Bulking up while keeping waistline slim


New Member
i've been told to shoot for 3500 calories a day. and i've been plannign for 25% protein, 50% carbs and 25% fat. how would you bulk up while keeping your waistline slim?wouldn't storing that much calories make your stomach bulge? any techniques? How would you make your torso look like a letter V..
Well regardless of what you eat, if you're taking in that many calories, you're bound to see some fat, especially considering your height and such. I would recommend only around 3000 or so, personally... unless you want to cut your calories after your bulking phase to drop the fat, but that's no fun.

Edit: keep in mind that I'm not anywhere near an expert on diet, so I guess you'd be better off waiting for one of the knowledgeable folks to reply here.
so the key in getting big is getting fat first from good diet and nutrition and then remove the fat by getting fat burning pills and good cardio workout probably HIIT?

Would it be okay if i bulk up while i do HIIT cardio workout so the fat will slowly burn while i grow? I don't want a fat face. ha ha.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (skinnyman @ Jan. 22 2005,11:34)]so the key in getting big is getting fat first from good diet and nutrition and then remove the fat by getting fat burning pills and good cardio workout probably HIIT?
Would it be okay if i bulk up while i do HIIT cardio workout so the fat will slowly burn while i grow? I don't want a fat face. ha ha.
If you are bulking correctly, not only should you see some fat gain........you should welcome it. It lets you know that you are taking in enough calories to grow. You will learn that it is not really feisable to have a goal of getting cut up and bulking up at the same time. That is unless of course you are using some serious AAS.
Well I don't know if I agree with that completely. I mean, you can gain muscle without fat, it will just take longer than bulking the way described above. I managed to gain almost 30 lbs of muscle without gaining fat, but it took a few years to accomplish.

So I guess it depends on the time frame in which you expect your gains.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BoSox @ Jan. 23 2005,9:59)]right....
to gain considerable mass, you'll have to gain fat at the same time. sorry.
10-4! What he said. It's better to just focus on a specific goal and go after it.
okay then. going to get some fat stuffed in me first :P thanks guys
And forget the fat burning pills like CLA.There is no hard evidence that they will work. Save your money to something else!
i hate cardio and anything that has to do with cutting...
so instead of eating alot , i eat a little over maintenance, i started 8 months ago lifting and was 139lbs, now im 146lbs, doesnt seem like much but i had alot more fat then i do now when i started, so i lost fat and gained weight i think its pretty cool.

Maybe its because im new to lifting, anyways right now it looks like my progress are slowing down so im eating a little bit more, and i always feel hungry... ill eat more and see what happens.

im wondering tho, when ppl are bulking how much calories over maintenance do they eat ? in the article eating for size it says 500-600cal over maintenance, but im not sure thats for bulking or just ...growing ... ?
For myself I started with 500 over maint, that was a little too much for my taste, as I put a half inch on my waist in one cycle. I lowered to 400 over maint and had no further waist gains and still managed to gain 3-4 lbs of LBM every cycle.

Now, 7 cycles later my waist has moved up 2 inches, so there was a gradual fat gain there that was barely noticable. I'm now cutting this cycle to get rid of it. So, for me I found the sweet spot of slight fat gains every cycle and only having to cut once a year while still averaging 3-4 lbs of LBM every cycle.

So start at 500 cals over maint and reduce or increase the calories after each cycle to find your own sweet spot. It varies widely between individuals. 500 over maint is just a general starting point to which you have to find how much works for you.
Hey BoSox!

Major dietary source of CLA for humans is ruminant meats, such as beef and lamb, and dairy products, such as milk and cheese. However, CLA supplements currently sold are derived from sunflower oil. The published animal studies and clinical trials indicate the possibility that CLA supplementation could be useful in improving human health in a number of areas in particular the reduction of body fat gain, immune enhancement against viral antigens, and improvement in blood lipids

-Pariza MW. Perspective on the safety and effectiveness of conjugated linoleic acid. Am J Clin Nutr, 2004;79:1132S-1136S.-
[b said:
Quote[/b] (skinnyman @ Jan. 25 2005,5:15)]ectoman - are you doing ab workouts while bulking? if so, what kind of workouts? :D
Yes. I do 1 set of trunk curls to failure and side bends HST style.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (skinnyman @ Jan. 25 2005,5:15)]ectoman - are you doing ab workouts while bulking? if so, what kind of workouts? :D
irrelevant. ab exercises have nothing to do with fat gain on the waist.
Gaullier JM, Halse J, Hoye K, Kristiansen K, Fagertun H, Vik H, Gudmundsen O.

Conjugated linoleic acid supplementation for 1 y reduces body fat mass in
healthy overweight humans.

Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 Jun;79(6):1118-25.

This is the only study I have seen that is long term, or at least more than a few months. The interesting points to me are 1. They were allowed to eat ad libitum. 2. They showed a significant difference in BFM compared to control.

Maybe someone else has some more studies in the longer duration to see how they stack up.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (BoSox @ Jan. 25 2005,5:19)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (skinnyman @ Jan. 25 2005,5:15)]ectoman - are you doing ab workouts while bulking? if so, what kind of workouts? :D
irrelevant. ab exercises have nothing to do with fat gain on the waist.
Oh man I totally missed the sarcasm on that one. Probably because spot reduction is a myth.

Skinny, you've got alot reading todo. Get cracking on those FAQ's.