I am gonna make some enemies here, I know it. First, Blade, we know you are a smart man, and have the capabilities to building an awesome physique. Takes guts to post off season pics, no pro would do it freely!
Now, we all know what Blade looks like when he is not consumed by his business, so we can assume he can vouch for HST. Now, if I am skeptic of HST and its principles, then I am gonna want to see visual proof to its effectiveness, such as before and after pics. We have seen Blades. We have also seen my after pics, which does not help HST really, cause I may have looked like that pre-HST. So what I am saying is that we need serious before and after pics, and not ones where u go from 185 to 200, but just got fatter. Those will make a skeptic run...
We need someone, or a few someones, who will take a before pic, train HST style and eat as they should, and then take an after pic. No fancy supplements, no fancy diets, etc... These can all flaw the results. Skeptics will say that it may have been the diet or addition of supplements that caused the results you got. Like I said, I am saying this as a skpetic, which I am really not. Hope this does not offend anyone and I am sorry if it does, but if we truely believe in what Bryan has done, then we should be willing to put up the proof. The world wants to see, not read the results...