Big Thanks to Bryan

I'm a "not-so-young" guy, almost 32. I'm near my genetic limit. HST won't make me go over that. See Colby's "Real Deal" thread.
(Real_Deal @ Jul. 04 2006,09:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Biz, that's because most HSTers in this forum are a bunch of no-good ingrates. Thanking Bryan with empty words now that the store is closed. It would have been better if you just bought one goddam supplement every 3 months.

But hey, what do I know? All I know is, if I were an HSTer that got here a few years ago, I'd be Bryan's #1 customer.</div>
Done Deal,

Bryans closing the store on his products is not a result of this group’s level of purchasing his products. You obviously have NO concept of business...NONE. There is far more to creating &amp; running a successful business than &quot;relying on support&quot; from a select few customers. If all of us bought his products, it still would have ended the same way. There is simply not a large enough customer base here to make a significant difference. Based on this, the reason for closing obviously lies elsewhere.
Go out, get an MBA &quot;with honors&quot;, start your own business (or two or three) &amp; you then you'll understand.

Bryan is involved in MANY things, this one just didn't work out, perhaps due to attention in other areas of interest. Please also note that the words from the members in this thread are indeed sincere &amp; are NOT &quot;empty&quot; like the void/vacuum inside your head.
Let's see now. If RD is 31 and I am 61 and older than his grandfather, his grandpappy must be no more than 60. Assuming that they did not marry older men, that means RD's mammy and grandmammy must have had children at about an average age of 14. I think that means impregnation at about 13 if I did my figgers correctly. Holy Moly! Now that is THE Real Deal. Hats off to the elder Deals.
(Old and Grey @ Jul. 05 2006,21:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Let's see now. If RD is 31 and I am 61 and older than his grandfather, his grandpappy must be no more than 60. Assuming that they did not marry older men, that means RD's mammy and grandmammy must have had children at about an average age of 14. I think that means impregnation at about 13 if I did my figgers correctly. Holy Moly! Now that is THE Real Deal. Hats off to the elder Deals.
Holy Moly!...this is funny stuff O&amp;G
Brian and HST have been nothing short of amazing for me. I have been doing it for a little over a year now. My arms have grown about an inch and a half in that time and my bench has gone from 245 to 335.

Whats even more amazing is that most of those gains were made before HRT when my testosterone levels were really low!
Real Deal,

Strangely I had thoughts similar to your's above (genetic limit) when I was around 35 (I was at around 180lbs and couldn't go any further with lean mass gains). I had made some gains, but the gains slowed and pretty much stopped after the first year or so of HIT.

At the time, like you, I thought much of HIT 'doctrine' was inerrant, and as such, my lack of progress had to be me, not the 'system'. I pushed like crazy to increase 'intensity'. Tried several things to up the intensity as much as humanly possible, since, according to HIT, this is the key (and lots of rest between).

Several years later, the only gains I had really made were increased stress and exhaustion (if you want to call these things 'gains').

Then I started doing some research on hypertrophy. I dared to question some of HIT's 'first principles'. What I found was some serious flaws in what had been assumed inerrant 'doctrine' (Arthur Jones said.....).

Since these flaws were in the first principles, many conclusions (no matter how logical they seem) are flawed as well.

It's basically the problem of the observer not fully understanding what he is observing (at its most basic level) and reaching erroneous conclusions. That is, the effect (bigger muscles) wasn't the result of the thing the observer assumed. The observer may have a genius level IQ, but if his understanding of the observed activity is incomplete, his conclusions will be based only on his preconceived notions.

This research lead me to this site. I had been here before and just skimmed over it. I thought it was just another 'system': someone trying to combine several other popular systems to create another one. The first time I was very subjective; this time, with some understanding of the facts and realizing that what I had dogmatically held to for years was in error, I began to understand how hypertrophy actually happens. It took a couple of weeks to develop a frame of reference for this information, but it was worth it.

Now, had I turned up the arrogance and kept the 'HIT is gospel' attitude, I would still be at 180 (or less) with the same muscle development, whining about 'genetic limits'. Instead I had to face the fact that I had been wrong (something that wasn't easy for me) and decided to give HST a try. I just finished my 4th 'cycle' of HST and am now at 215; this without gains around the waist and with significant (have people at the gym asking me what I'm taking) size gains (especially noticeable when I can't pull a shirt over my shoulders that just a few months ago would come off easily).

Bottom line: don’t be too quick to dismiss the potential of HST. You might find that your genetic limit has just been beaten down into submission by your adherence to HIT. HST might just revive it again.

I too, would like to thank Bryan and the HST community (all of you guys) for what its given me.
I think I've got pretty good genetics when it comes to BB. I was always bigger and stronger than my training freinds growing up.
We had one thing in common though, and that was a really unhealthy lifestyle. Drinking, smoking and drug taking (cannabis mostly).
Later, when I found HST I learnt and read and eventually started to train this way and started to see real results. In January of this year I gave up smoking and have drastically cut drinking any alcohol. I'm now concentrating on diet and getting real gains I know are going to stay with me so thanks again Bryan and all the guys who advise.
(adb1x1 @ Jul. 06 2006,09:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Real Deal,

 Strangely I had thoughts similar to your's above (genetic limit) when I was around 35 (I was at around 180lbs and couldn't go any further with lean mass gains). I had made some gains, but the gains slowed and pretty much stopped after the first year or so of HIT.

 At the time, like you, I thought much of HIT 'doctrine' was inerrant, and as such, my lack of progress had to be me, not the 'system'.  I pushed like crazy to increase 'intensity'. Tried several things to up the intensity as much as humanly possible, since, according to HIT, this is the key (and lots of rest between).
 Several years later, the only gains I had really made were increased stress and exhaustion (if you want to call these things 'gains').

 Then I started doing some research on hypertrophy. I dared to question some of HIT's 'first principles'. What I found was some serious flaws in what had been assumed inerrant 'doctrine' (Arthur Jones said.....).

 Since these flaws were in the first principles, many conclusions (no matter how logical they seem) are flawed as well.

  It's basically the problem of the observer not fully understanding what he is observing (at its most basic level) and reaching erroneous conclusions. That is, the effect (bigger muscles) wasn't the result of the thing the observer assumed. The observer may have a genius level IQ, but if his understanding of the observed activity is incomplete, his conclusions will be based only on his preconceived notions.

  This research lead me to this site. I had been here before and just skimmed over it. I thought it was just another 'system': someone trying to combine several other popular systems to create another one. The first time I was very subjective; this time, with some understanding of the facts and realizing that what I had dogmatically held to for years was in error, I began to understand how hypertrophy actually happens. It took a couple of weeks to develop a frame of reference for this information, but it was worth it.

  Now, had I turned up the arrogance and kept the 'HIT is gospel' attitude, I would still be at 180 (or less) with the same muscle development, whining about 'genetic limits'. Instead I had to face the fact that I had been wrong (something that wasn't easy for me) and decided to give HST a try. I just finished my 4th 'cycle' of HST and am now at 215; this without gains around the waist and with significant (have people at the gym asking me what I'm taking) size gains (especially noticeable when I can't pull a shirt over my shoulders that just a few months ago would come off easily).  

Bottom line: don’t be too quick to dismiss the potential of HST. You might find that your genetic limit has just been beaten down into submission by your adherence to HIT. HST might just revive it again.

I can relate to this story.

Thank you to Mr. Haycock for putting this out there. I have used what I began learning on this website to educate myself on proper training programming. I now cycle between 5x5 and HST with excellent results. The key lessons I learned were: Frequency and Sub-Maximal training. Thanks again, Bryan.

Oh, and thanks to the wonderful members of this forum.
I would have to also add a note saying how thankful I am for HST and Bryan's work! I finally feel I know how to train now and the results are speaking for themselves.

HST and Tabata: The only way to go for me!

I am sad Bryan’s business plan did not work out. Bryan is truly an amazing person. I am struck by how many people have said “HST changed my life”. That statement seems a little extreme ---- but I HST has changed my life – or at least a significant part of my life. Having been a musclehead from the get go — it was difficult for me to pursue a lifting program and a life at the same time –&gt; lifting and graduate school (MBA), social life, go-go job, wife, kid etc. I would have year long bouts of lifting then stop out. I know HST is a great way to pack on mass, but more importantly it is sustainable. I have been at it for 4 years now. And lifting is an important part of my lift without dominating my life. There is also a counter intuitive “spirit” about HST. Less is more. Have a plan. Slow down to speed up.Check your Ego at the door........ (That is a longer discussion).

But to me the biggest part of “Bryan’s gift” is his kindness, tolerance, and demeanor. This is reflected in the Forum. The respect and cooperation showen on the forum is nothing short of amazing. I have learned so much from the Forum, and have made true friends here. The respect, and lack of trolling, flaming is wonderful. And that is all about Bryan and the rules he imposed early on. The whole “Dude my arms are huge” dumb sh**t mentally does not exist here. That is one reason “older” guys. Late 30s, 40s, 50s ++, are comfortable hanging out here. Frankly we know too much to put up with adolescent bull S-- . The forum is a wonderful cooperative , supportive community — a fun place to hangout.

Regarding the above. Real Deal is welcome here as is anyone. I do have a problem with him inserting himself in a thread that is a tribute to Bryan, and the co-operative spirit. RD is not about gaining muscle.... he is about gaining attention. All are welcome here. But I do have a problem with someone not exhibiting the cooperative manners of this Forum – inserting himself in a thread about Bryan.

Back to the real subject. (Which is not the Real Deal) Thank you Bryan. Your HST and your approach to life and spirit have influenced us all, hopefully you next move (Book?) Will generate a little income for you and your family.

Cheers Bob
Omega_man said:
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Done Deal,

Bryan's closing the store on his products is not a result of this group&amp;#8217;s level of purchasing his products. You obviously have NO concept of business...NONE. There is far more to creating &amp; running a successful business than &quot;relying on support&quot; from a select few customers. If all of us bought his products, it still would have ended the same way. There is simply not a large enough customer base here to make a significant difference. Based on this, the reason for closing obviously lies elsewhere.
Go out, get an MBA &quot;with honors&quot;, start your own business (or two or three) &amp; you then you'll understand.</div>
There are more than 5000 people here. If even just 10% of that were supportive to Bryan, that would have been a MINIMUM of 500 REGULAR customers.
For a small-time online store like HSN, I would say that's a big deal. IF this were Amazon, that would be paltry, but HSN? I would hardly describe 500 regular customers as &quot;select few&quot;.

And that is if we only expect 10% to help.

Unfortunately for Bryan, he obviously couldn't count on even just 10% of you.

And that is rather sad. Even sadder is the fact that none of you can just say &quot;my bad, I could have been more supportive&quot;; instead you try to convince yourself that it wasn't your fault at all, and try to convince yourself that even if you had been supportive, the business would still have sunk.

Really, really sad.

You aren't totally wrong when you said I was about gaining attention. True. But that's because I hate seeing - or reading about - noobs benching 90 or 110 or 130 or whatever, and justifying it with &quot;it's my 15's&quot; or &quot;my 12's&quot;. That's a waste of time. If you wanna take advantage of &quot;deconditioned&quot; muscles, then go heavy immediately. Some of you have done something like that, good for them.

I have read a comment from jvroig about &quot;unwittingly SD&quot;. That may be right, when you think about it. Perhaps I managed to continue growth because of stoppage every 6 months or so - vacations, reunions, holidays, whatever. Maybe. But even if I were to agree to that &quot;SD&quot;, that's no justification to do it every 8 weeks. I think even your precious Dan Moore mentioned he thinks it's better to have less SD and continue working.

Anyway, this should be for another thread, so I'll stop at that.

I give my thanks to Bryan for being a good guy. It seems you deserve to have had better followers. But the good lord just gave you these people who, despite being given what they practically consider as the &quot;magic bullet&quot; in their life, thinks it's too much to spend $20 every month or two - not only would that simple gesture have helped Bryan out, but many of you claim it's &quot;top of the line&quot; so it wouldn't have been charity at all. It would have been well worth the buy even if happened to be from some other brand, but no, it even came from your &quot;saviour&quot; who &quot;changed your life&quot;, but that still didn't make you buy it.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You aren't totally wrong when you said I was about gaining attention. True. But that's because I hate seeing - or reading about - noobs benching 90 or 110 or 130 or whatever, and justifying it with &quot;it's my 15's&quot; or &quot;my 12's&quot;. That's a waste of time. If you wanna take advantage of &quot;deconditioned&quot; muscles, then go heavy immediately. Some of you have done something like that, good for them.</div>

Your hostility is really irritating. Either you're on too much AAS or your mother didnt teach you any manners.

People have to start somewhere. I'm sure you were a noob at one stage who couldnt push 90lb at even 2 reps so get off peoples case. Besides, the idea is progressive load - you dont NEED to go all out to start with. People make great gains with that method where they've failed with other routines. Whats your basis for critisism other than HIT being your religion?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">It would have been well worth the buy even if happened to be from some other brand, but no, it even came from your &quot;saviour&quot; who &quot;changed your life&quot;, but that still didn't make you buy it.</div>

You just like to argue for the sake of it dont you. What have YOU done for world peace lately, the poor, people with AIDS in africa? That might not have anything to do with Bryan and HST but before you start preaching about how WE should spend our money, go and sort out your own affairs.

Your attitude stinks and you need to think about why that is. You might be bigger than some guys but god help you if you step with that attitude to the wrong person. Or is your mouth just confined to the rambling of a lonely internet troll?
Lets not respond to RD on this thread -- he has his own thread (the Real Deal thread).......this is about Bryan. Not about a short guy with a complex.

Cheers, Bob
sorry bout how things panned out bryan.

thank you for your effort and generosity regardless

goodluck in the future

*shrinks back into the shadows of lurkerdom*
Bob, you're right about a lot of things, the attitude created by Bryan and teh rest of the guys &quot;WHO STICK WITH THE RULES&quot; is amazing, creative and above all beneficial.

RD - we have no idea what's behind the closing of the HSN store, have you ever seen anything even close the FDA inspections and what they entail? I tought not? There maybe even other reasons besides customers buyng his products, after all many of us, me included could not afford to buy the stuff seeing that we are half way around the world!

You should not troll this thread as it is dedicated to the Bryan who has benefited 99.99% of the community that hangs around here, you simply represent the 0.01% who did not and will not due to a attitute problem.

Remember these two quotes as you go throrgh life.

Your attitute defines your altitude

Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference

Your attitude resembles what we call a &quot;breeker&quot; here in South Africa, you may have heard this in Canada, as many South Africans have moved there!

And you know what it is rather unwnated and totally unncessary!
Anthony, this was a great post! It seems you have been rewarded for your perseverance and inquiring mind. Congratulations on your gains.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">But to me the biggest part of “Bryan’s gift” is his kindness, tolerance, and demeanor. This is reflected in the Forum. The respect and cooperation showen on the forum is nothing short of amazing. I have learned so much from the Forum, and have made true friends here. The respect, and lack of trolling, flaming is wonderful. And that is all about Bryan and the rules he imposed early on. </div>
Bob, this is how I feel, too. This is the best forum I've seen on the net, no flaming, no rudeness, just support and a positive mindset. Let's try to keep it this way.

I also agree that one of the merits of HST is that it is sustainable. I believe many people, especially very experienced lifters, would have given up on training altogether if it weren't for HST.

Anyway, this is a thread dedicated to Bryan. Bryan, many thanks again and you should know that we are eagerly awaiting the publication of your HST book.

Well, big Bryan!

Its time to show up and say something! Hybernating is over dude!

We need your voice over here!
(Fausto @ Jul. 09 2006,10:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well, big Bryan!

Its time to show up and say something! Hybernating is over dude!

We need your voice over here!</div>
Why? to defend himself against one voice, which he has done over and over again and I would imagine at this point in his life and in the evolution of HST it's not only useless but redundant.

Look the products were sound, his plan is sound what's left to defend and against whom.

BTW I did buy them, not all of them but I did buy Cre and Driver regularly until they were discontinued. So thanks Bryan, not only in these but all the support and help you have given me over the years.