Calories from Junk....

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whats the deal with getting calories from junk? i mean i eat well generally but probably get about 500cal a day from a can of coke and chocolate cake.
do these not count toward my daily calories for growth?
i mean is it bad?
Depends on what you mean by bad.
They count as energy, and if you havent taken them in account in your daily caloric budget, then they can lead to being a big fat A#$
But within reason, once you make up 1g/lb protein, and some EFAs everything else is free game.
But coke is nutritionally sparse, as its just water, carbon dioxide, sugar (usually corn syrup) and some other chemicals. No vitamins/minerals etc and its moderately high GI, which may stimulate your hunger a bit more as well.
Chocolate cake is an essential food, as are donuts and beer.
All in moderation is fine.
glad you agree chocolate cake is an essential food.....
this is what i eat on a typical day, i work all day so its difficult to be too fussy but i dont think i'm doing too bad....

protein milkshake

mid morning
skinny mocha
2 slices toast

bowl size portion of pasta, tuna and eggs

mid afternoon
chocolate cake

early evening
protein milkshake

some kind of meat and veg.

what do you reckon?

btw, just finished 2nd weeks of 15s. gone from 66.1 to 68.1kg and 12.5 to 13.5%bf.
I'm no expert so I don't think I'm really a good judge of whether your diet is okay or not. But I do see a few problems. You don't seem to eat much during the morning so maybe you should add something then. Make sure that you're getting 1g / lb of protein like Aaron said. Also, you may want to cut down on the amount of cake and coke that you take in because I think you're gaining as much fat as muscle.(I did some real quick calculations but correct me if I'm wrong). That isn't good. The Eating For Size article on this website has some sample diets that might be helpful.

I personally don't eat cake or any junk but I have yet to add vegetables to my diet (except for a few baby carrots).

All of my friends think I'm pretty weird for not eating chocolate cake or drinking anything but water (every now and again I'll have something at parties but I drink very very little). They don't think that I should be on a diet when I'm only 16. I don't know but do you all think that it's unhealthy (in that maybe I'm being a bit obsessive) to abstain from ANY junk? One guy at my gym who taught me correct form for many of my exercises doesn't approve of me dieting either. What do you think?

[b said:
Quote[/b] (sean @ Mar. 02 2003,12:21)]Also, you may want to cut down on the amount of cake and coke that you take in because I think you're gaining as much fat as muscle.
66.1 x 12.5% = 57.84
68.1 x 13.5% = 58.91 a gain of 1.07kg LBM and 0.93kg FM

Its not a good gain, so the first place you should look at reducing calories is in non-nutrient dense foods. ie processed/junk etc
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I personally don't eat cake or any junk but I have yet to add vegetables to my diet (except for a few baby carrots).
All of my friends think I'm pretty weird for not eating chocolate cake or drinking anything but water (every now and again I'll have something at parties but I drink very very little). They don't think that I should be on a diet when I'm only 16.
I would say you are looking at life thru the bodybuilding paradigm. I wouldnt say thats good for many people. Unless you are truely thinking on making this your life, then being too extreme can lead to hassles later in life. For all means eat veges over cake and drink water over coke, but you also have to have a life. Ive met far too many people who are trying to be as hardcore as possible and end up living a miserable life.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I don't know but do you all think that it's unhealthy (in that maybe I'm being a bit obsessive) to abstain from ANY junk? One guy at my gym who taught me correct form for many of my exercises doesn't approve of me dieting either. What do you think?
Diet and living well are two seperate things. By all means eat lean meats, fruits veges and good fats, because that is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Eating a small amount of junk can be mentally satisfying and make little difference to overall gains and bodyfat.
Bodybuilders on a whole tend to be very obsessive (not trying to be mean, its just a personal view), about lifestyle, diet, training etc. Im sure some of their lives would be a lot easier if they werent worried about getting 32.169g protein and low gi carbs with fishoils everymeal, along with training 39.2minutes cos any more will cause a rise in cortisol, and only 2.9mins of cardio cos it will make me lose muscle and I cant drink that coke cos it will turn me into an obese monster, ive got to have my mix of 0.4g/kg whey hydroslate with 0.8g carbs and some BCAAs post workout or I will die, and I cant miss my eca cos I will grow fat at an absurb rate, and god forbid i ever let any soy past my mouth cos it will make me grow man breasts....
I'm interested you say that my gains aren't good, maybe perhaps in terms of numbers you are right, but then i'm not sure how accurate that bf measurement is - dodgy scales you see. I agree nearly a kg of fat is bad, but looking in the mirror, theres no way i have put that on - I blame the scales!
Anyhow regardless of that, you're right re junk calories.
Well, on with my first week of 10s....
One way you might approach this is to think of a "base" diet and the "extras".

Start with a good base diet composed of healthy unprocessed foods. This should meet your BMR in calories and 1gm/pound bodyweight of protein. You should eat your base diet foods everyday without fail (within reason of course).

The extras are foods that are perhaps "junk" but are really just carbs. Chocolate cake for example (no frosting) would be fine for added carbs...expesially after a workout or something. Don't eat more than 250-500 calories of junk per day and you'll be fine.

My point is, don't incoporate junk into your diet plan per say. Instead, "allow" room for some extra calories in whatever form you like, AFTER your base diet is established and adhered to everyday.

Just my 2 cents. :D
i'll be back on the chocolate cake tomorrow then!!
nah only joking, i reckon i need to cut back by just about one slice of chocolate cakes worth of calories a day...