New Member
So I had some quick questions regarding caloric requirements. We all know that there is a basal metabolic rate that is required to maintain the status quo in your body. We know that exercise increases this BMR requirement as a result of cardio, lifting, etc...
Experts have recommended 1g/lb protein a day or more.
1. Assuming a 200 lb man, if he meets his protein requirement of 1g/lb (or more), but doesn't increase his total caloric intake, will exercising increase his metabolic rate such that he slowly loses body fat while building muscle?
2a. Does the body require a certain amount of protein/nutrients ingested before exercising again in order to maximize the growth process?
2b. If the body does not get this amount, and exercise occurs again, will catabolism occur in the exercised muscle?
3. A man requires 3000 calories to maintain current weight. He exercises in such a way that his body requires 4000 calories a day to maintain current weight. He only eats 3600 calories. Assuming he meets his muscle's protein requirements, will he build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
4. A train leaves the Newark station heading east traveling at 45 mph... just kidding
Experts have recommended 1g/lb protein a day or more.
1. Assuming a 200 lb man, if he meets his protein requirement of 1g/lb (or more), but doesn't increase his total caloric intake, will exercising increase his metabolic rate such that he slowly loses body fat while building muscle?
2a. Does the body require a certain amount of protein/nutrients ingested before exercising again in order to maximize the growth process?
2b. If the body does not get this amount, and exercise occurs again, will catabolism occur in the exercised muscle?
3. A man requires 3000 calories to maintain current weight. He exercises in such a way that his body requires 4000 calories a day to maintain current weight. He only eats 3600 calories. Assuming he meets his muscle's protein requirements, will he build muscle and lose fat at the same time?
4. A train leaves the Newark station heading east traveling at 45 mph... just kidding