New Member
You've mentioned previously that it is best to take HMB as often as possible. Having printed out and glanced through a number of the studies looking at HMB, it seems the dosing schedule has almost always been 1g, three times a day with meals(Although a few, it seems, administered it only twice a day). Anyways, what's your reasoning for the more frequent dosages, and why haven't any studies used this protocol? Also, is there a minimum effective dose? Or would the limiting case of taking 250mg every hour(for 16 hours) be ideal?(I weigh over 200lbs so I'm taking 4g a day per your suggestion). Lastly, I recall having read Jim Wright say in Flex(Yes, laugh--but, remember, Lyle is a member of 'Team Flex'
) that mentioned one should NOT take HMB with meals. Is there any validity to this? Personally, I see no reason for this to be the case from my (admittedly limited) understanding of how HMB works.
Thanks for any assistance.

Thanks for any assistance.