Bulking help

(KungFuJoe @ Jun. 22 2006,15:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm in the 3rd week of my 2nd cycle and my weight is almost exactly the same as when I first started.  I fluctuate like crazy, sometimes gaining and/or losing 4 lbs in a day.  I try to eat a lot and many times a day but I just can't seem to gain weight to save my life.  I'm also not seeing the gains that I think I should.

Anyone else having this problem?  SHould I try creatine or some supplements or do I just need to eat more?</div>

be sure to weigh yourself first thing in the morning (after your morning pee). It will be the lowest weight f the day and also most consistant.

(try weighing at the end of the day and you will see a 4-5lb gain in a day)
Agreed. That 4/5lbs will be from eating/drinking throughout the day.

Remember that as you put on weight during the cycle your calorie requirements will also go up. So you need to monitor that aswell. If you aren't gaining, you're not eating. Check out fitday.com (its free) to track what you're eating. You'll get a better idea of whether you're eating enough that way.
Well those fluctuations are mainly due water in your system. If you are not gaining weight you eat too little. all supplements are just for extra.
That damn error is showing all the time
guys... i'm having a little trouble here..

although i can see some noticable size difference, for the past 2 weeks i haven't been gaining anything. I look larger but my weight is still the same! i've been on a strict 1k calorie surplus on workout days and 400 on non-workout days. Does this mean to say a 1k caloric surplus still isn't enough? or the weighing scale is broken? lol
skinny - just to clarify. You realize that your maintenance needs went up as your weight went up, right? I wasn't sure if you meant that you were constantly adjusting calories so they were 1000 over your current maintenance or not.

By the way, what always works for me is to take my current weight and multiply it by 18-20, then eat that many calories. So if you are 200 lbs, you'd need around 4000 calories. You don't have to adjust it daily, but refiguring your calorie needs every Monday is a good idea.

Alternatively, you could start eating more on nonworkout days. Remember that protein synthesis remains elevated for about 48 hours, so overeating on the day after your workout won't make you superfat or anything. It will go to building more muscle.
yeah i adjust my caloric needs as my weight goes up. it's really weird though that i look larger but my weight is stable for the past 2 weeks. yes mine is weight in lbs x 20.

is the rule for non-workout days something like half of the caloric surplus eaten on workout days? so for example in workout days there's a 1000 caloric surplus, on non-workout days there will be 500?

thanks for the tip
i havent been following this thread real close so i apologize if im repeating someone.

what i do remember is you having the identical problem in june and if i recall the advice then would still serve you now. if your not gaining your not eating enough and from your posts it seems your leaving yourself short on non w/o days.

that rule of thumb you qouted about 1k+ on w/o days and 500+ on non w/o days may work fine for some but its obviously not working for you so the rule of thumb about not gaining=not eating enough over rules it. now for many i would recomm. not stressing over a minor 2 week slow down in gains (it happens on occasion) but you seem very concerned about gaining asap so your should add cals to your &quot;off&quot; days

look at it this way. if bw x 20 is your w/o cals (incl. 1000 surplus) then bw x 16-17  (400 cal surplus) is all your eating on off days. if your only lifting 3-4 days a week thats a lot of cals your not eating at a critical time (a lot of growth happens on off days). nothing wrong with eating the same amount every day as long as your gaining what you want. its usually when some gain more then 1lb a week that thay begin cutting cals on certain days etc.

good luck
Cant be eating enough. I thought I had that problem until I started counting calories and realisedI wasnt eating enough. Remeber, just because you feel stuffed doesnt mean you are.

Supplements will help in getting the extra caloriesif you're short. I cant seem to eat big lately so they help a lot. As for creatine, it'll only enable you to lift a little more and let you load the muscles more. It wont help your diet though.

As for losing/gaining 4lbs in a day, that'll be toilet time,a full stomach and water retention. I usually drop 1kg during SD as I tend to cut down on food and aren'tas bloated as on cycle.

Bottom line - eat more. You just gotta keep eating until you gain the weight. Are you tracking your food? Fitday.com is a good start if you're not.