Board Maintenance

Bryan Haycock

Staff member
As you have probably noticed, the message board has been running extremely slow lately. The problem is that it is just too big for DBM. I will be switching to MYSQL in the coming days. The board may temporarily need to be turned off while this is happening.

I apologize for the inconvenience but it is critical that I get the board database rebuilt or the whole thing is going to crash.

Thank you for your patience.
Please note, the board may act a bit weird over the next few days. It will also be shut down temporarily as we switch databases.

Please forgive any inconvenience this may cause.


I've been using MySQL for a client with a fairly hefty database and it's been great. Hope the switch over is painless.
in case someone hasn't mentioned it yet, when you make a reply to a post, an error message appears

error 500: Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

...which leads you to believe that your post did not go through, but in all actuality, it has gone through
(mathey @ May 29 2006,06:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">in case someone hasn't mentioned it yet, when you make a reply to a post, an error message appears

error 500: Internal Server Error
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

...which leads you to believe that your post did not go through, but in all actuality, it has gone through</div>
Yes, I (we) are aware of that. I just can't seem to fix it. Any web guys out there know how to fix this?
i had a 500 server error with my boards over a year ago. if i recall correctly, i corrupted the php code, but was ab le to fix by doing a reinstall. you may want to ask your isp for help.

better yet, you may just want to bite the bullet and switch to a different type of forum, as cgi scripts are very limited and are becoming outdated fast.
Bryan, have you had a look at the error logs which should be generated? (assuming you have access to them). They should show where the script is breaking.

Also, like jwbond says, try replacing some of the script files with the originals of the same to see if the files haven't just got corrupted. Possibly, if you've edited some files on a Windows machine and uploaded them to a Linux one, the files could be saved with a slight incompatibility (the way notepad can sometimes) which might cause it to fail.

Hope that's of some help.

I just noticed on my last post a second ago that the server error was gone!

Hope that's truly the case... and that this post goes thru without the error.

EDIT: Unfortunately, the error was still there. Strange. Thankfully, editing posts seem to have no problem at all.


<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">EDIT: Unfortunately, the error was still there. Strange. Thankfully, editing posts seem to have no problem at all.</div>
Yeah, which tells me that the problem is in the add-post script and is not a problem with the server itself.
In that case, maybe I can take a look at them.

Hey Bryan, if you see this (too bad I can't just pm you or something since the messaging isn't working too), maybe you can email the files for submitting a new post and submitting an edited post. I'll see what I can learn from comparing the two, let's hope the culprit really is in just a script. Send it to if you have time and I'll see what I can find out.

Oh, I haven't checked it out, but if creating a new thread also gives errors (probably does seeing as how some threads are started 6 times in a second), send that file too if you can.

I'm no CGI guy though, so no promises of swift victory. If this were PHP, plain javascript, ASP or JSP, it's probably in the bag as errors there would be obvious to me. But I've honestly never seen .cgi pages before (God I hope they just renamed the PHP files into .cgi as a measure of securit by obscurity). I probably can't run it on my webserver here
But hey, worth a shot, right?