Warm up
Banded ab crunches; 2x red shorty - 1 x20.
DL, V & || stance mix, anchoring, high hips; 10-120. 3-170, 3-200 hook for 1st rep. 1-220, 230, 240. Lots (too many) attempts at 250 but it frustratingly just was there. Turned into slack pull practice. Weirdly my right pec/anterior rib cage feeling strained.
Back off clusters; 5 x5 - 185. Experimented with both stances and knees over the bar slightly for that quad drive contribution. Didn’t really take though.
Buffalo ATG paused squat; 5-70. 1-120, 130, 140. Didn’t have the confidence to go full depth but it was better than last week so I’ll take a win. I decided to just squat with a bar position that feels right, rather than overly concerned myself with HBBS vs LBBS.
Definitely either rib or connective tissue going through something on the right side, about where the heart would be if it were on the left. Will be mindful not to push that sensation too far, another cracked rib through lifting would be a pain of a setback.
Back off clusters; 4 x3-120. These went really well.
Dynamic deadlifts singles; 5 x 1-170. 6 x1-190.
Not using these as WSBB speed work but rather to re-learn the dynamic start I toyed with when I deadlifted every day for a year. Practicing Steve Johnson/Forsaken Warrior’s setup and style. Ideally I could turn lose at the top but not going to happen at 6am in a home gym

I would’ve liked to do a lot more but the right pec thing was telling me to call it for today.
Banded ab crunches; 2x red shorty - 4 x20, hold at bottom. They’re unlikely to take my core into professional strongman territory but they feel really good and counterbalance all of the hip extension work I’m doing.
Daily walks
2 x20min
Step-ups; 1 round - 5 x10, box+8 mats +10kg vest.