i find it extremely hard to wake up in the morning even after 8 hours sleep. i seem to need 9-10 hrs, i never needed this before can anyone help with this?
Can you attribute this need for more slumber to anything?
Has work/school/life been more stressful than usual? Are you in a heavier phase of training? Have you been cutting calories?
If you can't put your finger on anything, a sudden need for more rest can indicate the early onset of illness.
Is this something only you experience? How about others in your household? Not to be paranoid here but perhaps, the water or air in your region is being tampered with?
Are the seasons changing where you are?
Let's see if we can find a probably cause to this situation.
work isn't too bad, just moved into a new flat in dec, i have up'd my water intake cause the water in this building is great (weird i know), only started training again for the last 2 weeks and before had like 2 months off and more. calories im not sure, it is something i want to try and work out and we are in winter just now, was gonna say cant wait for summer, but we hardly get one, scotlands not the hottest of places.
Perhaps, the rigors of training is catching up with you. Or then again, the lack of sunlight due to winter is affecting your sleep patterns. And the water.... how is it great? Are you sure the water isn't being fortified with Prozac or something along those lines?
See if sleeping early helps this need for more rest. Brace yourself though - 9/10 times, the preliminary onset of illness is marked by increased fatigue and need for more sleep.
i have been feeling lathargic, went to the doc's got blood tests and they said everything was fine. donno bout water, i just mean that i am enjoying the water in this building, tastes better than water at parents house.
my training only last 45mins or so and it is only weights that aren't even pushing my limits yet, im taking it slow due to the time off i had.
the tiredness has been getting better during the day since i started training again
Could be just the time of year -- doesn't it get dark around 8 PM in Scotland? I'd want to hibernate too. Plus if you just started HST maybe you are just in need of more rest and more food. Nothing wrong with sleeping 9 to 10 hours if you feel good during the day.