Well, yes and no.
How high is high protein? 200g/day? 2000g/day?
Protein intake must be viewed in context too. Other risk factors for kidney damage must also be taken into account.
Read somewhere that insufficient hydration was more harmful than sufficient hydration and higher than recommended levels of protein.
I really wouldn't worry about a high protein intake as long as I am taking 1g protein per pound of bodyweight. That's about as much as we need really, if the rest of one's calories are made up of carbs and fat. And even if you embarked on a PSMF, the rule of thumb is 1.5g protein per kg of bodyweight... that's not too much to preserve lean mass now, is it?
Now, you see some ridiculous amounts of protein being taken by misguided individuals. These are the sort who will also take toxic doses of drugs since they feel that if some is good, more is better.
Such reckless behaviour usually, greatly increases your predisposition to all sorts of diseases... I would be worrying for more than the kidneys then.
Don't let's worry about the poor helpless kidneys. There are better things in life to be stressed about. All this worrying certainly isn't good for health
Godspeed, and happy HSTing