Cheap training

nkl: yes, *2 means two sets, though I think I mentioned in post 7 that I'm skipping 15's, meaning that I've done 10-reps so far. Sorry for the confusing "notation".  

Well well, guess what? I'm getting sick - sore throat and sneezing. This usually happens to me toward the end of the cycle, but now just at the end of the second week. I guess lifting every day has been a little too CNS-taxing for me. I'll take it easy today and tomorrow and see how I feel on tuesday.

So summary of first bulking week:
From 66.0kg to 69kg
From 10.4% to 12.7%
If my scale is measuring bf correctly, I REALLY need to eat less on the bulking week. Up more than 2% in one week is just insane.

And WOOHOOO, 100:th post!  

Take it easy everyone!
This really sucks. My soar throat has developed into a fullblown cold, fever and everything. We'll see how long it stays. If I have to rest more than a week, I'm starting over with the entire cycle. In the meantime, I just have to focus on getting enough calories in my system (appetite certainly isn't what it should be right now).

I really enjoyed going to the gym every day though. Of course, it is possible that getting sick has nothing to do with "weakening" the CNS in this case. You never know - so maybe I'll continue doing it when this cold is over anyway.

Cheers from a disappointed Minime
Too bad about the cold! I heard the flu was early in Sweden this year and aggressive too. I hope you didn't catch that one!  

Get well soon, you hear!
Thanks nkl!

Feeling a little better now, actually had a pizza and some coke today. That'll make me better!
My plan is to be back in the gym by friday, meaning six days off in total.

Back to drinking ginger-tea and watching Southpark!

Haven't started lifting. Still having that stupid cold. It gets better and then it gets worse.

What would you guys recommend - is it okay to go back even though I still have a cough, and my throat is still a little sore? Or would I be compromising recovery?

So, I started over with the cycle, and in the process adjusted some of the weights.

Here is wednesday's workout (10reps for 2 sets):
Deadlift 55kg
Dumbbell bench press 16kg
Bent over row 35kg
OH press 20kg

Today's workout (10reps, 3 sets):
Squat 50kg
Dumbbell bench press 16kg
Bent over row 40kg
OH press 20kg

Currently in cuttingweek, but I have to admit I haven't been very strict with counting calories. Definitly in a deficit though. Yesterday I also did some pre-breakfast cardio in the form of a brisk 30-minutewalk.

Cheers everyone!
Went back to the gym yesterday, but I didn't start over again.

(2 sets of 10)
Deadlift 65kg
Dumbbell bench press 19kg
OH press 25kg
Chinups BW

I'm having the worst of luck healthwise, but now I hope I'm more stable.

Another workout:

(two sets of ten reps)
Squat 60kg
Standig calf raise 80kg
Dumbbell bench press 19kg
Bent over row 45kg
OH press 25 kg
Hope you recover ok. Being sick really taxes your strenght and stamina. Make sure you eat enough so the body can coupe with the stress, esp. while training.
Hey everyone!

I've been really lousy at updating this log the last few weeks. I can say this though: training is going swimmingly right now, even though the frequency is suffering a little from a very high load of studies - some days there just isn't enough time to go to the gym. I f***ed up my statistics-course (overestimated my math skills), so now I'm studying both statistics and law at full speed, at the same time.

Anyway - I adjusted my caloric intakes down a bit, and I'm really leaning out good, while keeping muscle! Will try to be better at logging from now on.

...and a month later, a new post. I suck at consistent logging apparently. Well well, we have some troubleshooting to take care of.

Finished my last last cycle two weeks short because of another cold. Now it's been two weeks SD, and I started again yesterday. And guess what? I'm getting sick again. That counts four (five?) during the last two months. It seems to be completely impossible for me to train! Whenever I'm consistent with my training, I get sick! So why is this? I've been to the doctor, he couldn't say anything, and apparently I don't have any deficiencies or other problems that could be spotted through a blood sample.

Could a shitload of glutamine be a possible help? Perhaps my looming insomnia (keeps coming back now and then - I sort of cycle through a phase of being awake 20-22 hours a day and a phase of sleeping 12-16 hours, every other week or so) is the root of the problem? Chemical sleeping aid? I've tried the "natural" over-the-counter ones, they don't work at all. My life is otherwise problem free, I'm happy as... I don't know, are butterflies happy? A butterfly then.
No excessive stress that could be breaking down my immunesystem that I can see, nutrition is if not flawless, then at least not bad. I don't train with excessive volume, and I feel good and energized instead of worn and tired after the workouts - no problems there. But I keep getting sick all the time.

Any ideas from the brilliant minds here?

We'll see how this cold develops - so far just a heck of a soar throat and maybe some mild fever. That's always how it starts... If I feel better in a few days I'll start over again with this cycle.

(Minime @ Dec. 09 2008,1:48)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Any ideas from the brilliant minds here?  
Ambien, valerian root, melatonin, taken with a glass of warm milk -- and no caffeine!!

As you begin to get a better hold of your sleep cycle, you can begin to drop out such sleeping aids one at a time.

Poor sleep patterns will rob your health and stymie your growth.

Alternatively, you could always start a Fight Club...
Yeah, so far I've only been watching MMA, actually beating the crap out of/getting the crap beaten out of is an obvious solution!

I've tried valerian root - did nothing for me. Melatonin is illegal in sweden I think. Ambien I've never heard about but I'll look it up. I do drink warm milk, certainly helps to calm down a bit, but doesn't seem to get me over the &quot;edge&quot;. I avoid caffeine after mid-day (I rarely drink coffee, what I do drink sometimes is tea or an occasional coke with dinner).

I'll give the valerian root another try, I think there is a stronger version available than the one I tried. Otherwise, Fight Club it is! Who wants to join me?

EDIT: Some red wines supposedly contain high doses of melatonin. Perhaps a glass of wine before bedtime now and then could be an extra &quot;nudge&quot;.
Okay, so here is the deal. I've been diagnosed with an &quot;unidentified viral infection&quot;, and been put on cortical steroids, fenoximethylpenicillin and antihistamines. Good to finally have somewhat of an answer to why I've been getting sick so easily, even though it's not much of an answer. The question is, is it okay for me to still go to the gym considering the cortical steroids? Or should I skip it until I stop taking it (will only take for a week)?

Maybe som doc here can help.
Noone? Come to think of it, I might as well take some time off over christmas to recover properly, let my system rest a little.
(Minime @ Dec. 18 2008,4:57)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Noone? Come to think of it, I might as well take some time off over christmas to recover properly, let my system rest a little.</div>
I suggest taking time off until this virus clears your system. I wish you good health over the new year, and may you have a Merry Christmas!
Thanks Colby, that's the way it'll be. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you and all the other fine people in this forum!
