top.
Chins; 6x8

OHP; 5-60, 1-70,75,80,85. The 85 was much better this time around.

Seal rows; 2x6-110, 3x10-90. I plan on being much more disciplined with these.

Push-ups; 130 rep total. Part of a June company effort for mental health and suicide awareness.

Upright rows; 4x10-70.

Reverse curls; 4x10–40.
Deads; 6x1-220. Speed-ish reps to work on new technique changes.

RDLs; 2x5-190. These are to help remember how to lean back and leverage my body weight job to assist in the lift.

SSB box squats; 3x10-70. A tester exercise, knee felt ok, a lot more weight to add.

CB GMs ; 1-120, 170, 190, 3x5-210.

Leg extensions; 3x20-90.

Reverse hypers; 3x15-70 plus double black bands. Sooo good.

Spinal rows; 3x15-70 plus double black bands.

Leg curls; 2x25-70.
Chins; 6x8. Will start to load these next week.

OHP; 5-60, 1-70,75,80,85,87.5.

Seal rows; 6x10-90

Push-ups; 7x10

Upright rows; 3x10-72.5

BB curls; 2x10-40.
Deads; 1-220, 240, 250, 260. Technique refinement continues.

FP deads; 2x4-200. These should, in theory, help me re-learn the bracing and slack pull that I’ve not practiced well enough.

CB GM; 1-120, 170, 190, 2x6-210. Left the third set on the table today, diet fatigue still there despite weekly Saturday refeeds.

Box squats; 2x10-100.

Reverse hyper; 3x10-150z double bands made very strong, I’ll probably alternate one session a week.

Hypers; 2x10-40. These will have to move to being a high rep finisher I think.

Spinal rows; 3x10-110+double black bands.
Chin-ups; 6x8

OHP; 5-60, 1-70,75,80,85,87.5

Seal rows 5x10,8-95

Pushups; 6x10

WG OHP; 4x10-40

BB rows; 3x10-110

Reverse curls; 2x10-40

Abs; 4x30 standing band crunch

Triceps; 2x30 purple band
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Dead’s; 3-170, 1-220, 5x1-230z technique revamp continues.

FPDL; 3x3-210.

CB GMs; 15,15,13-160. The goal is to get to 20 reps each set. Pretty sure I had it set 1 but pussied out.

Belt squats; 10-125,145,145.

Leg extensions; 3x15-110.

Reverse hyper; 3x10-150.

Hypers; 2x30 - bw
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Chin-ups, wide and neutral; 5kg-6x6

OHP - 5-60, 1-70,75,80,85,90. 90 was rpe11, glad to get it over the line.

Seal rows; 6x10-95.
Push-ups; 6x10, supersetted.

Wide OHP; 3x10,8 -42.5.

Spinal rows; 3x15-110+double black bands.

Reverse curls: 3x8-42.5
Triceps extension; 3x20, supersetted

Seated neck extensions; 2x15-20. No hand guidance this time. Felt amazing but definitely care required.

Hammer curls; 4x 10 green bands
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Deads; 2-220, 1-240, 250, 260. 270 I think was there if I’d nailed the brace. Slack pulling and technique refinement continues to progress well. It’s arguably even a bit easier as the cut continues. Had to re-screw the lever to a tighter setting today, and that’s using Pioneer’s adjustable model. Fuck the hunger pains though.

FPDL; 2x2-220. Not quite as consistent as I’d like but some more good practice all the same. I may up the volume on these a bit by increasing reps per set.

Belt squat oly shoes; 3x10-125. Doing them with a brief, momentum-killing pause at the bottom and torso in static position.

CB GMs; 1-170, 3x5-210. These were hard today, thanks to FPDLs.

Single joint stuff later on.

Leg extensions; 3x15-120

Reverse hyper, lower back emphasis; 3x10-120. I think I will re-add bands to these.

Hypers with pause-hold at top; 2x20-bw. I believe I’ve figured out a way to add bands productively. Something to try on Thursday.
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Versa Grippz day on account of mild strain in left forearm/bicep/brachialis/something.

Chin-ups, mixed grips; 6x6-5kg.

OHP; 5-60, 1-70,75,80,85. 90-fail halfway up. Close grip pressing should assist here.

Seal rows; 6x10-95. Went narrower to accommodate the injury and worked well enough.

Pushups; 6x10. Supersetted.

Seated neck extensions; 2x15-20.



SG bb rows; 3x10-120. Yoke ahoy.

CG OHP; 10x3-60, speed protocol

Seated neck extensions; 2x12-20.

Leaving the arms for today to allow the forearm to recover a little.
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Deads; 2-220, 17x1-230, E2MOMish. These will move to double next week, then raise weight and back to singles, repeat.

Belt squats; 3x10-130.

More stuff at lunch break

CB GMs, wide stance; 3x4-210. Took me until set three to find the groove.

Box squats; 10x2-120, speed protocol

Reverse hyper, lower back emphasis; 3x20-110

Hypers with pause; 2x15-red band around neck. Success!!
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Chin-ups; 6x7-5kg.
OHP; 5-60, 5x5-70. RIR2ish. Supersetted.

Seal rows; 6x8-100kg.
Pushups; 6x15. Supersetted.

Seated neck extensions; 3x15-20.

Lunch break

SG BB rows; 3x8-130

Wide OHP; 4x8-50

Spinal rows; 3x15-110+double black bands
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Leg extensions; 15-110, 3x10-120.

CB zercher squats; 10-70, 4x10-80.

CB zercher holds, 1min; 5x1-130.
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