Well-Known Member
Cycle Update
Well Lads, I hate to say it, but I need to start a new cycle. My body sorta rebelled against the training I did on Monday and not only did I get insanely sick, but the DOMS I had in my legs just about downed me. It's apparent to me that my body had adjusted to a deconditioned state and didn't expect the load that I threw at it. Truth be told, it was stupid of me to think I could just jump back into the flow and expect to just be fine - especially because this was my first strength-based cycle in months.
So - I'm going to think long and hard about my next cycle, which definitely will be strength-focused, and will begin on 4/13. I'm very open to suggestions - I'd love to hear what you guys think I should jump into. My going thought is sort of a hybrid-like joint that would flow like a triples cycle but with one very important difference - the 12-rep sets would be replaced with two rep-max efforts. I learned SO much about myself through the endurance sets that I just did. So much so, in fact, that I want to do another type of endurance, and watch to see how I progress if I throw time out and go nuts with reps. YES - I do realize that that would be training to failure, and I know the general perception of that isn't exactly something favorable in some eyes on this board.
HOWEVER. I think I may need a short cycle (maybe 6 weeks?) with a failure component to truly experience how that experiment would go.
Dunno. I'm going to think about this for a couple days and lay something out. I've been itching to do some Oly work too, so who knows what I'll end up doing. I'm open to suggestion, as I said - so long as it is strength focused primarily. I'm one of those fools that believe that strength incurs size, so in my mind, everything I do is hypertrophy-specific.
I hope all you lads are doing great. Thanks as always for your encouragement and assistance - this community is nothing short of amazing.
Well Lads, I hate to say it, but I need to start a new cycle. My body sorta rebelled against the training I did on Monday and not only did I get insanely sick, but the DOMS I had in my legs just about downed me. It's apparent to me that my body had adjusted to a deconditioned state and didn't expect the load that I threw at it. Truth be told, it was stupid of me to think I could just jump back into the flow and expect to just be fine - especially because this was my first strength-based cycle in months.
So - I'm going to think long and hard about my next cycle, which definitely will be strength-focused, and will begin on 4/13. I'm very open to suggestions - I'd love to hear what you guys think I should jump into. My going thought is sort of a hybrid-like joint that would flow like a triples cycle but with one very important difference - the 12-rep sets would be replaced with two rep-max efforts. I learned SO much about myself through the endurance sets that I just did. So much so, in fact, that I want to do another type of endurance, and watch to see how I progress if I throw time out and go nuts with reps. YES - I do realize that that would be training to failure, and I know the general perception of that isn't exactly something favorable in some eyes on this board.
HOWEVER. I think I may need a short cycle (maybe 6 weeks?) with a failure component to truly experience how that experiment would go.
Dunno. I'm going to think about this for a couple days and lay something out. I've been itching to do some Oly work too, so who knows what I'll end up doing. I'm open to suggestion, as I said - so long as it is strength focused primarily. I'm one of those fools that believe that strength incurs size, so in my mind, everything I do is hypertrophy-specific.
I hope all you lads are doing great. Thanks as always for your encouragement and assistance - this community is nothing short of amazing.