bulking diet...

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Im 19, 162lbs, 6ft, about to start HST and I want to maximize my growth by eating clean.

anyways my question is about finding how many cals to eat...according to this site I need around 2600 cals (weight X 16)
Another site (john Berardi)'s calculation is somewhere around 5000cals....
big difference...help?
Depending on your body fat and metabolism, I'd say you could bulk by eating anywhere from 2300 - 3000 cals/day. I think it's better to give yourself a range rather than a hard # - just a preference.

Body Weight x 16 is a good place to start. If after several weeks you are not gaining at all, up the calories. If you find yourself getting a little pudgy, drop it down. 5000 cals seems WAY out of line, and I would expect you would add quite a bit of fat eating that much.
thats what im thinking... 5000 is crazy

how many protien shakes should I take while bulking?
(1 in the morning, one postworkout (at night))
and 1 in the morning on off days.?
I supplement with whey as part of my pre and post workout meals b/c whey is an easily digestable protein.

Otherwise, I try to get all of my protein from real food sources. If it looks like I'm going to be a little low, I'll add another to get my protein up. The key here is that it is a supplement - use them to make up for deficiencies. I'd rather eat a filet of salmon than suck down a protein shake.
berardi? the macro splitting guy huh? :D

well i just have an exact calculation sheme in german...

you need to respect:

maintenance intake
how thermogenic the food you eat is - therefre you need energy to burn foood
your hst workout schedule (frequency and duration)
your cardio schedule
what kind of work do you follow the day...

i am 190 lbs and bulk with 3000-3200...

if you follow a 3x week hst schedule, some cardio and a normal students live you get along with around 2700 kcal

i think you get betther results (in meaning of fat gain) if you dont make your caloric surpluss too big
In all honesty, your best bet is to put together a plan at a certain caloric level. Stick with it for the first week or so. See what happens. Lose weight? You're below maintenance. Gain weight? You're above. Stick around the same? You're around maintenance.

Bulking or cutting can't be foretold. It's also to what degree. 500 calories above maintenance can be considered bulking just as well as 1500 above can be.

I've personally gotten sick of counting calories and being so meticulous. I've put together my diet plan for my next cycle, which starts Monday. And i'm going to watch what happens. My protiein/fats are met, so now i can just add/take away food. I allready know what i'm about to eat is going to lean me out a bit, i got anzty (spelling?) and logged it into fitday. At the end of my first week i'm going to be a bit leaner. I'll just roll with it. If i want to have another week to get a little leaner, i'll stick with it. I want to gain? I'll probably add some walnuts to each one of my meals, watch what happens for the next week.

I'm rambling, which i do very often. But you get the idea.
I guess I'll just see how it goes and adjust accordingly.

Using solid numbers is pretty difficult, because you'll never get it exact. There are too many variables. Honestly, Lance's suggestion is best. Try and get to the point where you see that scale move up 1 lb. weekly. Weigh in the AM, before eating. Be consistent. Track your progress.