2016 Log


Daily walks
1 x20min
1 x40min sled drags, 25kg, 100m forwards and reverse alternating
1 x40min
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Standing jumps; 1x10
Sit-ups; 1 x10

DL singles, || stance scoop technique; 10-70, 120. 5-170 hook, cut beneath thumbnail. 3 x1-220. 1-240, 250. Expedited weight loss and fatigue has me down on max strength this week.

9 x1-230. When I properly commit to the brace, a lower belt position seems to give me more confidence. Just something I noticed. Time to bite the bullet and commit more to quads.

BB hypers, mix of angles and pad lengths, fat bar; 3 x6-100. Not sure which I prefer yet.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x11-bw+10kg.

Daily walks
2 x20min
10min 3 x15-bw split squats
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100.8 getting closer to a morning weight of sub-100. Next step is then to get a few kg’s under so I can pump a few more calories in and perform better with a day-weight of around 99-100.

WG neutral pullups; 1 x10-bw. 6 x5-bw+25kgs.
Bench, index on rings, triples@112.5;1 x10-70. 6 x3-112.5. I need to remember to touch closer to belly button than nipple, both for strength and shoulder happiness. Once I did that, the reps were really solid. My arch has come along a fair way.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 1 x10-bw. 1 x10-bw+10kgs.
Giant set. Stopped the sit-ups in this slot as they felt like they were fatiguing my brace for bench. I’ll find another slot.

High hip DL stance rows; 5-70. 4 x5-100. Starting off light. The plan is to hold my torso in position, beyond the 1cm requirement to break the weight abs re-familiarise my lower back/torso with this position, holding my rounded thoracic throughout and mimicking my pull. Belt on today.

Hanging leg raises; 5 x12-bw.

Sit-ups; 2 x8-bw+10kg.
Banded triceps extensions; 2 x30-green band.
Neck extensions; 1 x25-25kg.

I can find 15-20mins in the second half as I was playing it by ear re: selections, pairings and setups, so I am quite happy with today.

Daily walks
2 x20min
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Standing jumps; 1x10.
Sit-ups; 1x15.

DL, high hips, slight V close stance, clusters; 10-70, 120, 170. 8 x2-200. Brace, slack, squeeze the glutes. Worked out really nicely and not over extending the lower back continues to be the key for me.

CB ATG squats, clusters; 5-70. 8 x2-120.

SG BB hypers, 50deg #5; 4 x13-80. Versa’s for sweat, fat bar isn’t the focus on volume day though.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x13-bw+10kg.

Interrupted here but smashed the above out in 80 minutes. Ecstatic with that efficiency.

Front squats, clusters; 6 x3-70. Starting point.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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WG neutral pull-ups@RIR1-2; 5 x15-bw + 4x4-myoreps.
Bench volume, index finger on rings; 5 x10-85 + 3x3 myoreps.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 4 x10-bw+10. These are a little uncomfortable from a contact-pressure perspective on back to back days when I do them weighted, so they cut it a set short and may keep them on lower days and hanging leg raises throughout upper sessions.
Giant set.

Seated deadlifts, neck extension at top, box + 9 mats; 5 x10-160. Felt amazing. Here we come …
Shoulder width pushups; 3 x20-bw. Fuller ROM and opening up the range feels better on rehabbed shoulder.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x12-bw.
Giant set.

Pre-lunch GPP upper
WG inverted rows; 5 x20-bw. 15mins. No versa’s. Want to shave rest interval down but happy with this.

Daily walks
3 x30min
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Step-ups; 10 x20-bw. Doing these with only shoes for left knee stability but will try with flats to better engage calves.

Crunches on bench; 3 x20-bw.

Seated band crunches, minimal/no hip movement; 6 x20-green band. Really like this movement but getting the ideal positioning will take a few more goes. A very welcome traction effect with minimal potential for troubling the lower back as it recovers from the week.

Supersetted step ups with the abs.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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101.3 thanks to salt, carbs steak&potatoes volume and more or less resting up yesterday. Feeling good.

Standing jumps; 1 x10
Sit-ups; 1x15

DL, V stance high hips, clustered singles; 10-70, 120. 5-170. 3 x1-220. 1 -240, 250. Frustratingly couldn’t budge 260, glutes just weren’t willing to get involved the way. Need them for this stance.

|| & V scoop technique; 10 x1-240. I’ll pursue V stance scoop for now. The good reps felt so easy. Sacrificed some accessory time for more singles, needed it mentally.

Fat bar hypers, #5 50-deg; 3 x5-100kg. Steeper angle a lot tougher to move. I’m seriously considering going to good mornings for this slot. Build my hips power again now that seated deadlifts cover off the torso work. I’ll have the time if I stop fucking around on weights that aren’t there and costing myself 15+mins in a session.

Sit-ups plate behind head; 3 x13-bw+10kg.

Step-ups with vest, full ROM; 3 x10-bw+20kg. This will also get me used to wearing the vest again, I need to stick with it for walks on WFH days.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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WG neutral pullups; 1 x10-bw. 6 x5-bw+25kg belt.
Hanging leg raises; 7 x12-bw.
Bench, index of ring fingers; 1 x10-70. 6 x3-112.5.
Giant set.

Bent over rows; 3x8-120@RIR5-6. Fuck it, I want my lower back strength and endurance back.
Axle bar press; 3 x5-50kg. Felt great with the slightly different positioning and the thicker bar touches my chest at a good height re: mobility.
Neck extensions; 3 x25-25kg.
Crunches on bench; 3 x20-bw. Probably move these back to a higher rep sit-up.
Giant set.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Standing jumps; 1 x10.
Sit-ups; 1x15

DL, Buettner technique, 60s clustered singles 15-20reps. 10-70, 120, 170. 15 x1-220.

15 reps took 25 minutes. Felt about right so left it there. Happy with the form. Lots of room to keep straightening upper back/stronger slack pull at the initiation point, which is encouraging. Always room for more quad drive.

CB squats, 60s clusters, 8x3; 5-70. 8 x3-120.

Fat bar SG hypers #5 50deg; 4 x15-80kg.
Sit-ups with plate behind head; 4 x15-bw+10kg. Pushed my seat position back/longer legs and it felt natural and highly effective without sacrum contact irritation.

SSB widowmaker set, DL stance; 1 x20-72kg. Picked up a 32kg SSB in a trade for plates and it kicked my ass.

Amazing workout. 5-10mins of fuckarounditis to discipline out around the squats.

Daily walks
2 x20min 32kg reverse SSB
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WG neutral pull-ups, versa’s; 5 x15-bw.
Hanging leg raises; 5 x12-bw.
3ct bench, index on rings; 5 x10-75kg.
Giant set. Too fatigued from yesterday to add in the myoreps. Cut rest periods a bit too short so rest-paused a few pull-up reps

Seal rows volume, full reset; 3 x15-70kg
Pushups full ROM; 3 x15-bw.
SG shrugs, versa’s; 3 x12-170kg.
Giant set. Building up the SSB shelf and practicing being in full spinal extension for deadlifts.

Daily walks
1 x20min
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Lots of carbing up today.

100.5 either left adductor or left hamstring near the glute is a bit tight. Something to be mindful of leading into Monday’s session. I think it actually stems from something on the outer left heel being extremely inflamed and painful, and then a cascade effect.


Step-ups; 6 x25-bw. Dumped the OLY shoes, socks only. I’ve started to deduce that the elevated heel isn’t doing my left knee any favours due to less engagement of the calf on that side of the joint.

Sit-ups, plate behind head; 5 x15-bw+10kg.
Reverse curls; 5 x15-30kg.
Overheas triceps extensions; 5 x20-red band per hand.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x90min shopping

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100.5 feeling good

High NEET day, covered 10km in non-directed walking. High food too, probably a scale bump tomorrow.
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101.6 about what I thought it would look like due to carbing, salt and higher volume food in the gut. Should be settled again by Wednesday.

Feeling a little under the weather/head cold-ish.

Hanging leg raises; 1 x15-bw.

DL, Buettnee technique/slack pull with hip drop, close stance minor-V, clustered singles; 10-70, 120. 5-170. 4 x1-220. 2 x1-240. 5 x1-250. I wasted 10-12 minutes trying to get more at 250 but those I pulled were pretty good. Lots of work to be done on the hip leveraging though. Stronger than last week though.

SSB GMs, beltless; 1 x5-82. 3 x5-112. 10kg bump next week, they were not particularly challenging. Nice to see where the starting strength level is.
Hanging leg raises; 4 x12-bw.

Step-ups with vest; 2 x10-bw+20kg. Too light by far, bump next week.
Weighted planks with vest; 2 x30s-bw+20kg.

Did a few more practice reps at 220kg to finish out. Those leg raises were very strongly felt during brace. Going to pursue further.
Just have to keep working on the slack pull and quad loading.

Daily walks
2 x20min
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WG chin-ups with belt; 1 x10-bw. 6 x5-bw+25kg. Felt good. Possibly look to do a full reset between reps, feet on ground after the full ROM. Probably no case recover to rep work though.
Hanging leg raises; 7 x12-bw. These are feeling fantastic lately.
Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 6 x2-115. I had the strength for triples but load bump is enough for one week.
Giant set.

SG shrugs, heavy, strict; 3 x6-200kg.
Sit-ups with plate behind head; 3 x15-bw+10kg.

Workout cut short due to family wake up, improvised the superset to get some efficient work done quickly.

Daily walks
1 x20min
1 x45min
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Banded abs; 1 x20-green band.

DL, || stance, Buettner technique, clustered reps 60s; 10-70, 120, 170. 5 x1-220. These took a few minutes to really get going but it was an improvement on last week and generally the slack is coming out really well at a lower weight, relative to the barbell’s bend.

Once consistently of the slack pull is just a little better, the remaining question as always will be || vs modest V stance.

SSB squat clusters 60s; 5-82. 4 x5-112. This is about 10-12mins work and kicks my arse but doesn’t destroy the rest of the workout. Upper back isn’t a weakness of mine but static thoracic extension always needs reinforcement. It also preferences the quads with no shoulder issues via the SSB.

Fat bar hypers, #5 50deg; 3 x10-90. Full resets now. Hammers the knee insertions and hopefully prepares me to bring Nordic curls into the mix. Nothing left after the 3rd set. Will work on 3-4x10-15, taking workout session time and energy into account. Hamstrings are not exactly a weakness for me so the difference of 3 vs 4 sets is probably minimal post-deadlifting.

Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw. The cue of ‘crunch’ was a game changer for these.

Belt squat volume, knees forward, pause at the bottom; 3 x15-100.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

Some weeks I’ll get cut 10-15min short and will make up the belt squats during the day. I’ll probably have 5-8mins of setup saved next time, now that I’ve figured out the exercises and equipment involved.

Daily walks
Split squats; 4 x15 per leg. 10mins.
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