Could anybody explain me?

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I have a question.
What Bryan and Blade think about your cutting workouts?
Do they still watch this forum?
As you probably know they are training with greater volume than you suggest and they do arm exercises.
In case of volume FAQ tells us to do as much as you can but without overtraining.
I noticed that since I have cut my workout my progress stoped

So maybe you are wrong?
a.) WHOSE cutting workouts?
b.) Bryan pops in occasionally; he's a busy guy I hear.
c.) overtraining depends upon the individual
d.) you said you cut your workout. Did you mean you are doing a cutting phase, or
less exersizes, or just finished doing a cut? I think we have an english problem here. More details needed or no one can help.
Obviously if you cut back your volume and your progress has stalled, then you should increase volume. I don't know who you have been talking to, but everyone I know on this site has always insisted that volume is a personal thing - some people need more, some need less - and you should figure out what works for you with regards to volume.
Arm work - that is debatable. The consensus seems to be that you should focus on compounds first, and then throw in the arm work very last IF you need it. Obviously Bryan is quite an advanced lifter and Blade is an enormous bodybuilder, they are probably much more conditioned than you, so I'm sure they need arm work just to at least maintain their arms, much less to get any growth.
Bottom line - if curls are a major part of your workout but you aren't capable of deadlifting at least twice your bodyweight, then maybe you should start focusing on the major compounds a little more. Curls aren't evil, but they shouldn't be part of your core exercies. They should be in your workout moreso to finish off your arms after you've already hit them with deadlifts, rows, bench, chins, etc.
What is your routine right now? How many sets, etc? Maybe we can help you figure out what you need to do. Personally, if you want higher volume, I prefer to do splits, like a push/pull split or upper/lower, etc.

And remember, as always, your diet needs to be in check too. If you are bulking, you aren't going to make much progress (if any) if you are not eating enough. If you are cutting and not losing any weight, then you are eating too much.
Yes I'm not good in english but meybe it will not be a problem.

After what I have read here I decided to do:

1. DL/Squat
2. Dips/Bench.
3. Chins/Rows.
4. Clean and Press.

Volume 1s-15, 2s-10, 3s-5.
After this workout my arms from 16,9 in goes to 16,1 in.
Than I increase volume and done 2s-15,3s10 and 5s-5.
Nothing changed except that the workout was boring and exhausting.

I remember my best results was on something like this (It was one of my first HST cycle):

1. DL/Squat x2.
2. Bench press x2.
3. Chins x2.
4. Incline bench x1.
5. Rows x1.
6. Barbell press x2.
7. Curls x2.
8. French press x2.

I was doing 2 sets in all minicycles so volume decrease.
What do you suggest?
How much weight are you moving in each of those lifts? I don't think it is necessary to alternate until you are moving twice your weight in deadlifts, at least bodyweight in bench and rows. Otherwise you can just do them all together.
Did you gain weight or lose weight? How much were you eating?
My bodyweigt is aprox 191.
I have 73 in. height.

Bench 5 RM - 163
Rows 5 RM - 159
DL 5RM - 180 (I have just started this exercise so the weight is not impressive)

I eat 3 times per day (meybe here is problem).
This doesn't exactly address all dziewul's questions, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew that I very much care about the community here. It's true, I am extremely busy...spent a day with Jay Cutler here in the office this past week... man is he big...anyway, but I still watch this board to ensure that it remains the best place for information on HST and other training principles.

Thanks Bryan

You and HST have a lot of fans in Poland.

P.S. Remember me to Jay Cutler please.
(Bryan Haycock @ Dec. 28 2006,16:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This doesn't exactly address all dziewul's questions, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew that I very much care about the community here. It's true, I am extremely busy...spent a day with Jay Cutler here in the office this past week... man is he big...anyway, but I still watch this board to ensure that it remains the best place for information on HST and other training principles.

Does this mean Jay Cutler is training or going to train HST style?
(Maximuscrates @ Dec. 28 2006,18:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Bryan Haycock @ Dec. 28 2006,16:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">This doesn't exactly address all dziewul's questions, but I wanted to make sure everyone knew that I very much care about the community here. It's true, I am extremely busy...spent a day with Jay Cutler here in the office this past week... man is he big...anyway, but I still watch this board to ensure that it remains the best place for information on HST and other training principles.

Does this mean Jay Cutler is training or going to train HST style?</div>
I doubt that!
(Totentanz @ Dec. 28 2006,12:00)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Obviously if you cut back your volume and your progress has stalled, then you should increase volume.  I don't know who you have been talking to, but everyone I know on this site has always insisted that volume is a personal thing - some people need more, some need less - and you should figure out what works for you with regards to volume.
Arm work - that is debatable.  The consensus seems to be that you should focus on compounds first, and then throw in the arm work very last IF you need it.  Obviously Bryan is quite an advanced lifter and Blade is an enormous bodybuilder, they are probably much more conditioned than you, so I'm sure they need arm work just to at least maintain their arms, much less to get any growth.
Bottom line - if curls are a major part of your workout but you aren't capable of deadlifting at least twice your bodyweight, then maybe you should start focusing on the major compounds a little more.  Curls aren't evil, but they shouldn't be part of your core exercies.  They should be in your workout moreso to finish off your arms after you've already hit them with deadlifts, rows, bench, chins, etc.</div>
This is probably one of the best posts I have seen here in years.

Tot, hit the nail on the head.

It hard for younger guys to understand this principal.

I too was one of the guys who use to train Chest every week no matter what. I trained biceps before back and well if I had any free time I would maybe do legs.

Man I had the passion for the sport but I had it all backwards.

As Tot said stick to the basics then throw in some iso if need be.

Personally I think that if you will take Squat, Deads, Rows, Chins, and bench as well as dips.

And try to improve on them areas with strenght.

You will be right on track.
I think you probably need to eat more. Have you been gaining weight? If your progress has stalled, you aren't getting stronger in your lifts or growing, then you probably aren't eating enough... eat more, count calories or at least estimate them, then keep hitting those compounds and once you start getting stronger in all those lifts, then you should start growing again.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Personally I think that if you will take Squat, Deads, Rows, Chins, and bench as well as dips.

And try to improve on them areas with strenght.

You will be right on track. </div>
Haha, Joe, you keep saying chins, but I know you mean pullups!

Funny how I've been through all those iso routines (newbie), went to compounds and specific iso's (MuscleNow) , then to fullbody with some iso's (HST), and now to compounds with once weekly iso's to grow (5x5). I guess next it's just compounds?

Dr.Pierre suggested that I try the 10x3 routines next; I'll do that, but doubtful for smaller muscle groups.
Thanks for reply.
The point of my question is that maybe it is all good in theory but we live in real world and doing only 3-4 compound exercises may not be sufficient.
Sorry I'm asking but is there anybody on this forum who has 18 in. arms doing only compound movements?
After doing only multijoint exercises my arms decrease (with the same diet).
Why Bryan has never suggested &quot;only compound&quot; routine on site here and in FAQ?

Meybe after several years training and 2 years HST my arms need some iso working.
Anyway HST is the best system I have ever trained.
Thanks for your advice.
Actually I agree with you. (I was kidding around last post) I'll always do arms at least to maintain them, but not as frequently as I did before. I find that too many sets for a small muscle that is also working at other things can actually shrink it. Some of the powerlifters actually have very large arms without doing iso's, but some of that mass is fat, of course. I believe that as BB'ers we take in a balance between power and sculpting. Too much power work and we get fat, too much sculpting and we don't gain mass. (stereotypically)
I've done one workout now for the 5x5, starting at around 85% for squats, incline D/B presses, and T-bar rows and am a bit suprised to find myself a little sore from it two days later. But I'll still add in the arm work on friday, and I will hit them hard, since it's only once per week and there are two days recovery for them. This will be the first time I've done a routine without arms during the week, so it will be interesting to see what happens.
I dont seem to get enough bicep stimulation from compounds even if I am doing underhand grip on deads, chins, and BB Row. Without some kind of curl exercise my biceps decrease in size and, possibly, strength. I say possibly becauase the difference is pretty minor. However they pop right back up after I add the exercise back in. Some people will find they need to add in an isolation on certain body parts. For me its biceps. For others its triceps, pecs, calfs, or whatever.
If arms are a big concern for you, then by all means add them.
The reason we advocate doing only 5-6 compound exercises, is because you can really focus on increasing your lifts. And these major compound movements will put alot of mass on your thighs, back, chest and shoulders....which is the base of a massive physique. I am going to add some direct arm work in my next cycle also, just to see how big I can get them. But the last three cycles all I wanted was mass on my torso and thighs, so I did only basic compounds...squats, rows, dips, chins, presses, etc.
You helped me very much.
I'll add some arm work.
Happy New Year.
(Totentanz @ Dec. 28 2006,21:07)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think you probably need to eat more.  Have you been gaining weight?  If your progress has stalled, you aren't getting stronger in your lifts or growing, then you probably aren't eating enough...  eat more, count calories or at least estimate them, then keep hitting those compounds and once you start getting stronger in all those lifts, then you should start growing again.</div>
For those not growing, this is usually the answer.