Casein in the UK


New Member
Im trying to save a few £££'s by mixing my own pre- and post-workout supplements from whey, casein, flax, dextrose and maltodextrin.

Ive decided upon a mix of whey and maltodextrin pre-workout, and whey, casein, flax and dextrose post-workout. Would this be ideal?

Im getting dextrose and maltodextrin from a homebrew shop near me, and I bulk buy whey from which works out nearly half the price of a WPC in the shops (£20 for 5lb tub). Flax is coming from a high street store.

I still need a good cheap supply of casein. Does anyone know where I can buy cheap casein in the UK? (Caseinate will do if its loads cheaper than micellar). Ive looked at importing it from the US via the protein factory, but after import duty, postage and VAT it ends up no cheaper than it is here!

You guys in the US have got it so easy when it comes to protein and supplements!! Protein costs a fortune here in the UK (and not just the supplements) - the cheapest you can find fresh chicken breast fillets in the supermarket is about £6/kilo (~$4.50/lb). Its so not fair!! :mad: :mad:
check out
they supply reflex micellar casein for just under £20 for 1kg. Pricey compared to what your currently paying for whey, but thats the best deal ive seen around. I havent tried it though so i can really comment....ive tried reflex whey which is decent.
Hi mate,

I know, UK is a b*gger isn't it!

I recently starting getting my whey and maltodextrin plus creatine from aviform all of which I think are very good products and good value - check out the website if you want ( and ignore the animal products!

As for casein - I don't use it, I want a fast acting protein in my post workout drink and then have a whole food meal with len protein an hour later. The only time I would be interested in casin is before bed but I already have a shake for brekky so 4 shakes in one day is a bit much.

However, I know Holland and Barrett do a egg and milk protein supplement but I'd have thought affordbalesupplements is your best bet for a cheap one.

How good is the whey you're using? aviform is £40 for 3kg so yours sounds quite a bit cheaper
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How good is the whey you're using? aviform is £40 for 3kg so yours sounds quite a bit cheaper
I know - I got them to send me a sample label before I ordered so I could check the amino acid profile against what I was using (Prolab Pure Whey - cheapest here was £32 for 5lb). It checked out so i got some. Ive been using it for some time now with no complaints...

Edit: Ive just checked the aviform site - the whey they sell is isolate, which is dearer than concentrate anyway. Also, their maltodextrin is expensive. Look at for your nearest home brew supplier - I can get pure maltodextrin from mine for £1.25/500g, which works out at half their price.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Pauly @ June 18 2003,2:34)]
Ok I'm seriously not happy about that maltodextrin price, I thought I was getting it cheap! Thanks for the advice, I'll have a look

I realise the whey is isloate, I compared it by price to gram of protein to the one i was using and it was cheaper despite that one being on half price. Might check out this other one tho, could do with something with a bit more taste now and then :D
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]How about just using cottage cheese for casein?

What about the carb content of cottage cheese? Isnt it in the form of lactose, which Im trying to avoid? Anyone have the nutrtional info on cottage cheese (including what types of carbs and protein constitute the advertised totals)? Thanks in advance...

Cottage cheese should be 10-15% protein, 3% carbs, 0-20% fat (normal cc is 20, but there are many low/zero fat varieties).

Lactose in cheese usually is so little that doesn't cause any problems to lactose intolerant people. Most of it has been broken down (fermented into lactic acid). Same with yogurt.
but gram for gram of protein, im pretty sure that £20/kg of casein (80% protein) works out cheaper than a kg of 15% cottage cheese.....

tesco plain bog-standard cottage cheese= £0.75/300g

15/100 * 300 = 45g protein
45g protein= £0.75

1000g/45g= 22.2
22.2*0.75= £16.6 per kilo protein

Ok so cottage cheese is a bit cheeper. But its less conveinient.

if you are willing to eat cottage cheese, then why not simply go with egg whites which are about as cheap as you can get and are slow digesting.

Tesco saver eggs box of 15 = £1
each egg white ~ 6g protein
15*6= 90g protein/£1

1000g/90g= 11.1
11.1*1= £11.1 per kilo protein

Good idea about the egg whites - but I have a hard time stomaching any large amount of eggs on any kind of regular basis. Plus theres the hassle of cooking them (and then doing the washing up! ). Guess Ill keep looking for some casein...


I was wondering, is your name meant to be like Rob EFC? Just a hunch?! Please tell me youre not a blue!! You lose all respect and credibility instantly haha!!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Pauly @ June 20 2003,10:23)]Robefc,
I was wondering, is your name meant to be like Rob EFC? Just a hunch?! Please tell me youre not a blue!! You lose all respect and credibility instantly haha!!
the moyesiah


thats what I'd be doing if i saw either of them - that snwer your question?! :D

You're the first person to pick up on that but then this is mainly an american board

You're not a paid up member of fooliers mob are you!?

incidentally, if the cottage cheese facts above are correct whats the other 60-80% made up of?!
I seem to remember a certain B. Shankly Esquire saying something along the lines of there being two great football teams on merseyside - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves!! Never a truer word...
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Pauly @ June 20 2003,12:48)]I seem to remember a certain B. Shankly Esquire saying something along the lines of there being two great football teams on merseyside - Liverpool and Liverpool reserves!! Never a truer word...
I think houillier agrees too given that he seems to buy a lot of players who are of reserve quality!

you're getting worse, we're getting better, we have the best young manager and the best young player nd we'll be sure to wave as we pass you on the way up :D

oops forgot, this isn't a footy forum is it - come to bbc 606! and let me know if you find any casein in the meantime!
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Good idea about the egg whites - but I have a hard time stomaching any large amount of eggs on any kind of regular basis. Plus theres the hassle of cooking them (and then doing the washing up! ). Guess Ill keep looking for some casein...

If you look around different supermarkets you should find bottled pasteurized egg whites; when you are short on time you can cook them simply putting them in a cup and microwaving for about 2 mins.
first game of the season mate - rooney's going to get ya again!

I was at goodison last year...pure bliss! sorry for ending your unbeaten run :D