2016 Log

Volume upper day

110.0 sodium and fibre back up

10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x8-110@9. 3 x12, 10-100@9, 8.5, @9.5.

Chin-ups, continuous; 1 x16-bw. 1 x7-bw+15kgs@9. 3 x12, 11, 10-bw@9, @10, @10.

Neck extensions; 2 x15-30kgs. 1 x30, 25, 20-25kgs.
Giant set.

Bench, pinkies on rings; 2 x8-100.
Seal rows, gorilla grip, reset reps; 2 x8-90.

CG axle hypers, #1 50deg; 1 x25-50kgs. 2 x20-80kgs.

Sit-ups, GHD-style; 3 x10-bw. Intense with the decline drop but not sure if quite hitting the spot yet. Straighter legs helped. Will try adding a plate behind head next week.

JM press; 1 x10-40.
BB curls; 1 x12-40.

Thought my work rate was higher today but time seemed to keep drifting away.

Still have things to sort out for the session structure.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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I don’t find they make me bigger or stronger. They’re a good way to get an efficient workout in when time or available equipment is limited, but I’ve not found them to offer anything beyond more traditional schemes.
Thanks! Interesting observation.

I hadn't really thought about it, but (at least what I think I've observed) they appear to work well in the short term for stimulating hypertrophy, but I haven't really noticed it on the strength side compared to how I usually progress the weights through cycles (I often like to extend each rep range an extra few weights until closer to failure). Perhaps there is not enough volume/load for the neuromuscular adaptions? I don't know how that correlates in the long term, though.
Thanks! Interesting observation.

I hadn't really thought about it, but (at least what I think I've observed) they appear to work well in the short term for stimulating hypertrophy, but I haven't really noticed it on the strength side compared to how I usually progress the weights through cycles (I often like to extend each rep range an extra few weights until closer to failure). Perhaps there is not enough volume/load for the neuromuscular adaptions? I don't know how that correlates in the long term, though.

I suggest the ‘hypertrophy’ is just cellular swelling - glycogen, water and salts. Hypertrophy takes a long time to show for non-beginners and non-gear users.
Max effort lower day


5min wake up walk, 5min knees up marching

DL to max, || stance, leveraged slack pull; 1 x10-70, 120, 170. 1 x1-220, 240, 250, 260, 270. Needed three attempts for 270, opened the toes up slightly and went bottom-up. Still lots of leverage/wedge practice to do.

Back off singles, explosive; 5 x1-240.

Deficit RDLs, 12mats, beltless; 2 x7-170. Lower back wasn’t feeling amazing here. I think putting BB rows back in will help.

SSB SQ, oly shoes, beltless; 3 x10-82. Just a starting point to rebuild depth. The right knee still have something on the outside slipping and clicking.

CG axle hypers, #6 50deg; 2 x8-100. Back to doing these more traditionally. Am going to really push them to condition my lower back to be stronger in a fixed position while the hips move.


RDLs to come down so I can safely take them to failure and no ROM cheating.

4th set of squats, with a slight load bump to get the legs to failure.

Torn between an explosive start from the bottom and trying to wedge in. Not sure which is best. Still need the high hips either way.


CG axle hypers, #6 50 deg; 3 x8-90. Played with these some more.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort upper day

110.0. Lower back has heavy fatigue from the extra hypers yesterday.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x1-120, 125, 130, 135, 140. Didn’t get to a touch and it was a grinder. Mainly wanted to get re-exposed to the load.

Chin-ups; 1 x10-bw. 1 x5-bw+15kgs. 1 x4-bw+30kgs@10. 4 x3-bw+25kgs@9, @9, @9, @10. Went back to continuous reps.

Definitely noticing a big impact on chin-up performance from the deficit RDLs on Mondays. I think I will make them SSB GMs and then move RDLs to Thursday’s session.

Pause bench; 3 x2-120@9, @9.5, @9.5.
BB rows, anti-sumo stance; 3 x5-120. Social media and memories is making me want to go back to this stance. Felt pretty good.

Dips; 2 x5-bw. Left shoulder needs something to slip back to where it belongs, and these seem to help do that. Could work, could not, but a reasonable way to finish once I build reps up again.

Super WG pull-ups; 2 x6-bw. Just figuring out the best width for now.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Lower volume day


5min wake-up walk, 5min knees-up marching

DL, anti-sumo stance; 1 x-10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 15 x1-220. Definitely fatigued from Tuesday’s BB rows.

CB paused SQ to box, beltless; 3 x10-70, 80, 80. Knee integrity getting better. Will continue to keep the reps higher and just utilise this as a workhorse exercise.

CB GMs; 3 x5-120. Load feels fine, but it’s been a LONG time since I did this loading pattern or movement. Will accommodate the programming accordingly.

BB rows; 3 x8-120. Practicing that sustained lower back position. My left lower toe spasmed on the first set of the 2nd set. Putting it down to fatigue from holding the extended position a lot more than previously. Will work it through the day and make sure to get anterior flexion in.

Nordics assisted; 3 x15-bw+Rogue green band.
Belt squats, anti-sumo stance, pump work; 3 x20-100.

Daily walks
1 x30min + 10kg vest
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Upper volume day

110.0 lower back is tight but feels like it should be more or less fine with continued movement.

10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings: 1 x10-70. 4 x8-110@8, @8.5, @8.5, @10. Shit setup on the last one and should have started it over. Solid work though.

CG neutral pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 1 x16-bw. 3 x11-bw+10kgs. CG really feeling good for everything.

Neck extensions; 5 x15-30kgs.
Giant set.

CG bench, index to knurl; 3 x15, 12, 12-70.

WG Seal rows, middle finger on rings; 3 x15, 12, 12-70.

Seated overhead band extensions; 3 x failure - purple band.

Standing banded abs, heel braced; 3 x30-IE blue band.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Performance lower day

110.0 feeling exhausted. Back has mostly returned to normal.

5min wake-up walk

DL to max, close minor-V stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 240, 250. Running on fumes today and had nothing in the tank.

Back offs; 5 x3-220.

SSB SQ; 1 x3-82, 132, 132. These felt good enough. Will do more next week when not quite so tired.

Cable pulley standing abs, bar behind legs; 4 x10-50. Found a really great setup at last. Might load with smaller plates next time so I can get my feed further back instead of heels getting clipped.

SG BB turtle shell rows; 3 x5-120.

Spine curls, || stance, 12mat deficit; 2 x5-

Quite happy overall.

Thinking I will use my hip width || stance on Thursday’s to build familiarity with the pull-in.

Definitely need to not be lazy on reps with the warm up sets and remember it’s 4:30am.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Performance upper day

109.6 back into using the standing desk a lot, which seems to be helping balance out calories on the days I can’t get out for a lot of intentional steps.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x1-120, 130, 135, 135, 135-FAIL. Just couldn’t quite find my groove today.

45deg pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 1 x5-bw+15kgs. 5 x3-bw+30kgs@9.5, @9.5, @9.5, @9.5, @10.

Bench, deadstop; 3 x2-100.

Chin-ups: 3 x5-bw+15kgs.

Pump finisher AMRAPs
Bench; 1 x10-100.
WG pull-ups; 1 x10-bw.
Lu raises; 1 x20-5kgs.

Couldn’t find my bench groove until last assistance set. Frustrating but won’t overthink it.

Pull-ups were strong.

Daily walks
1 x15mi
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Capacity lower day


10min knees up marching

DL, anti-sumo stance, beltless; 1 x10-70, 120. 3 x5-170. 3 x5-150+IE red shorty band. These were ‘ok’. Feel like a hip width stance and joint stacking is still going to be better overall at a heavier weight, and it’s a matter of maintaining hip height with the lower back mileage I have these days.

CB SQ to box; 3 x5-100.

DL, || stance, beltless; 3 x10-170. Felt like doing some technique work rather than GMs.

Zercher squats; 2 x5-100. Doing these from the rack rather than floor. A lot easier to progress.

Nordics assisted; 3 x15-bw + Rogue green band assist.

SG axle hypers, #6 50deg; 2 x15-50.
Standing band crunches, calves braced; 2 x30-IE blue band.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Capacity upper day and lower GPP day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-120@9, @9, @9.5,
CG neutral pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 3 x5-bw+20kgs@9, @9, @9.5,
Neck extensions; 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

Buffalo OHP, pinkies to knurl; 1 x6-52. 2
x5-62. Great ROM on this bar but has a slight wobble at light weights that don’t push the sleeves into a lock. Should be ok.

BB rows, medium-V DL stance; 3 x8-120.

Super WG bench; 2 x12-70.
Seal rows; 2 x12-70.

SSB Step-ups, box+12mats; 3 x10-bw+32kgs. Need to improve work capacity and shorter rest periods. Possibly add in belt squats as a high rep movement too.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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